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HI GUYS!! It's News Years Eve and I am quite literally all alone, don't even know where my family is ha! SO I figured I might as well start writing and see where it takes me. This is probably? going to be a short chapter just so I can make sure and keep this story from going too unrealistically fast, (my fav love story is Pride and Prejudice I mean talk about character development lol). Hope this chapter works out all right! Enjoy!

CEDRIC'S POV (third person bc I keep accidentally starting in first then changing to third later on, just gonna give this a whirl haha sorry)

Trailing behind Evan, Cedric could not believe the 180 flip the evening seemed to take. Looking back from the start, he couldn't think of a more eventful day in his life, except perhaps the Quidditch World Cup. And to think that within a few short hours, the girl in front of him went from being a stranger, to a victim of his stupidity, to a recipient of his kindness, and now, an unlikely friend. He'd had many dramatic friendships in his life, but nothing quite compared to this one, and he was only a few hours in, there's no telling where it would go next.

Literally pulled out of his thoughts by an aggressive yank on his arm, Cedric realized Evan had brought them behind a dark corner located close to the Hufflepuff Common room across from the kitchens. Laughing like a devious child, Evan  pulled him completely around the corner, hiding them away from all the Hufflepuffs who were making their way to the Commons room. Looking at Evan, he saw her jokingly put a finger to her lips while seemingly trying to sink into the walls to avoid detection. Although he knew if someone happened upon them, no amount of willing themselves into the walls would keep them from view, he played along, just thankful that she was clearly feeling better. They could hear the excited whispers of curious first years. After several minutes the voices were cut out ended by the closing of the door to the common room. 

Evan looked at Cedric and burst into long held laughter, clearly beside herself that they had actually gone through with such a childish venture. She stifled her giggles, however, when she heard footsteps approaching their hiding spot. Cedric held his breath, knowing that if it was a prefect or professor who found them sneaking around, they would have loads of explaining to do. Evan was ghostly quiet until the clicking of the footsteps faded once more into the quiet of the castle. Hearing her stomach shake the castle with a growl, Cedric figured if they stayed hidden much longer their hunger would give them away. He turned towards the kitchen, knowing the time was finally here to eat.

Cedric glanced down the corridor before stealthily running across to the safety of the kitchen doors, continuing to play the part of a spy. Evan was still debating on if she should make the sprint or not, probably not too keen on the idea of getting detention the first night back. Undoubtedly wishing for the courage Gryffindoors possess, Evan scampered across the corridor and pushed past Cedric into the kitchen. He took a look while following her in and was pleasantly surprised to see that there were only a handful of elves in the kitchen, and even they seemed to be cleaning up for the night. The kitchen was probably close to the size of the Great Hall and seemed to have everything a cook could want. There were four huge wooden tables that resembled the ones in the Great Hall. He watched quietly as Evan greeted one of the elves with a hug and witnessed as Evan sweet talked them full reign of the kitchen as the last of the elves shuffled out the other exit. He laughed to himself, realizing she wasn't much taller than the creatures. Hugging the elf goodbye, Evan then proceeded to gesture for Cedric to join her by all the machinery.

"Blinky, one of the elves in charge of the kitchen, agreed that we could help ourselves to anything in here as long as we leave no evidence behind of course," she said triumphantly.

"But how are we supposed to actually fix anything? Do you know any spells for making stuff into actual food?"  Cedric questioned, very confused as to how they were supposed to find dinner in here.

Happily ever after? /// Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now