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Cedric's POV

Last night went by in a blur. From the whirlwind of a conversation with Dumbledore debriefing all of the Champions on the time of the 2nd task to the celebration in the Hufflepuff common room. His head was still in a fog from the excitement of yesterday.

But along with yesterday came Cho, and the discussion he would have to have with Evan, before the paper came out. He had to explain himself, he finally had something good. Jumping out of bed, he quickly changed into his robes and started his race for the door. Dallas' groggy but urgent voice stopped him.

"Wait Cedric, I need to tell you something," the seriousness of his usually upbeat and casual friend stopped him dead in his tracks. He turned to see a yawning Dallas beginning to wake up. Even with the sleep still in his eyes, Cedric could tell there was something weighing on him, which caused a quick rush of anxiousness to run down Cedric's spine.

Sitting down on Dallas' bed, Cedric waited for Dallas to fully wake up. "First you have to promise you won't tell Evan or let on that you know because she will kill me."

"Anything. Tell me what is wrong," Cedric urged, worst case scenarios already playing in his head.

"Yesterday at the tournament, right after you finished your challenge, I was gonna sneak away to use the loo. On my way down, I heard and saw Moody talking to Evan, gripping her threateningly. She was too quiet to hear but I could see utter fright on her face, Cedric. Hurrying down to see what was wrong, I passed a smug looking Moody. As soon as I got to the area where Evan was, she looked absolutely awful. I barely got to her before she practically fainted in my arms. I don't even want to know what would've happened if I hadn't been there. She asked me not to tell you, but I think you need to keep an eye out on her, and Moody too. That guy is really sketchy," Dallas finished, concern riddling his face.

Cedric's heart weighed even heavier on what he would have to tell Evan, that girl really couldn't catch a break. "Dallas, I have something to tell you, and you're going to hate me," Cedric started, nervous to even start.

"Don't you dare tell me you screwed it up with Evan, man. She's one of the best things that's ever happened to you," Dallas said defensively, sitting up taller on the bed.

"I'm not sure yet, I sure hope not, but maybe. Yesterday before the task, Cho snuck into the tent to wish me good luck..." Looking at the suspicion clouding Dallas' face, Cedric could barely continue. "Well, she like totally blindsided me and kissed me. No joke, I was completely taken aback and didn't have time to push her away before that rat Rita Skeeter took a photo of us mid- lip lock. How do I tell Evan?" Cedric said nervously.

"You're totally screwed man. Especially since you know ever since Christopher and that whole cheating scandal and did it anyways, even if you didn't, that woman will twist that story to no end. The only thing you can do now is some crazy gesture and explain everything to her before she reads the paper. If she's already seen it, there really isn't any hope. Go find her right now," Dallas said, pushing me off the bed and towards the door.

Running down the stairs, Cedric prayed he could beat the inevitable. Busting through the doors to the Common Room, Cedric immediately spotted a flash of blonde hair. Assuming it was Evan, he practically tripped over himself trying to get to her. Instead of warm blue eyes, he was met with the cold brown eyes of Katherine. Cedric couldn't even question why she would be in the Hufflepuff Common Room so early in the morning when he saw she was clutching the latest copy of the Daily Prophet. With his and Cho's liplock right on the front of the page. And just below that picture was the one of Evan holding his hand while he laid in the hospital cot. He looked back up at Katherine, panic overtaking him. She looked about ready to rip his throat out. Oh dear.

"What is wrong with you? After all she's been through and you go and treat her like that? If you are the best of Hogwarts I can't even imagine how that looks for us, you filthy little douche. I cannot believe you and your manipulative and deceitful heart. Don't you ever try to talk to her again or so help me I will-," but before she could finish he butted in, eager to end her bash session.

"Katherine, she kissed me. Not the other way around. It took me by surprise, I didn't have time to react before those pictures were taken. You know me , and I think you understand how I feel about Evan, do you really think I would ever jeopardize what I have with her, even if it's not much right now?"

And that left Katherine speechless. Cedric watched as realization hit her and she pushed him away, similar to what Dallas did to him just minutes ago.

"Lake. Go fix this now, Diggory," she ordered hastily.

And he was off.


Okay I know this was shorter than most of my other chapters but I honestly didn't know what to do with their interaction if you know what I mean so I didn't want to rush it but still wanted to give y'all an update.

There's two different ways that this next chapter plays out in my head and I'm not sure which one y'all would like better? Please give me advice I'm so indecisive ahh!!

Also I would really appreciate some feedback y'all!! I swear my only girly is _cat10ver_ but I wanna hear from all of y'all about what you think!! Lots of love, keep killing the game guys! (Also hmu when you find errors bc I wrote this at 12 in the morning because I didn't wanna study for my AP test lol

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