He looked at everyone surrounding him and smiled,"You know what, I think I'm pretty steady."

"That's a good start,"Lori kept her arms up watching his body in case he tipped over. "Ready to take a rest?"

Hershel stopped at looked at Lori before letting out a small chuckle," A rest? Lets go on a little stroll." Lori was hesitant but with me gladly agreeing we all began to follow him as he walked out of the cell he'd grown disgusted by after being stuck in the bed.

I couldn't help but smile while watching him,he reminded me of a man I met on the road a while back who traveled with a boy,his son. The broad man suffered a leg break and without any hospitals around he was practically incapable of walking anywhere. Luckily enough ,I crashed into them at the perfect time.


I opened up one of my eyes to look around for who had yelled, but I couldn't physically see anyone. So I closed my eyes and instead smelled the surrounding area, "there's two people."

I got up onto my feet,picking up a knife that was sat next to me which I'd found in a store after a month of leaving the farm. With the screams from the boy and no response I rushed my way onto the road searching for them with my nose.

"To the left," I jumped over a fence and into the front yard of a random house. "Good,only two." A yelp came from the opposite side of the house and I rushed over,there were two walkers. One on the floor trying to bite at the boy and another was wrestling a grown man.

I tossed my knife at the standing walker,because of the grown man I could only aim at its inner leg. Slicing through a tendon that had it crumble down letting the man step back and away from it. "Hurry and kill it!" I yelled and looked away, tossing myself onto the floor where the boy was and stretching out my arm to cover his face just in time. I felt the walker bite down on my forearm causing the boy to scream,and that's when I finally looked at the walker. It was a woman with dark skin and hair. She had a white nightgown and cover up on that'd become tattered and dirtied with blood and dirt. It was then that I realized her grip on my arm hadn't loosened,and I instinctively growled under my breath at her. I shook my arm but she help on like a rabid dog.

"Get off!"

With full force I swung the arm she had latched onto against the side of the house causing her to let go and try scratching at me with her nails. I then kicked at her neck and held her tightly against the wall with foot pressed tightly against her neck. She began to scratch at my legs which were covered in thick pants I'd stolen from a store for construction workers.

"N-No,stop don't hurt her!"

I scoffed at the man, seeing that had finally killed his own walker and was just staring at me with wide eyes,"What the hell is wrong with you!" His son, though still in a daze had finally gotten himself back onto his feet. "She almost killed your own son, and you want me to let her live!?"


The man ignored everything I said and began to walk closer, and I realized he had a limp. His leg was crudley tied as well, and I could see dried blood on his pants. What an idiot....He was now reaching out for the walker,"Please, just don't touch her...please."

Ignore me, I'll ignore you too. I sounded petty in my head but I didn't care, now that she'd bitten through my arm in front of someone I had my own reasons for killing her. With a glare at the man I raised up my knife for him to see it clearly and he did. As in the next two seconds he attempted to tackle me to the ground and away from the walker, I jumped back in time to watch the woman tackle him instead.

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