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Evan's POV

"Evan, wake up or you're going to be late for breakfast! and they're making breakfast tacos, your favorite!!" Rebecca sing-songed to her sleeping friend. Never before had Evan been so tired. She had stayed up late last night trying to study for the Potions test coming up, but instead couldn't stop thinking about a pair of caramel eyes. Rebecca came in late last night with a huge smile on her face, the one she only gets when she's been hanging out with Dallas.

Evan loved Dallas and Rebecca, and envied their simplistic and carefree relationship, although they both continue denying there is even a "thing" there. More than anything Evan wanted to have something like that with Cedric, but she was afraid she ruined it when she rejected him.

Rolling over, Evan covered her face to hide from her friend, wanting nothing more than to stay warm and cozy in her bed. She wasn't ready to face the world, even if she missed out on breakfast tacos because of it.

"I'm taking a mental health day, go away," Evan muffled into her pillow, barely audible. Rebecca had other ideas and grabbed her tiny friend and forced her out of bed and into the bathroom, where she proceeded to splash water all over her tiny frame.

"What the bloody hell, Becca? Now I'm absolutely miserable, you hag!" Evan screamed at her evil friend's retreating figure.

"There's more where that came from, and if you're not at breakfast in 15 minutes I'll have to throw you into the Black Lake," Rebecca laughed as she exited the room, leaving Evan to get ready alone.

Disgruntled, Evan stripped out of her drenched clothes and changed into her warmest sweater, throwing her robes on over it, knowing she'd freeze to death with how dreadfully cold it was outside. Though there wasn't much she could do about her sopping wet hair, so she left it down to air dry and continued her morning routine hastily, suddenly realizing how hungry she was.

She bounded down the stairs past the common room, quickly making her way to the great hall. The aroma coming from the two doors had her practically drooling in hunger. She ripped the doors open and practically sprinted to where she spotted Rebecca sitting with a few younger Hufflepuffs towards the front of the Hall.

Feeling feisty, she pulled her friends hair. "That's for this morning, you brat," she sassed as she sat down, already reaching for a taco. Rebecca sent her a smirk back, which only caused to further confuse Evan. Annoyance filled Evan when she realized that barely half of the room was full of people anyways, knowing she couldve slept in even more and still have made it to breakfast.

Not wanting to fight so early in the morning, Evan swallowed her frustration and chose to look on the bright side, grabbing herself a cup of hot chocolate to warm her up, as her hair was still not quite dry.

"I'll be right back," Rebecca said abruptly and sped off before Evan could say anything.

What an odd girl.

She continued to sip on her hot chocolate, loving the feeling of warmth it was giving her entire body. She closed her eyes in appreciation, a soft smile gracing her face. She also began munching on a breakfast taco that remained on Rebecca's plate untouched. 

Caught up in her thoughts, she was very confused when she realized that there was music playing. Music in the Great Hall? What on Earth? She looked at the people sitting by her to discover they were smirking at her. What the hell was going on?

She looked over her shoulder to see none other than Cedric Diggory jumping around on the table singing while looking right at her with that smirk of his. Evan felt her cheeks warm and smiled without being able to help it. What was he doing?

She recognized the song as one of her dad and her songs, You Got It by Ray Orbison and she felt her heart literally melt. Every frustration and doubt about Cedric seemed to seem trivial and not important in the grand scheme of things. Here he was making a complete fool of himself for her. She cursed herself for ever comparing him to Christian, he was completely different and she knew that.

He continued singing slightly off pitch for the entire song while his terrible dance moves brought him closer to her table, his eyes never leaving hers, dancing with amusement. Evan let out a belly laugh as Cedric almost tumbled off a table because he wasn't watching where he was going. Faltering only slightly, he continued belting out the lyrics and dancing dramatically. She couldn't stop the laughs that now bubbled up.

As the song came to an end and everyone in the Hall joined in laughter and applause, Cedric was standing directly in front of her, a look of apprehension and uncertainty, along with the lingering humor from his performance. He was waiting for her. She couldn't find the right words so instead she just looked into his eyes and tried to convey her feelings.

Taking that as an invitation, Cedric pulled her into his arms and wrapped her small frame into him, leaving her head buried in his chest. This is where she belonged. Pulling her head back, she looked up at him, him wearing the dorkiest lopsided grin she'd ever seen, and she knew she was a blushing mess. His eyes were reflecting the morning light, turning them a beautiful dark golden color.

Getting lost in his eyes, Evan was shocked when he suddenly pulled her into a passionate kiss. After the initial shock, Evan leaned into it too, too happy to care about the potential audience they had. Cedric tasted like mint, waking her senses up even more. Never had she ever felt more awake.

But like all good things, Evan felt the gaze of someone on her, encroaching on their moment. Opening her eyes, she saw Dumbledore and Snape behind Cedric watching the two of them, Snape's eyes looked as though he was trying to murder Cedric. She jumped away from Cedric, mortally humiliated. Cedric too looked behind and his face turned to one of shock as well. Now they were in for it.


Hey guys! Sorry it too so long to update, I swear I'm trying life has just been so crazy but I'm writing any spare minute I get. Right now I'm jet lagged because I just got back from England so sorry if the end of that was rough!!! I'll try to post an update later this week, we'll see. Hope y'all are enjoying the last bit of summer!!

Let me know what you think of this chapter and what you think is going to happen in the next chapter hehe. 

Happily ever after? /// Cedric DiggoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя