Christmas Cookies - Kiibo x Miu

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This is kinda going to be a play off what happened in the 'I Like You' game one-shot of them, only a little longer. This will be in normal Hope's Peak Academy without the Killing Game. I hope you enjoy!


  Kiibo had talked to Kirumi, who had tried to create a robot-friendly cookie but had failed and ended up sending him back to Miu for repairs. All he wanted to do was eat the others. He then went to Teruteru, who was applied by the idea of putting metal in food. Despite Chisa and Kazuichi's best efforts, they weren't able to create anything either.

  Kiibo didn't want to bother her with this but she was the only other person he could think of. Knocking on her lab door for the third time that day, Miu opened her door with a slightly annoyed look on her face.

  "What do you need now? Another filter out,  geez! You'd think it wasn't food in there!"

  Puzzled about her remark, the robot brushed it aside, "Can you make cookies that I can eat?"

  "Why would I wasted my precious time on something like that? It doesn't even help you sleep."

  "I've tried talking to the other cooks, even Kazuichi."

  "Those dumb fucks don't know anything." Miu muttered, retreating into her lab, "Fine! I'll do it, happy?"

  "Thank you Miu."

  "U-umm... y-yeah, yeah! Now get out!" Miu faltered for a moment before ordering him out of her lab. Now he just had to wait until they were ready.


  Kiibo was called down to Miu's lab the next morning. When he opened the door, he found her tinkering away at something on her table with weird arms on every side.

  "Hello, Miu." He greeted.

  "Finally, you're late." She snapped, making Kiibo put his hands up in surrender.

  "Anyway, here they are. They don't help you sleep but aside from that they're my best work." She boasted, showing Kiibo a plate of chocolate chip cookies, "I got Teruteru to help me with the taste."

  Kiibo felt a sharp stab in his chest, it made him anxious to hear Miu say that. Mix and Teruteru have met before and he was sure he wasn't only in thinking they didn't meet up more often.

  "Can you eat them to?"

  "Yep!" Miu grabbed a cookie from the platter and shoved one end into the robot's mouth with a smirk. Before Kiibo could even process what was happening, Miu bite the other end of the cookie, purposefully brushing her lips against his. Kiibo blushed, which was strange considering he was a robot.

  Miu pulled away smiling, "How's it taste?" She said slowly, her eyes half lidded.

  "They taste great..." Kiibo was still somewhat dazed, his eyes showing loading symbols.


  I hope you like this one, it was really bad since I don't really write these two characters. Have a great day, bye~onara!

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