Another life update!

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Hey guys! First I want to thank all of y'all for reading my story, it means so much and the fact that I have 1.8k reads feels like a total dream and I honestly still don't believe it what even is that madness.

Also I'm sorry I've been super spastic in updating, graduating from high school then immediately jumping off the grid is no easy feat and I had so much stuff I had to do that I never anticipated so thank y'all for your patience. I leave for England the 13th and will be gone for a week, but until then I'm gonna try to write every day, we'll see if I can actually follow through with that plan though, but we gon try. 

Really excited for where this story is going but also I've been getting MAJOR writers block and honestly this upcoming chapter is a mess and I don't know where I want it to go so please send me predictions and/or ideas, please help a sister out!!! Love y'all and would appreciate some feedback on what you like/don't like about the story as I'm writing it for y'all yanno. I havev two scenarios in my head about the Yule ball but not sure which one I like better, HELP!!! 

Okay that's all, thank you for listening to that rant of a disaster, I will be putting out another chapter hopfully today!! Love y'all lots!!

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