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Cedric's POV (warning I think this chapter might be short I always wrestle with writing from Cedric's POV)

Cedric was just sitting on his bed with the golden egg, still just as clueless as he was when he first got the egg during task one. Frustrated, he set the egg beside him and laid back on his bed, feeling defeated and overwhelmed. There was so much going on in his life and he didn't know how to tackle even one of them. The Yule Ball was in just a few days, then the second task, and he hadn't even begun to start studying for his N.E.W.T.S. Everything was happening so fast he didn't know how to handle it or even where to start. 

There was a rap at the window, signaling that Cedric's owl, Harriet, had mail to deliver. Hopefully it would be something that would lighten his mood, if even just a bit. Standing up and walking over to the window, he noticed that it was a rather large package. He opened the window to let Harriet fly in and drop the package on the bed. It was addressed to him and it looked  to be from his mother, based on the beautifully wrapped packaging. Making quick work of the wrapping paper, inside there were some new dress robes, much nicer than his other pair. 

I took the liberty of buying you new dress robes so you can woo Miss Lucas and the rest of the school for the Yule Ball. We love and miss you and are so proud of you! xoxo Mum and Pops.

Annoyingly, he missed the two of them more than he cared to admit. In the midst of all the craziness, seeing and being able to talk to his parents about it would undoubtedly bring some clarity and peace. 

He picked up his dress robes and looked them at a closer eye, noticing that it was in fact a midnight navy, which could easily be mistaken for black if one didn't look close enough. He knew his parents had spent more than they ever would've on him for a normal occasion, reminding him again of the pressure on him regarding the Yule Ball. Sprout mentioned that he and Evan and all the other Champions would have to open up the dance, which sounded horrible considering he couldn't dance well at all. Speaking of Evan, he hadn't talked to her in a few days he'd been so swamped. In fact, he should probably check up on her while he had a moment to spare, they could both use time together. 

He ran down to the common room only to find the exact person he was looking for, her unruly mane and brisk walk causing her to look not unlike what muggles believe witches to look like. Her eyes held a worried fierceness to them looking around for someone. As soon as she spotted him, the tensing in her shoulders immediately relaxed, her eyes softening just slightly. She approached him, looking slightly more at ease than before, her eyes not leaving his. Reaching Cedric, she hugged him and he gripped her tightly to his chest, missing her warmth and not ready to let her go ever. 

"You have no idea how much I needed that," he mumbled into her hair, breathing in the vanilla scent of her soft curls. Letting her go, he chose not to tease her when he saw the blush forming on her cheeks. Her blue eyes crinkled with happiness, which Cedric preferred significantly more than the anxious look she had just a few seconds earlier. 

"I was actually looking for you to talk about the Yule Ball because I don't think you realize how uncoordinated I am. I'm completely unequipped to dance with you in front of the whole school, I already talked with Rebecca and I think it would be better if you danced with her, at least just for the first song so I don't embarrass you," she stuttered, looking into his eyes bashfully. He was completely caught off guard that he started to laugh uncontrollably. Thinking he was making fun of her, Evan turned even more red. 

"Cedric you've seen me, I can barely walk in a straight line, let alone-" 

"Evan, you are crazy if you think I'm going to let you off the hook while I'm stuck dancing with Rebecca. She's going with Dallas already and I know she's your friend, but she's completely mental, there is no way that is going to happen." He said, with a giant smirk on his face. "Plus, I'm a horrible dancer too, so I was actually seeing if you wanted to go practice seeing as neither of us know what we're doing."

Her lack of a protest confirmed his plans, so he grabbed her hands and they raced like children out of the common room together. He knew exactly where to go.


That afternoon was one of his favorites. It was just refreshing to be alone with Evan, she had the gift of letting Cedric forget everything going on in his life that was burdening him. Conveniently, there was an old record player with the dance on it playing when they walked in and they practiced the dance for a few hours, though little progress was made. However, it was in that afternoon that Cedric felt his soul finding a sweet kind of rest in Evan's presence. Nothing remarkable or even out of the ordinary happened, it was gradual and calm. One minute he was twirling her around the room dancing while the sun from the glorious windows cast a magical light and both their eyes twinkled with delight, the next he realized that this tiny firecracker of a girl had become his most treasured 

Leaving that room hand in hand, Evan's hair had become absolutely unmanageable from twirling, with red cheeks and a wide smile, Cedric knew she had never looked more beautiful than in that moment. He wanted nothing more than to never leave her side and she had no idea the surge of feelings happening inside his head, skipping along like the little fairy that she was. 

How did he get so lucky? And yet he had a horrible feeling that something was happening that threatened his world gravely. 


What do y'all think? I have a fun one coming u next and I've already started working on it! Let me know what y'all think! Please I want to hear y'alls thoughts and ideas! Love you guys and hope you have a great Christmas break

Happily ever after? /// Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now