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CEDRIC'S POV (again oops)

"Seriously man? What's up with you? We're usually the first to know anything, but now you ditch us to Evan? Really out of character for you, Cedric. Talk to us," Cameron sounded aggravated when they got back to their dorm room. Though Dallas didn't say anything, he looked hurt that Cedric had kept them in the dark.

"Guys, I'm sorry. I didn't want everyone to know and knew I'd see you during dinner. You guys are my best friends, you know this," Cedric tried to reassure their wounded pride.

"But why Evan? Out of everyone you could've told, and you pick the crazy girl. Cedric where is your head at, are you falling for her?" Cameron attempted to ask lightheartedly, only half kidding. Dallas too had a look of almost unbelief at the fact that Cedric would ever put a girl before the two of them. And who could blame them, that's how it's always been, just the three of them. Cedric tried to work it out in his brain but couldn't keep his thoughts to himself anymore.

"I just... I don't know! I can't stop thinking about her and just want to know everything about her. The more I interact with her, the more I want to be around her. And I mean y'all have seen her, she's beautiful, but it's more than that. I look at her and I can see goodness personified. The fact that she is so joyful after what happened to her is astounding. She makes me want to be better. Does that even make sense?" Cedric rambled on, his thoughts pouring out of him.

He looked up and saw his friends' mouths hung open. Pulling his hair, he knew he sounded crazy. Before he could string together an apology, Dallas interrupted him.

"I didn't even know you had that many feeling Cedric. I'm honestly shocked. How long has this inner turmoil been going on?"

"Oh.. Um i'm not sure, I was in too deep before I even realized what was happening. Am I crazy? Maybe I should just forget about it..." Cedric mumbled, worrying his lip with overthinking.

"Aw man, we can't even get mad at you, you're already in enough trouble as it is. You've got it bad," Cameron said dryly, a smirk gracing his face.

It wasn't even their words that unnerved Cedric, but the truth behind them. How could he have let himself start crushing on someone he barely knew. But even as he thought that he knew he was wrong. Sure, he didn't know her family, or how she dealt with stress. He didn't know her biggest hope or her worst fear. He didn't even know her favorite color. But he did know the blue of her eyes and how they sparkled when she laughed. He knew exactly where her dimple that she always tried to hide is. He knew that even after only knowing her for a few short months, she made his world brighter, more alive. If she decided she didn't want to be in his life, he would survive, but he wouldn't thrive like he did when she was near.

A sweat built up and he couldn't believe himself. Cedric realized he only had minutes before he was supposed to meet Evan in the Common Room. Leaving his friends behind, he went to the bathroom and splashed cold sink water on his face. You're fine man, just calm down. You're overthinking everything, you're just going to get some help from a friend, that is all. Nothing more, nothing less. Breathe. It's not that deep.

Composed, he rejoined the guys and flung himself on the bed, already dreading what he knew was waiting for him. "Relax Cedric, we can help you get the girl. I'm practically a pro, and I mean Dallas watches movies," Cameron laughed, punching both of them in the shoulder. "All you have to do is act like you don't care. Objectively speaking, you're like the hottest most saught-after guy at our school, chicks totally dig it. If you act like you don't care, Evan will realize how much she wants you to care and bam! Winner winner chicken dinner my man!"

"If I were you, I would ignore literally everything he just said, that was the worst advice I've ever heard. Evan isn't the kind of girl to chase boys, you need to be the one who is intentional and pursues her, Cedric. Isn't that why she fell for Christopher? Everyone wants to be seen, and while Evan puts on a brave face, it's easy to see most of it is for her friends. I think that at the end of the day, she wants someone who wants to understand her than someone who is cocky. Don't screw this up man, just be yourself," Dallas thoughtfully pitched in his thoughts too.

Cedric was conflicted on who to listen to. He knew Dallas was right, but at the same time he wanted to believe Cameron, as that would ensure he wouldn't get hurt. You can't get hurt if you don't put yourself out there. But at the same time he knew he couldn't afford to not take a risk, especially where Evan was concerned.

Mentally making up his mind, he jumped up, exchanged his thanks and goodbyes with the boys, and left the room to find the girl that he couldn't stop thinking about.


YAY sorry for the short chapter. I know I promised y'all a HOT chapter but like I wasn't feeling it yet, and didn't want to force my writing. I didn't do any editing or revising so I'm sorry epp!!! I am piled high with makeup work and planning for next year and still raising money for my mission trip!

What did y'all think of this chapter? I just really love Cedric's bffs and how they're so different but still precious. I can't wait to write about next chapter, it will be in Evan's POV and there will finally be dragons I promise!

qotd:what is your favorite holiday?

aotd: I adore Christmas and the whole mood of December because of Christmas, it makes me so so happy ahh I LOVE CHRISTMAS

Happily ever after? /// Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now