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Amy's pov

"LOOK WHAT CAME IN THE MAIL!" Gabbi screamed as she snatched the mail out of my hands.

"What is it?" Sarah asked.

"It's a letter from the King!"

Step mother snatched the letter from Gabbi and read it.

"AMY! You need to make three dresses, one for me and one for each of your step sisters. We have been invited to the ball."

"How long do I have to make them?"

"One week."

"I will need new fabrics and more string. I used the rest of them patching up Sarah's hats."

"Very well, I will give you money. You are to buy whatever looks expensive and they are too look worthy enough to be the new queens. I want the prince to fight over them."

No amount of fabric can make them look good enough for the prince to even glance at them.

"Will do, I will go today."

"You will go right now! Once everyone else sees this letter they will be in the market looking to buy everything."

She handed me a wad of cash.

"Spend it all!" She said.

I grabbed my bag then rushed to the market in the village, step mom was right, everyone was out trying to get all dress up for this ball.

"Amy! I had a feeling I would be seeing you." Mrs. Tess said as I walked in.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Tess, yes Step mother wants me to make three dresses."

"Come with me, I saved some stuff in the back for you."

"Thank you so much!" I walked into the back with her.

"How are you?"

"I am okay."

"No, you are not. Amy, I have known you since before you were born."

"Step monster."

"I wish there is a way I could get you away from her."

"You tried, remember the fight?"

"How could I forget! She almost bit my arm."

"She did bite you."

"Ladies don't bite."

"She is not a lady," I muttered as we reached the hidden pile.

"I think Gabbi would like this pink, Sarah would look good in this yellowish-golden tone dress." She held up the two fabrics showing me the colors.

"And for Step monster?"

"Black like her heart, but she would be upset so how about this sliver?" she pointed to a sliver on the back of the table.

"Perfect! Mrs. Tess, you are a lifesaver!"

"Now, we got to work on your dress, I am thinking this sky-blue color." She dug through the fabrics.

"I am not going."

"What?" She looked at me shocked.

"Step monster is not going to let me go."

"Amy, you have done everything she wants you to do, it is time for you to branch out and have some fun."

"There is no way I am going to be able to go, she is going to give me a list of chores like she normally does."

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