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Mark's pov

"Young prince, you need to know these things for when you take over," Gillian said as he walked over to me.

"We have gone over these war tactics for three days now. I know these moves in my sleep."

"Good, you will need to remember them for the rest of your life."

"Will do. Now, may I go? I am getting a headache."

"Very well."

I rushed out of the room heading to freedom, I hate being stuck in this castle. Yeah, it's big and fancy but I am more of a people person.

"Son." My mother stopped me.

"Good afternoon mother, how are you?" I asked walking over to her.

"Very well, how were your studies?"

"The same things that we have been going over for three days now."

"I will speak to your father about that."

"Thank you."

"How is the search for your queen going?"

"Horrible, none of these girls are who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to have a happy real marriage like you and dad. Not a fake one just for the sake of the kingdom."

"You still have time, don't stress out too much about it. That's how you get gray hairs." She laughed.

"Thanks, mom."

"Now, you take Blackjack out for a ride, you always seem like your in a better headspace when you come back from a ride with him."

I gave her a hug then headed to the stables.

As soon as I got close to Blackjack, he started to make lots of noises. He is ready to go for a run.

"Let's go, boy, I need to get some fresh air and you look like you need to run."

I petted him for a little to calm him down then I saddled him up.

"Let's go, boy," I said as I hopped on his back.

We took off away from town, I need to be away from people at the moment. Blackjack knew exactly where I want to go and nothing is stopping him from taking me there. It didn't take long for us to get away from the kingdom, we cut through the heavily wooded forest and jumped over the river. Blackjack was having the time of his life running free like this. Once we got to the field he stopped and let me off of him.

"Good boy." I rubbed his back.

He walked over to the stream and got some water as I walked over to the huge rock and sat on it.

I closed my eyes and felt the breeze flow through my hair. When I become king, I will not be able to come out here alone. I will have guards up my ass watching my every move.

Blackjack started to sniff at something.

"Blackjack, this is supposed to be relaxing. What are you hunting?" I jumped off of the rock and walked over to him.

"Please. Don't hurt me." A small voice said as I walked closer.

"Who goes there? Explain yourself." I made my voice strong.

The trees started to move as someone came out of it.

"Who are you?" I asked:

"Please don't hurt me. I need to hide. He wants to do unspeakable things to me." Her eyes were bloodshot with dirt all over her face. her long red dress has torn all down it. Her hair had branches and leaves in it as well."

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