Chapter 23: A Full Scale Invasion!

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3rd POV

U.S, U.K, Canadian, Denmark, French, Netherlands, Poland, and Romanian troops sat in their stations as they awaited the enemy. As if out of nowhere, multiple beams from O.D.I.N's shot down from soaxe as Blood Eye, German, Russian, and Japanese soldiers and vehichles began to open fire. N.A.T.O soldiers began to fire back as they awaited for more reinforcements to arrive. A large battalion of M1 Abrams drove down the street trying to get behind their enemy.

Art Blood Eye Nation, a gun tower positioned itself correctly before it dialated the coordinates. A loud charging sound could be heard throughout the city before a beam shot from it. It traveled at major speeds. It traveled across the atlantic and arrived in London in 6.3 seconds before hitting its target and destroying whatever was around it.

Bloodeye palnes flew high in the sky as the back doors opened up. Huge cages could be seen as soldiers looked down to see where they were before giving the signal and the lights turned green. A parachute extended and the cages flew out of the planes. Inside those cages were experiments that Y/n's scientists made. As the cages hit the ground, the doors ooened as the monsters ran out. Soldiers wing suited down and landed behind the experiments as they quickly pulled their guns and began to fire at the enemy.

Warships fired at eachother with the Bloode Eye and it's allies winning. In the midst of that battle, Bismarck's ship is seen taking on three U.K battleships. Roon is further out holding off anymore incoming reinforcements with the aid of Admiral Haipper. Prinz Eugen had been ordered to stay out of this fight due to her conditions. Therefore, Y/n's ship hovered in the air as it fired at any enemy the guns could find.

Little did any of them know, multiple ships were on their way to the battle. All of which were ship girls. The reinforcements from America were being lead by none other then Enterprise herself. Coming from Japan, Nagato. From the Northern Parliament, Avrora. From Italy, Nittorio. From France, Jean Bart. Iris Libre, Dunkerque. From the U.K, King George V. From China, Ping Hai. And another one from America. Which us known as Massachusetts.

The U.S had recieved a secondary Cube for killing U-110. Getting closer by the second, German, Russian, Japanese, and Blood Eye troops got closer. Giant mechs had resorted to flying due to the deep waters. Two had sped ahead to assist in the ongoing battle.

Avrora is sided with Blood Eye. Jean Bart, with Bloodeye. Nagato, with Blood Eye. King George V, with the U.K. Littorio, with Blood Eye? Ping Hai, with China. Enterprise, with America. Massachusetts, with America. These were the shipgirls who have been risen from the ocean floor and were called upon by the cube to come back and fight. Though, repair ships were sent with the ships to help repair their heavily damaged hulls as they had no time to bring them into port.

Enterprise and her fleet were the closest as a group of Ironblood warplanes could be seen flying in the sky. They belonged to Graf Zeppilin. As Enterprise sent herbolanes after Zepps, a destoyer exploded. Under the water, multiple submarines were firing torpedos at the fleet. Further ahead, sat Scharnhorn. She sat atop her shop as she waited.

Once the fleet were in range, a full Salvo was shot. Cruisers split apart as the shot missed. Ships began to open fire on her as she continued to fire at them with the Submarines. Scharnhorn was majority outnumbered in this battle. Things were NOT looking good for the Blood Eye ships when there were only one of them. If they killed Scharnhorn, the U.S would recieve an extra ship by using the cubes.

Back in England, almost all ships were accounted for. The only ships that are deceased are U-110 and Admiral Graf Spee. But, maybe one of these ships can be brought back. Maybe Spee or any other ship could be saved. All Y/n needed, was a single cube. And maybe Enterprise was the key. She was the closest. Y/n watched as Scharnhorn continuously got rained upon. She was fighting Enterprise. Scharnhorn fell down as Enterprise aimed her bow. Just as Enterprise released the arrow, a giant mech crashed into the water.

It picked up Scharnhorns dead body befpre aiming it's cannon at a Destroyer. The Destroyer tried to avoid only for it to be obliterated. A small blue cube came forth to the mech as it closed its hand and flew off. The Blood Eye had a cube. But, it us hard to tell if this one cube will work. Y/n would now have to choose between three of his shipgirls.

Timeskip brought to you by Graf Spee rampaging on Enterprise!

Y/n watched as London began to get engulfed in smoke. Thus, the environment will be hurt. But Y/n will easily take care of such a thing. As he sat there, he seen a certain Royal Navy ship entering the bays. Roon noticed this but coukd not take on King George V.

Just as Y/n was about to have Bismarck was about to take care of this situation, salvos of high-explosive shells collided with King George's side. Y/n looked to see Nagato standing atop a building as her cannons regain focus. King George V began to fire back as Nagato ran along the roof tops. Due to the small gap, she had no need to worry of falling down. The Royal Navy ships gun tore through buildings as the collapsed behind Nagato. Her tiny figure was quite difficult to hit.

Therefore, Nagato had the upper hand seeing as how King George was still in her shop form. As Y/n looked at the war before him, the giant mech landed behind him. He stood up as the mech lowered its hand to reveal the dead body of Scharnhorn. In the other hand, sat the cube.

Y/n payed no mind to the cube at first. He took A Scharnhorn and brushed the hair off her face before looking at his ship. He looked back at the mech as it nodded. He got onto its hand and it flew them up to his ship. It landed in the docking bay as it set down Y/n. The mech gave Y/n the cube as he made his way to the Medical Bay. As he entered, he seen some doctors and nurses taling care of Spee. She was still dead. A shipgirls dead body cannot rot away like a dead humans. Theybare different. Her skin was pale and she did not move. The nurses seen Scharnhorn before taking her and placing her on a bed as well.

As Y/n walked over to Spee, he pulled out the cube. It pulsed quickly at being near Spee. The doctors watched in anticipation as the cube floated in the air. As everyone went blind. There vision came back to see...

To be continued...

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