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Cedric's POV

Following Snape and Dumbledore out of the Great Hall should've terrified Cedric, especially with the look Snape was giving him just a few seconds ago, but he was too elated to care. He glanced over at Evan and saw she was trying to conceal a smile, a blush still obvious on her cheeks. He brushed his shoulder with hers, still in awe that she forgave him so easily. She glanced at him and Cedric's breathing caught in his throat. No matter how long he looked at her, he could never not be completely stunned by her grace and beauty. Her blue eyes glistened with such hope that he himself felt reenergized and alive. He shot her one of his famous smirks and they continued walking behind the professors in silence, continually bumping shoulders and exchanging glances.

Spiraling up the stairs to Dumbledore's office, Cedric finally started to feel the nervousness of the situation. Above all, he just hoped they wouldn't punish Evan for him causing a scene in the Great Hall, although he knew Evan occupied a soft spot in both of their hearts.

"-and I just can't believe you thought that would be an appropriate thing to do in front of the entire student body. Diggory, I always thought you were thick, but never that thick, honestly. And what I witnessed at the end was absolutely disgraceful, I don't know what compelled the two of you to act that way, but it has made Hufflepuff to be even more of a laughing stalk than even before. Ms. Lucas, I am especially disappointed in you, I would've never expected such reckless behavior from you," Snape snapped at the two of them. "That being said, Diggory is the only one who will be punished for his little performance, as that was an over-the-top disruptance of the Great Hall and don't want any of the other students getting any ideas. I would like to talk to you personally about your punishment," Dumbledore followed up, looking at Cedric with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Cedric knew in that moment that Dumbledore wasn't mad at him, which made everything about the situation the two of them were in good, Snape's disappointment in him was nothing new. He did hope however, that Evan would remain in his good graces.

"Absolutely sir, Evan had no idea about anything and therefore had nothing to do with my stunt. I'll take full responsibility of any consequences you require," Cedric said.

"But of course. Snape, if you wouldn't mind going informing Minerva of my whereabouts right now, I'd like to have a word with these two." And with a heavy sigh, Snape snuck out the door the group of them had just entered.

"Now you two. While that scene you caused in the Great Hall might've been a bit much I just want you to know I am not angry at you two at all. I think it's wonderful that you two have seemed to work out all that weirdness. Ms Lucas I know you have a big exam today so you can leave and go study, Mr. Diggory won't be much longer, dear." Evan's face lit up knowing that Dumbledore wasn't mad at her. She gave Cedric her wide smile and bounded out of her seat and towards the door, turning around once to give Cedric a look that said to find her after, and left.


What an eventful morning he had had already. Seeing Cedric Diggory dancing like a maniac on the tables of the Great Hall that morning had been absolutely entertaining, and realizing he was doing it all for Ms Lucas was the icing on the cake. It was a little known secret that Dumbledore was deeply invested in the happiness of Ms Lucas, and the past year has been terrible for her, and Dumbledore heard about all the drama Rita Skeeter created with her awful story about Cedric. Seeing Evan's face during Cedric's dance number was all the proof Dumbledore needed to know that Cedric would help her get better. While their little 'moment' at the end would've been better in a more private setting, Dumbledore knew young love was the most inconvenient and didn't want to be too harsh on the two of them. Since Snape had seen everything too, Dumbledore knew he would have to think of some punishment for Cedric, but knew Snape wouldn't care if Evan remained unscathed. Walking up to his office just minutes ago, Dumbledore couldn't hide his smirk when he glanced back at the two of them to the brushing of their hands and glancing eyes. Ah to be young and in love.

Hearing the door close behind Ms Lucas, Dumbledore was brought back to the present, with Cedric sitting in a chair across from him looking slightly nervous.

"Well Mr. Diggory, that was quite the show you put on earlier. What on earth were you thinking boy?"

"Professor, all due respect but I wouldn't take back any of it. I'll take any punishment you decide but I had to do it."

"Boy, I am not mad didn't you hear anything I just said. It was about time you grew a pair and did something, I was beginning to wonder if I put my hope in the wrong person. I see the way you look at her, Diggory. I'm not one to get invested in trivial romance drama or anything of the sort, but Ms. Lucas is a special girl who has a big piece of my heart. I hope you know that, and while I hope the two of you work out, if you hurt her, I'm afraid you will be facing more than just Snape's wrath. Now go see her."

"Yes of course, sir. And my punishment?"

"Oh yes of course. You will have detention everyday for the rest of the week in Professor Moody's office. Now go."

And with that, Cedric got up and left with a smile on his face, making him resemble a lovestruck puppy. Dumbledore hoped the growing darkness in the world wouldn't pull the two of them apart.


Guys I am so sorry it's taken me so long to update and that this chapter literally sucked. I just couldn't figure out what to write and know I just feel like it was awful and I've just been putting it off and then did most of it all at once and it is just terrible ahhh.

I hope y'all still want to read after that chapter, I'm probably going to go back in a little bit and fix it but I just wanted to get it out there for anyone waiting since it's been so long since an update. I want to thank all of y'all for reading this story, it has been quite a story and I've had so much fun writing it.

Also if you haven't noticed, I haven't been using gifs lately because I can't find any good ones! If you have/find any gifs that go along with Harry Potter or any of the cast members PLEASE send it to me and I would love to incorporate it if possible! Love y'all so so much and can't wait to start writing the next chapter.

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