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I'm really excited to see what Evan has to say in this chapter, although I don't know how much alone time her and Cedric will have, but it will definitely be interesting if this pans out how I'm thinking it will. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Evan's POV

"Katherine I really don't want to talk about it right now, it was just embarrassing, okay?" Evan retorted to Katherine, who refused to stop bugging her about what was wrong. In all honestly, Evan wanted nothing more than to talk about it, but knew Katherine would scold her for being so naive. Where Evan seemed to live in the realm of possibility and hopes, Katherine lived in only what was realistic. It was a good combination, as they challenged each other to live differently, but it also meant they had different expectations for certain areas of their life.

They were both sitting in the Great Hall at one of the benches, far away in one of the corners. The girls were there to see who put their name in the goblet, but so far it had been pretty uneventful. Becca was MIA, no doubt scheming with Dallas or the Weasley twins, who she enjoyed pranking with. Katherine wanted to see if she could run into her summer love she met at the World Cup that attended Durmstrang and was old enough to enter the tournament. Evan was mostly just trying to avoid being alone with her thoughts. Everything that happened with Cedric yesterday left her hurt and confused and she didn't want to have to deal with that until she absolutely had to. She even skipped breakfast so she wouldn't have to face the humiliation upon seeing him.

"Evan, I know I can be hard on you sometimes, but I love you more than anyone. You are the most wonderful person and I want to be there for you like you are always there for me. Please tell me what is going on with you, you seem off. Did something happen last night? I didn't see you after dinner. I promise I won't condone you, as you would never do that to me," Katherine persisted. Knowing she needed to tell someone, Evan gathered up her strength and began telling Katherine everything that happened last night.

"After dinner I went to the Forbidden Forest to think and see the Threstrals. Long story short, Cedric followed me and it was great. We talked and it was wonderful. We didn't just talk about the superficial stuff, but about what drives us, and I didn't even hesitate to tell him about my mom or my nerves about the tournament, and he was just as open. Katherine, he's so wonderful. He didn't think I was crazy when I talked about the Threstrals, calmed my fears about the tournament and just. He was funny and so at ease with himself, I don't know. He's exactly the kind of person I imagine myself with, ya know? We just get along so well that I thought.. I was naive to ever think..." she couldn't go on, too made at herself.

"Eves, what happened?" Katherine said, refusing to let Evan off the hook.

"Nothing happened. He was perfect. I'm the one at fault, I'm such a girl. On our way back to the castle, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up to the castle and I let myself hope. I just thought with how he was looking at me when we were with the Threstrals, and then grabbing my hand, that there was a chance he saw me as more than a friend, but I'm only kidding myself. As soon as we got inside we looked at our joined hands and practically threw mine away from him as if I was filthy or something, clearly not wanting me to get any ideas. But of course I can't find my emotions at all and he saw how hurt I was over one tiny thing and probably thinks I'm obsessively in love with him or something. I just can't believe I do this to myself every time," Evan finished, breathing deeply in to keep her composure. Seeing her distressed state, Katherine immediately pulled her into a hug.

"Evan, it's okay, you hear me? If I had a galleon for every time I caught the feels, I could buy anything I wanted and not worry about boys. I know I give you a hard time sometimes because you are so trusting and see only the most ideal outcome, but I admire that about you. You challenge me to see beyond what is in front of me and see the good that can come of things. Also as your best friend and sister, it is my duty to tell you that you are definitely over analyzing that one moment. You have no clue how he was feeling, and he could very well be in love with you but just be awkward about it. I overheard Cameron say that Cedric has never expressed any interest in a girl ever, so he's bound to make some mistakes. Even if he only sees you as a friend, I know there is someone fantastic ready to sweep you off your feet, Evan. Never lose that hope okay? If you lose hope, you have nothing," Katherine reassured. "Plus you're an actual princess, who could resist that charm? Just because you're oblivious to how smoking hot you are, doesn't mean the rest of the school doesn't notice."

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