Chapter 26: Help Has Arrived!

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3rd POV

In North Korea...

After North Korea took we-nuclearization off the table, they noticed the Blood Eye and it's allies. They even noticed Japan had joined forces with the Blood Eye. When they found out about England's fall, they were intrigued. Word of England spread in only three days. Their government had even been watching the strikes that had been sent from the atmosphere. Satellites had fallen from the sky and few landing in North Korea. Sixty-seven percent of American satellites had been destroyed.

Kim Jong-Un wanted to see what they were really after. He thinks they want to end this world. But, they really just want to change this world. They defend the defenseless. Unlike the people who say they will, but they are only greedy for power. Korea settled on the idea of requesting an alliance with the all powerful Blood Eye. Little did they know, their military weapons will not be taken kindly.

In South Africa...

The citizens watched as jets and planes flew past. Kids hiding thinking they were going to be harmed, but their worries will be tarnished and replaced with trust. As the larfe planes flew overhead, holo-pads fell down and hit the ground. Everyone looked at them curiously before a kid went to touch it. It flinged open and showed a hologram of a message. And this message was being left all over Africa. Some not liking it.

Dear friends of Africa

I am Admiral Y/n L/n of the nation that is barely known which is called Blood Eye. My allies and I, have decided to come here and help you. You will go hungry no more! You will thirst not a single second! I will make sure you all will be treated equally! Parents, I will make sure you and your children are educated on this world equally. Today is the day your lives will change! A day you will turn from poor, to wealthier than you are now. A government will be made to make laws for you. If your country wishes not for our aid, then we will simply leave. But take to mind, we may be the only people to save you from this world that has been going down hill.

Sincerely, Admiral Y/n L/n, Vladimir Putin, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Shinzō Abe, Boris Johnson, and Queen Elizabeth II.

Together we can save you!

As thousands, maybe millions of Africans finished reading, helicopters that were from Russia, U.K, Germany, Japan, and Blood Eye descended vlose to the ground as giant crates fell from the inside or the bottom of the helicopters. The doors opened up to reveal, food, filtered/clean water, material, resources and many other things. Advanced tech that they would have to get used to. Millions took this offer gratefully as they cheered and hillered as the helicopters flew off towards the ocean to get more things to bring back.

Y/n smiled as he watched from a cam that was attached to one if the nearby helicopters that minitored the scene. Children smiled and laughed as they were provided with many things that would save them. He felt he would enjoy his life of helping these people that were in great need.

In the U.S.A....

The government knew they would have to stop and think of what to do before they make a foolish move. They would have to find out as much as they possibly could about this nation. Which is why the Government was trying to find their laws and any citizens that may have visited their country in the past. And the first file they looked for was Y/n L/n. When Y/n came to America, he was six-teen. They searcged this name and looked back to anything that traced right back to him. Apparently he was an ominous student. Spent two years in America, only learning about the Government and it's laws. Helping many that he had seen on the streets.

As they searched through camera feeds from when he was here, a video feed was seen of a man punching a little girl. The dirty blonde male ran up behind the male and grabbed the man by the colar of his jacket. The man tunred to him only to be thrown into the wall. The little girl was crying and was bleeding from the head. The man stood up and starting and yelled at him as Y/n just hid the girl behind him. The two exchaged words for a while before the man pulled a gun and aimed it at Y/n.

As Y/n ran at the man to disarm him, he took three bullets to the torso but still managed to pin the man with ease and disarm him. Minutes later, police had rolled up and took it from their. The camera still closely inspecting L/n. The girl was treated with medical attention as Y/n waz treated by medical as well and hospitalized due to the GSW's.

There were many more videos of this six-teen year old helping anyone that he could. From helping old ladies get across the street to saving people who were getting raped. What the government found strange though, is that he was located in all fifty states. In only two years. Even while he was a student. Then they found one video. This video shocked the government and were surprised that they never seen it. It was 1:45AM in Texas when he was seen in an alley way. The camera switched to show Y/N in the alley.

He had looked around before tapping his wrist a few times. A giant holographic screen appeared showing all of America. He looked at it before tapping on what appeared to be Washington D.C but it was hard to tell due to how small the state was on the map. Then, Y/n had disappeared without a trace, only to be found leaving an alley in Washington D.C. The Givernmant was now intrigued. This entire time, he was way ahead of everyone in technology and he was studying America and it's flaws. He had taken the technology he found and used it to build his own nation. A nation far smarter than anyone in this universe that they lived in.

To be continued...

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