Chapter 16: A Monster

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I'm so so so so sorry! I lost track of time again! Please forgive me!

Jake's POV

I was still breathing heavily. That got the adrenaline pumping for sure. I definitely burned off a lot of calories. I sat up and threw of my helmet as I looked at the empty seat where the captain was supposed to be. I sighed knowing we will have to give his family the bad news. Over the few months that I have been here, he was pretty cool. Yeah, he yelled at us quite a lot, but at other times he was layed back and relaxed. He told us how he was a married man and a father of four. Three girls and one little boy.

Terel put his hand on my shoulder, "We did what we could. We can't change what happened." He was trying his best to calm me down. How can he be so calm after what just happened. We are already losing so many people and the real war hasn't even started yet. Will N.A.T.O even stand a chance now? Will we win? Well, only time will tell, huh?

"The man's a monster." I looked over to Johnson who had a picture of his wife out, "He kills without remorse. No mercy. But, hus people see him as their god. And a god always has a column that he stands on. All we need to do, is bring that column down." Jeremy smirked, "Damn right. But, what is his column?" Johnson looked over at his buddy, "Those girls of his." I looked at him, "You mean the ships?".

He nodded, "Indeed. We take out those ships, we win without a doubt." I rolled my eyes, "I think your forgetting those gun towers he has in his arsenal." Jeremy shook his head, "I didn't forget those towers, they're the key to taking those ships down. The hull on them is like trying to shoot through a million walls with a single bullet." He was starting to make sense now, but how will we get the guns? Terel must've thought the same thing, "But how are we gonna get those guns to shoot their own people?" Jeremy smiled, "Simple way is to get a abandoned warship beside one, get that gun to shoot the warship and tear through the two ships.".

I followed up with another, "And the other way?" He seemed to think about it for a second, "Hard way is going to that nation and taking over the guns. We would have to get permission from the President, National Defense and all them for both ideas though.". He had a good plan. And yes, the Government will have to give us authorization to do such a thing. But, what about the others who were captured? We will have to tell them of that. The last time a soldier was captured, it resorted in the place being annihilated by US Navy Fleets ayer they extracted the last soldier. (Any Americans remember that thing. I believe it was realted to a movie called Black Hawk Down. Not sure.)

Timeskip brought to you by Roon messing with Carl!

When we returned, the General had medics ready to treat anyone who was wounded. There were quite a few who were wounded actually. Jeremy being one of them, he got a bullet to the shoulder. Another soldier was hit by one of the ship girls. The shot tore right through his arm.  I guess this is officially a war now. They killed the captain, and took American soldiers captive.

I walked up to the General as he looked at me, "Where's the captain?" I shook my head, "He's dead sir. Took a bullet straight to the skull." The General narrowed his eyes, "God dammit. I'll have to let the Government know of this." I nodded as he walked off.

Timeskip two days brought to you by a Monster running through the streets of Ireland!

3rd POV

War had officially been declared against Germany, Russia, and Blood Eye. All members of N.A.T.O had agreed to this. Now they all declared war on these three nations. All. except. one. This countries name was Japan. It was still in its debate of this new nation. Seeing how powerful they were. But, most of the government had made up their mind. They may just join them. Get back at the Americans for what they did. But this would also make them an enemy of N.A.T.O. But that is a risk they are willing to take.

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