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Amy's pov

I woke up making breakfast for Step-mother, as I was heading up the steps she was coming down.

"Amy, I need you to clean my dress. Some weirdo was running in the castle and ran right into me knocking my wine all over my dress."

"Will do," I said biting the inside of my cheek, whoops!

"You better get the stain out, I want to wear that dress again."

"I will work on it as soon as everyone is fed."

She sat down at the table as I served her, Gabbi and Sarah rushed down the steps with last night's make up still on.

"How do we get this off?" Sarah snapped.

"Water and soap," I said smiling.

"Don't be a smart ass!" this time it was Gabbi who snapped.

"I am not, that is how you get makeup off." I glared at them.

"They are just upset because the Prince picked another girl who ran away from him," Step-mother said then drank her coffee.

"She ran away?" I acted shocked.

"Yes, he took her for a walk then ran away from him. He followed her down the steps, but she took off."

"Such a stupid girl," Sarah said.

"Who would turn down a chance to be with a prince?" Gabbi asked.

"Well, now that she is gone, that means you both have another chance with him. He is hosting another ball in a few weeks. He wants to see if she returns. He has the shoes that she left when she fell down the steps. Everyone is to attend this ball, even you." She looked at me.

"I never been to a ball, why does he want me?"

"Every female must go, so now you need to make the girls both new dresses and clean mine. I will give you some money for your dress but, you are to work on it last and it can not look better than your sisters."

"How long do I have on them?" I asked.

"Two weeks."

"After breakfast, I will start on your dress then go down and get more fabric."

"Very well."

I need to talk to Mrs. Tess, there is no way I can go. He will know it is me. I should have talked differently. Maybe I can fake being sick the day of the ball and not go?

After everything was cleaned up Step-mother gave me another stack of money to go to the fabric store. I have no idea where she keeps getting all of this money.

"Amy! Get back here now!" Mrs. Tess said as I walked into her shop.

"Mrs. Tess, I am scared," I said when we reached the back of her shop.

"I know honey, I heard that he wants every female to attend."

"He is going to know it was me."

She held on to me as I cried into her shoulder.

"We will find something, maybe I can make you look like you have a rash and you can stay home? No one will want to be around you."

"Could you? I don't think I could face him, I had to hide this."

I showed her the bruise he left on my arm last night when I was trying to get away from him.

"I will find something, but right now we need to act like you are going. I have some more fabric for each other your messed-up family."

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