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Amy's pov

I looked at Mark who was lost.

"A healer?" He asked.

"Son, there are somethings that we didn't tell you. There are other things in this world then what we all can see." She sat down next to us. "One of those things is magic."

"Magic?" he looked at me.

"I am new to all of this, I didn't even know I had magic powers," I said

"Amy, you are a special kind, there are not many healers left in this horrible world. The real reason we were just attacked is that they found out that Amy is here. They know who you really are, and they want her in their kingdom."

"Why me?"

I felt Mark's arm tighten around me.

"They want you to be their healer, they know that you don't want to be with them, so they want to kidnap you and force you."

"No," Mark said stern. "No one must know about her powers. Amy." He looked up at me. "I will not force you to use your powers on anyone."

I nodded my head yes, "I don't even know how to use them."

"That will come in time." His mom said.

"How did you know I used it?" I looked at her.

"I was once a healer, but I gave it up when they were dying left and right. I was pregnant with Mark; the other Kingdoms didn't care about that. All they wanted was all of the healer's dead."

"How did you give it up?" Mark asked.

"I traded powers, it hurt like hell, but it meant that I was able to keep you safe."

"What is your power now?"

"I am a teacher, I help others learn and control their powers."

"That is how you were able to see that I have powers," I said.

"Yes, but, since no one is to know that you are a healer. Mark you will have to act like you are still hurt. Just for a few days."

He nodded his head yes, "Whatever I need to do to protect Amy, I will do."

"Amy we will go over some training later, right now try to lay low."

I nodded my head yes.

"Does dad know?" Mark asked.

"I just told him, he has agreed to keep Amy here. No one will hurt her."

"How did they find out about me?" I asked.

"I have a feeling that your step-mother knows the truth, she must have told."

"How is that going to make her royal?" I asked.

"There is a high price on your head right now, if they get you alive there is an even higher price. Any information on you is worth a lot of money."

"Money equals power," I said low.

"Yes, and with the amount of money that is on your head. She will be no doubt royal."

I buried my face into Mark's chest, he wrapped both arms around me protecting me.

"I want extra guards at all of the entries," Mark said.

"They are already on their way."

"Thank you, no one must know. If they were willing to kill before, they will do it again."

"What about all the people who got hurt?" I looked up at him, "They all got hurt because of me. I don't want that. I never wanted anyone to get hurt or die because of me." I felt the tears starting up again.

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