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CEDRIC'S POV (slightly overlapping the time between last chapter oops)

"Dang son you look GOOD! The ladies won't be able to keep their eyes off you and I can think of one in particular who will be flushed the whole night with you on her arm," Cameron said, sending Cedric a wink. The boys had just finished getting ready for the dance and were about to head down to the common room and wait for the girls.Cedric looked in the mirror one more time to straighten for the hundredth time his dress robes, anticipation making him jumpier than usual.

Cameron and Dallas just pushed him towards the door, laughing at his obvious nerves. The common room was empty, no doubt everyone else was already on their way to the dance or still in their rooms getting ready. "Might as well get comfortable, there's no telling how much longer the girls are going to be," Dallas laughed while taking a seat on the couches, uncaring if he wrinkled his dress robes or not. They all starting joking and placing bets regarding couples and events that may or may not transpire at the ball, Cedric betting on the Weasley twins spiking the drinks with fire whiskey and Cameron betting on Dumbledore spiking it.

As if summoned by our mention of him, Dumbledore walked through the door, garnering the attention of the three boys. "Cedric I need to talk to you about something, it's very important otherwise I'd wait until after the ball, come along now," Dumbledore said calmly, turning around to walk back out the door.

"But sir!" Cedric called after him, looking at his friends, who looked just as confused as he did. When Dumbledore didn't stop, Cedric had no choice but to follow after the professor. "Sir, is there any way we can wait just a little bit so that Evan can come as well and I don't leave her right before the Ball?"

"I truly am sorry but it has to do with the tournament and I want you to be aware of it as soon as possible. It won't take long and if you cooperate, you'll beat her to the ball, so come along now," Dumbledore said over his shoulder.

With nothing left to do but to follow, Cedric bit his tongue and remained silent the rest of the way to Dumbledore's office. Scenarios flew through Cedric's mind but he honestly had no idea what to expect and was planning for the worst, his stomach growing tighter with every step.

"I don't want to delay this and continue your growing angst, but I believe that someone is tampering with the games on a higher level than we first anticipated. There have been whispers ever since the quidditch World Cup and earlier today one of our very own professors who has a thorough history in the dark arts felt something strange and new and only just came to talk to me. All that to say, Cedric, have you heard anything, I mean anything regarding the tournament or the Dark Lord? Anything suspicious? I want to keep everyone safe but the only way I can do that is through complete honesty."

"In complete candor, sir, I have no helpful information for you. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but will keep my ears open."

"Then you may leave. And Diggory? Whoever is behind this may have a hand in what happened to Miss Lucas so keep an eye on her please."

He was out the door already but at the mention of Evan, Cedric thought of what Dallas told him weeks ago regarding Professor Moody but before he could give his input on that, the door behind him shut.
Shaking his head and scared to leave Evan by herself for the dance, Cedric figured he would find a time to tell Dumbledore later when they both weren't so preoccupied.

He ran to the entrance of the dance and was relieved that he had indeed beat his friends there. Looking around, the hall was bustling with nervous and uncomfortable teenagers giddy with anticipation. This being Hogwarts' first ball, no one really knew what to expect, only adding to the excitement. The girls were all laughing nervously with friends while the boys tried to not look panicked while straightening their dress robes. Cedric couldn't help but understand and laugh at the hopeless boys.

"The party has officially arrived!" Shouted a voice from the top of the voice that was all too familiar. Cedric couldn't help but smirk looking at his ridiculously obnoxious excuse for best friends. He saw Cameron coming down the stairs with his date and went over to greet the two of them. They both looked great as well, suiting each other nicely. Cam even seemed a bit bashful which was new for him, cluing Cedric into the potential future of this relationship. They exchanged pleasantries but Cedric couldn't focus, too wrapped up waiting for Evan. As if on cue, he heard a quieting over the entire hall followed by hushed whispers commenting on the girl descending the stairs. Joining the stairs, Cedric's jaw hit the floor and stayed there the rest of the night.  Followed by Dallas, Katherine and Becca, his beautiful date had enchanted the entire hall with merely walking down the stairs and had absolutely no idea. Blushing and giggling, she couldn't keep a straight face even if her life depended on it.

Moments later her eyes found his and her expression sobered up slightly, her wide smile turning into a bashful smirk, dimples and all. It wasn't quite like the movies in that everyone else faded away or anything, it was just that he knew nothing around him really mattered except the twinkle in Evan's heavenly eyes, and the way she blushed even deeper the longer they looked at each other. He could still hear the craziness happening around him, it it was dulled due to the pounding of his heart. And it wasn't in slow motion or anything, I think it was just that it felt like it was taking forever because Cedric couldn't wait to be with her, needing her presence immediately, and anything else just felt like eternity. Her slow decent ended and he met her at the bottom of the stairs, not knowing what to say and not knowing how to say it.
"You look..." He started, but words couldn't adequately describe how she looked. Nothing could.
"Thanks," she smirked. "You look really nice as well."
And with that, Evan link arms with Cedric, a dangerous but playful grin on her face, and walked the two of them to the rest of the Champions, who would be introduced at the beginning of the dance.
She chatted along with all of the other Champions and their dates with contagious joy and quiet confidence, though Cedric never let go of her hand to remind her that he was still there. They continued pleasant conversation until McGonagall came up, telling them to get ready to be introduced and for the first dance. Evan squeezed his hand a little tighter, her nerves no doubt returning about the whole spectacle. However her face made it seem like she was completely at ease, which was so like her, always wanting to appear okay for others. Cedric squeezed her hand back

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