Some Scars Can't Be Seen - Scars (3)

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  I thought I was going to leave it off last time but you guys wanted to see another part, so here we go. 


  A few days had passed since Kokichi and Shuichi started dating, and it was one of the happiest days of Shuichi's life. Kokichi was putting in even more effort to stop Shuichi's cutting problem, however, the cutting only seemed to be getting worse. The couple was now sitting on the couch, watching a movie. Kokichi was curled under Shuichi's shoulder, his arm wrapped around the purple haired leader while playing with his soft hair.

  The detective had gotten used to wearing short sleeves around Kokichi despite the worried looks he received from the lair. The purple haired boy nuzzled his head against his side as he debated on whether or not bring up the subject he had been meaning to ask about.

  "Shuichi?" Kokichi decided to risk it.

  Shuichi hummed as he pulled away from the Panta-loving boy.

  "I know you've... still been cutting..." Kokichi started carefully, watching for the navy haired male's reaction.

  Shuichi looked away from the leader, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

  "You can't lie to me, Shuichi." Kokichi smiled as he took Shuichi's arm and traced his index finger along a fresh cut, "I have eyes you know."

  "I-I know... and I'm trying. It's just... hard." Shuichi whispered, averting his gaze from the ungly scars along his arms.

  "I want to help you, but I need you to stop hurting yourself. Just come to me instead, okay?" Kokichi smiled his signature grin, and giggled as Shuichi blushed softly.

  "It not that easy..." Shuichi said gently, turning back to look at Kokichi.

  "Of course it is, just don't touch a knife." Kokichi said, just a bit insensitive.


  "No, I care about you. I don't want you doing this--" Kokichi motioned to the detective's arm, "--to yourself anymore."

  "Kokichi, I don't know how to stop!" Shuichi yelled, making Kokichi's eyes widen since Shuichi almost never raised his voice.

  "Shuichi..." Kokichi whispered softly, but the navy haired boy wasn't finished yet.

  "I can't stop, okay? I just can't, it's the only thing that makes it all go away!" Tears began to appear in Shuichi's eyes, "And I'm sorry that I'm making you worry about me, I don't deserve you! That's what I keep telling myself and because of that, I keep cutting because you deserve someone who's not as worthless as me!"

  "W-what? You're not worthless! What makes you think like that?" Kokichi demanded, feeling his own temper rise at Shuichi talked down on himself.

  "It's true though, isn't it? You're an amazing, strong, secretive, and protective leader of DICE, and then I'm... me..." Shuichi whispered, as the tears started to trickle down his cheeks.

  "You're too hard on yourself! You can't control how you feel!" Kokichi snapped at the detective, "I care about you so much! Why do you think I'm constantly up at night, worrying about you?"

  "See, I'm affecting you now, too!" Shuichi turned his head away, "I hate myself..."

  "I don't, you're amazing!" Kokichi insisted, "Not just anyone can cut themselves and not cry out as if pain isn't a thing to them! Not just anyone can control the urge to kill themselves!"

  "Kokichi, I've been doing this for years, I can't just stop! I don't ask you to stop lying do I? Why can't you just--" Shuichi was getting more and more distressed by the minute.

  Kokichi kissed Shuichi, grabbing his face and bringing their lips together.

  It was an angry kiss, like instead of fighting with words the couple was now fighting with kisses instead. Shuichi wanted to pull away to continue their discussion but Kokichi had wrapped with hand around the back of his head to keep them connected. If that's how you want to play. Shuichi thought as he kissed the other roughly.

  Kokichi slipped his tongue into the taller's mouth, easily winning dominance from the normally submissive detective. The liar pushed Shuichi's back against the couch, crawling onto him and pinning him down. Kokichi pressed his tongue against's Shuichi before pulled away from a very flustered detective.

  Kokichi smirked as he looked down at the mess he created, it was strange how they went from fighting to making out.

  "Now do you understand?" Kokichi huffed, out of breath as he smiled down at the trapped detective.

  "I... I still believe that you don't deserve me..." Shuichi looked away from Kokichi.

  "I don't deserve you." Kokichi sighed exasperatedly, "How did I get so lucky?"

  "Stop trying yo make me feel better, Ko."

  "Listen to me, okay?" Kokichi asked, to which the detective nodded.

  "Do you love me?" Kokichi asked, wiping the detective's tears away with his thumb.

  "Of course I do, what kind of question is that?" Shuichi asked, confused as he looked up at Kokichi who was blushing.

  "I love you too, Shuichi. And no matter how little you love yourself, I'll always love you more than you could possibly love me. So do me a favor, and trust me." Kokichi kissed his forehead, sounding more truthful than Shuichi had ever heard him.

  "I... I'll trust you, even though you lied." Shuichi cracked a small smile.

  Kokichi tilted his head to the side, "Lied? Me?"

  Shuichi chuckled, "Yeah, when you said I couldn't possibly love you more. You were lying."

  "Was I now?" Kokichi teased as he kissed the taller again, it was soft and loving this time. Kokichi's smugness only grew when the navy head kissed him back.

  "Your leader orders you not to cut yourself anymore!" Kokichi smiled as he broke the kiss.

  Shuichi chuckled, "Alright. Love you, Ko." Shuichi pecked his lips once more and wrapped his arms around the purple haired lair, pulling him close.

  "Love you too, Saihara~Chan~"


  Well that was cute! I don't know if I'll be able to do a part four cause I've run out of ideas. If you want another part I may be able to scrape out some things, but maybe not. Anyway, I love you all, have a great day! Be~onara!

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