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Okay, again warning. I'm currently flying through these chapters because my mind is going a thousand miles per hour and I'm afraid if I am too meticulous, I'll lose all the ideas I had in store. Don't worry, I'm definitely coming back and editing them and everything! Did you like hearing from Cedric's POV? I felt like I needed to give a brief overview of the girls so you understood the dynamic without giving a really biased view of friends, which is what would've happened with Evan narrating?? Just let me know, I live to serve! I know it's a slow moving story, but I am a big fan of character development! Hope this chapter spices it up a bit!

"Evan, how are you so calm? Those jerks were just gossiping about you! And you said they were bringing up Christopher? When they know nothing about the matter? I want to show them a piece of my mind," Katherine sputtered, growing angrier by the minute.

"It's okay Katherine, really. They shouldn't have been talking about weird I am, but I did have a cat just chilling on my shoulder, so I could see how that seemed a bit peculiar. My hope that people would forget what happened last year with Chris would just go away was completely unrealistic. It's time I face reality anyways and get over it, I'll survive. I love y'all but I'm not just some fragile china doll, I promise! Don't let this ruin your night, I've already forgotten it," I pleaded. My blood still ran cold with the mention of Chris, but I didn't want to ruin their evening by throwing myself a pity party. Trying to brush it off, Rebecca and I parted ways with Katherine, who had to join all the other Ravenclaws. We linked arms and skipped to the Hufflepuff table, finding a group of seats not yet taken.

"Are you sure you're okay, Eves? You know you can talk to me about Chris. You haven't even mentioned it, and I know that was hard for you last year, surely it didn't just go away," Rebecca pried, not picking up on the fact that it was definitely not the time nor place to discuss my wretched love life.

"Becca, please stop worrying about me! I'm a big girl who can take care of herself. Maybe tonight when we get settled in our room we can talk. Right now I want nothing more than to forget about that whole debacle and eat delicious food. I just want to feel normal," I countered, fed up with being the baby of the group. I forced the biggest smile and squeezed Becca's shoulder, proving I was okay, or at least trying to be so. Convinced, she began chatting with the Hufflepuff's on the other side of her. Exhausted already, I willed myself to be okay and normal and save my emotions for later tonight. While building up my determination, someone sat down right next to me. Perfect timing, I thought. Plastering a fake grin on my face, I turned to the person with every intention of making a new friend, or at least an acquaintance. What I had not prepared for was the cause of my angst, Christopher Lawerence, to be sitting right next to me, looking at me exactly the way he used to before things went horribly wrong. My smile faltered and my adrenaline kicked in. Can a girl not catch a bloody break? His ice blue eyes stared into mine with the same intensity that used to take my breathe away, but all it did now was leave me with emptiness.

"Evan I wanted to talk to you ab..." he started, but before he could even finish his sentence, I stood up and walked away, praying this wouldn't cause a scene. Much to my luck, he followed me and grabbed my shoulder, whirling me around towards him. Outraged, I could no longer hold in the feelings I had refused to let go since last semester.

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Happily ever after? /// Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now