Inventions - Kokichi x Miu

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  I ended up doing a ton of research into Miu's character in order to write her better and ended up learning a lot. The Korekiyo x Kiibo might be going on hold few a few days until I think it's good enough to be released! Anyway, this was requested by @YeetTheCheese! I hope I did you justice, thanks for the suggestion! <3


It was after the second class trail. No one could believe that Kirumi had been the one to murder Ryoma so brutally, even Miu wasn't spinning her usual sarcastic remarks. But where one life ends, another begins. Or so they say.

Miu and Kokichi had gotten closer after the trail, surprisingly. Well, closer is subjective seeing as they're always jibbing at each other or flirting half-assed. The pair were currently snickering with each other in the corner of the dining hall. The others gave them strange looks but otherwise didn't say anything.

"Could you invent a brainwashing device?" Kokichi asked, smiling his normal wide grin. Miu put a hand to her chest and tilted her chin up in a pose of regalness.

"Do dogs piss on a fire hydrant? Of course I can build one!" Miu boasted, turning her gaze back to the liar who had his feet up on the table, gazing at the ceiling, uninterested.

"But why would someone like you want one of those? Need it for kinky reasons?" Miu teased, poking his shoulder.

"Nope~! But maybe that's a lie!"

"I knew it!" She laughed, "Who's the lucky guy?"

"I'm not gay Miu!" Kokichi whined at her, making her stick her tongue out.

"Is it Shuichi? Or maybe Kaito?" She continued teasing the leader.

"Eww! No!" Kokichi swatted at her with his hand before getting back on topic, "How easy would it be to make?"

"For me it's a piece of cake! For someone like you, it'd take the rest of your virgin life!"

"If anyone here's a virgin, it you, Miu. No one would want to fuck you." Kokichi teased savagely, making Miu make some strange sound.

"You vicious little--!"

"Let's goooo already, I wanna make stuff!" Kokichi was acting like a child again as he dragged the blonde out of the dining hall.


"How was I supposed to know?" Miu snapped, pointing at the mass of cables on the wall.

"You broke the AC heater and the locking mechanism on the lab!" Kokichi yelled, already beginning to feel the air became warm.

"You distracted me!"

"How? By standing here? Already having thoughts about me, Miu~?"

"Shut up!" Miu yelled, turning her back on him.

Kokichi rolled his eyes at her, "What are we supposed to do in the meantime, Miss Inventor?"

"Continue the invention, duh doy!" Miu snickered, "What, can't handle the heat?"

"Why are you into inventing? Oh, I know! Did you go through some traumatizing event?" Kokichi asked playfully, touching everything in the lab like a child in a candy store.

Miu put down the strange tool she was holding, "Actually, I did..."

Kokichi smiled at her, "Do you think I want to hear your--"

"Shut up." Miu muttered, turning back to her work with a dark expression on her face.

Kokichi tilted his head, did he go too far? The liar skipped over to her side, and poked her arm. When she didn't respond, he poked her again. And again. Still nothing.

"Geez, you're so boring." He muttered, watching her work in brooding silence.
"What do you want this to do again?" She asked, all business like. It was unlike her, it made Kokichi's skin crawl.

"Is it possible to make it remove past memories and emotions then replace them with fake ones?"

"Yeah..? Why?"

"I'm just thinking~" Kokichi chirped, Miu could never read him at all. Though it was nice to pretend with him, to imagine that the accident never happened. However, she didn't know if she could trust him. Better to cut her ties than be betrayed in the end, if you asked her.

The pair stayed quiet for a long time, Kokichi keeping a blank face the whole time which made her feel uneasy. What was he thinking? Was she doing something wrong? What if--

"What happened to you before the game?" His voice was flat, no emotion at all.

Miu glanced at the liar, "Why do you care?"

"Just shut up and talk." He snapped, asking like the tsunderes Tsumugi always talked about.

"I was the best inventor in the world, obviously!" She began acting like the snarky self again.

"Before that."

"What do you mean?"
"How'd you get your talent?"

Miu looked away, twisting her hands together as she debating on tell him or not. Was it a smart idea, or a bad one? Would he tease her or abandon her? Questions and insecurities buzzed in her head, talking over the thoughts of inventions for the first time.

"I got in a car crash and was put in a coma. I woke up as an inventor. Satisfied?" She held her breath as she waited for his reply.

The liar looked at her quizzically, "Sounds chaotic, was it scary being in a coma?"

"Y-yeah, it kinda was. It felt like I was asleep for years when it was only a few months. They said I had nearly died..."

Kokichi hugged her, his face hidden behind her back. Miu was frozen, why was he..? Her thoughts all together stopped working. She didn't know how to react.

"Don't get the wrong idea, I just don't want an ugly pig like you to start crying." For the first time, Miu knew he was lying. It didn't want her to cry, that was true. But he didn't think ill of her. She could tell by the small blush on his face.

Miu snapped out of her daze and shrugged, trying her best not to care. There was a knock on the door, making them both jump.

"Miu? It's Kiibo, I was wondering if you could help me with installing this piece of equipment I found in my lab."

"Sure, I'm kinda locked in though."

"Really?" Kiibo opened the door, "It wasn't locked. Oh, hey Kokichi."

Kokichi waved and skipped out the door with a smile. Maybe being friends with Miu wouldn't be so bad after all.


  This was originally supposed to be a lemon but I can't write boy x girl smut scenes. I hoped you liked it even without the scene! Bye~onara!

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