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Okay this is a disclaimer because it really bugs me that it says my first chapter was published after my second one which is obviously not right. I just wanted to let y'all know that I am constantly going back and making changes to my stories if you ever get confused. The last chapter took me forever because I was so undecided on where I wanted to go and ended up deleting the entire first draft, but I think the story is better because of it. sorry I'm done rambling, without further wait, here is the 7th chapter!!

(Following Evan's POV, but I might break out of just third person limited, we'll see)

It was the afternoon the students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons would arrive. It felt surreal to Evan that Hogwarts was actually agreeing to hold the Triwizard Tournament. Waiting for her Transfiguration class to end early to go witness the schools arrive, Evan had an unexplained feeling of unease. Most people were excited about the tournament, but she couldn't help but feel as if something was going to happen. Shaking off that thought, she refocused her attention onto Professor McGonagall as she instructed the class on how to properly turn a rock into a dog. She demonstrated the task with ease, then prompted the rest of the class to try as well.

She glanced to Katherine, who was sitting to her left as the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuff had Transfiguration together. Katherine executed the spell flawlessly on her first try. Her rock changed into a huge blonde lab. While she did successfully complete the task, her dog was crazy and started running on the desk and then hopped down and chased Becca, who was at the table behind them and seemed to attract the wrath of animals without even trying.

Evan and Katherine laughed uncontrollably while Becca ran around the room with chaos following behind her. Professor McGonagall whipped out her wand and shot a spell at the dog, returning him back into a rock. She looked over their table to finding them falling over laughing, but even she cracked a grin.

"You did very well, Miss Singer, perhaps too well. Class you have five minutes until we are to head down to the courtyard. Spend the rest of the time practicing," she said and turned back to her desk.

For several minutes Evan tried to change the rock in front of her into a dog but couldn't seem to get it. Katherine tried to help and gave her a few pointers. After many attempts, the rock began to move and Evan felt sure this was the moment. One moment it was a rock. The next it was the cutest golden retriever she had ever seen. However, it was slightly smaller than the average dog. Evan hadn't changed it into a dog, but rather a puppy. Unable to turn it back into a rock due to how precious it was, Evan hid it in her cloak when the time came to leave for them to leave for the courtyard.

"Evan, it's going to change back into a rock eventually, why go through the hassle of hiding it? What are you going to do if he starts barking? McGonagall would not be too happy to see you smuggled a dog out of her class," Katherine questioned while they began their descent down the stairs, worried as ever.

"Katherine, look at this face! He would never betray me like that, I have full confidence in him," Evan joked while letting them glimpse the face concealed in her robes, refusing to give up the little baby.

"How could McGonagall resist a face like that anyways, and plus we all know how much she loves Evan," Becca added as they made it into the courtyard. As they filed in, Evan's little size caused her to get separated from her friends, leaving her and the hidden puppy alone in a sea of people. Futilely standing on her tip toes to find her friends, she was alarmed when she felt someone grab her shoulder. Whirling around with a look of panic on her face, sure that McGonagall had found her out, she was pleasantly surprised when instead it was Cedric. The hidden puppy however was not as happy, and let out a little bark. Cedric's eyebrows went up as he smirked at her.

Happily ever after? /// Cedric DiggoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon