Chapter 28: Break Over!

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Jake's POV

Two years ago, I lost Terel, Johnson, Jeremy and all of the other soldiers. There death is not confirmed as their bodies have not been found. Over the two years, I have been at home, with my wife and with my child. He's only two years of age. But, the Government had been doing something. Even enduring our leaders impeachment, they were doing something that no one really knew of. The Givernment had been receiving materials from China, and they had even intercepted some of the trae routes of Blood Eye's allies and grabbed some of their tech and downloaded the files. At least from what I've heard of. Ever sibce we lost Enterprise and Massachusetts, they have been quiet.

But, I currently layed in bed beside my wife before my phone began to vibrate. I sat up and picked it up. I looked at it to see that it was from the General. I answered it as I got up and left the room and went down the hallway. I listened as he began to talk, "Jake, I know you are home with your family, but I have been gathering up as many troops as I possibly could. need to get here as quickly as possible. You know how the lnow what? I'll tell you when you get here. Just hurry." He hung up.

I didn't even talk back to him. Hmmm...welp, no dodging General. Netter get ready. I went back to my room and began to change in my uniform. My wife stayed asleep the entire time. I put on my cap before missing her forehead. She smiled in her sleep. I walked out of the room and made my way out the door. I went to the garage and opened it up.

I got in my car and started the engine. The engine roared to life as I then drove off.

Four hours later...

I was now pulling up into the armory parking lot. I looked near the door to see the General with several Government people,"The hell?". I turned off my engine and got out. I locked the door and approached the door. I looked past them to see a bunch of other Marines standing there talking. I approached the General as he patted my back, "Jake, follow me." I did as ordered and followed.

We went down the hallway and went to his office. We entered and he closed it. He looked at me, "So. Basically what I wanted to say is that, the Government and Navy have gathered much data on the sketch that the Blood Eye use. So, the Government can now make the tech they have, just not as good. Which means, we can bring back out own World War two ships. They'll be like those..."shipgirls" that everyone calls them.".

I gave him a puzzled look as he just sighed, "Okay, okay. Just, wait for a few minutes. We'll be taking you into the gym and you will all see. I feel like I'm losing my mind." I laughed as we left his office. We made our way to the Gym where it could fit all one hundred soldiers that were gathered. There was a stage in the gym as well.

I went to the front as the General went up on stage where Givernment officials were and even a High Admiral was. The Admiral was from the Navy. A few minutes later, he spoke,"Marines...sailors. You have been gathered here to be oneof the first to meet our newest creation. We have been working on this project for two years and we have finally perfected it. So, I would like you to meet the Governments very first few "shipgirls".".

I looked at the door to see at least ten girls walk through. They all went on stage and stood in a line and faced us. He began to introduce them;

 He began to introduce them;

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