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Actually I thought about this chapter a lot and I am thinking I'm either keeping it short or switching POV's halfway through because I had the idea to do the first part in Sirius' POV (Sirius was the dog if you didn't pick that up) just so we can see what was going on before Evan arrived and where he went. I hope y'all enjoy, let me know if you liked hearing from a different character or if I should just stick to Evan and Cedric. Also sorry Cedric wasn't in the last chapter at all, it ended up being longer than I initially planned!

Sirius' POV

He still couldn't believe he had made it undetected this far into the castle. Waking up earlier that morning, he felt a shift in the air and needed to tell Dumbledore or Harry immediately. He left the place he was staying just past Hogsmeade and made his way to Hogwarts in his Animagus form. Thankfully for him it was Halloween so everyone was too busy preparing to celebrate that night to pay him any thought.

Upon his arrival inside Hogwarts ground, he happened upon a huge fat cat who seemed to know immediately what and who he was. After walking up to him, it led him inside the school and into a deserted room. Though Sirius felt it urgent to find Dumbledore, the intelligence of the cat prompted him to observe and attempt some rudimentary communication in attempt to see what they knew too.

It appeared the cat had also felt something was off in the school. The air reeked of Dark Magic and deception and Sirius had an awful feeling about the tournament.  Just before he was going to leave and find Dumbledore, a tiny young girl who looked to be about 16 with the wildest mane of hair came into the room with a look of interest and delight. She smelled of vanilla and sugar, and radiated sunshine.

Before Sirius could bolt out, she sat down by the cat and looked at him with excited curiosity. She extended her hand out to him and tried to befriend him, which was odd. Most people just ignored him in his animagus form but this girl looked determined to love him. Slightly annoyed and ready to leave, he cautiously approached the girl just so she would leave him alone. The cat had sat in her lap and was purring loudly. It wouldn't hurt to have someone scratch away his itches anyways. He approached the girl and allowed her to scratch his ears. She was a wonderful petter, might he add. That coupled on with the promise he heard her mention about food and the kitchen, and he was overcome with pleasure and went into a frenzy of wagging tails and licking the girl's face.

So much so that not even his heightened senses noticed when another presence entered the room. However, when the scratching stopped he looked up to see the girl standing up to a boy about the same age as her, but it was hard to tell his actual age. His features looked sinister, his face was sallow, his eyes had and gleam to them and were bloodshot, and his facial expression was twisted into a sneer. He reeled of dark, evil magic. The girl seemed to know him as they appeared to be arguing, but her hands were shaking violently behind her back. The boy was towering over the girl and was pure muscle. The boy threateningly approached the girl, who had backed into one of the corners in the room, and Sirius knew he needed to help.

Debating whether or not to shift into his human form right then, he looked over to the cat. It's expression screamed to get help, so he bolted out the door. As soon as he exited, it slammed closed behind him and he knew something was terribly wrong. He sprinted past the Great Hall and up to Dumbledore's office. After traveling up all the flights of stairs in his canine form, he shifted back to Sirius in order to enter. Panting and hysteric, he could barely get out the password to open the door. He rushed into the room, not even caring to wonder if Dumbledore had guests with him.

He entered the room as saw Dumbledore alone petting his phoenix nonchalantly. Dumbledore turned to look at Sirius and seemed to know immediately. "Where" was all he said. Knowing it would take too long to explain, Sirius simply shifted back into Padfoot and prompted Dumbledore to follow him. Without words, Sirius bounded back down the staircase with Dumbledore on his heels. It seemed forever had passed before they had made it back into the corridor. Thankfully no one was in the corridor when they entered and Dumbledore ran to catch up with the canine. He led them to the door that was sealed shut. Dumbledore had a crazed look on his face as if he knew what was going down behind the door. He hit the doorknob with a spell, and the door swung open and the corridor was filled with a terrorized scream. Sirius' senses couldn't take the noise and he barked in pain and looked into the room. The scene in front of them was horrific. The girl Sirius had met earlier was on the ground in the corner screaming and convulsing, with a growing puddle of blood around her. The boy stood above her and with his back to the door and while Sirius couldn't see his face, he could imagine how terrifying he looked. The cat from earlier was laying in a heap on the other side of the room as if he had been thrown against the wall and looked to be unconscious or dead, though hopefully not the latter. Without hesitation, Dumbledore fired expelliarmus at the boy and the curse seemed to stop as the wand flew across the room, though the screaming didn't end. Dumbledore had a murderous look in his eye when he grabbed the boy and knocked him unconscious.

Happily ever after? /// Cedric DiggoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz