Chapter 15: An Alliance Complete!

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3rd POV

Prinz opened the doors before running in and clinging to a certain man. She leaned up and whispered in his ear as he turned to see us. Virdimir glared at the American soldiers, "And why are you Americans here in my office?" Jake went wide eyed as he seen friedrich der große, Spee, Bismarck, Graf Zeppilin, Good, Warspite, Roon and many other ship girls glaring at them with their turrets aimed at them.

Jake's captain yelled, "Wait!" The girls cannons stopped glowing as they were ordered to stand down. This gave the captain a chance to talk, "We came here to confirm our alliance for a war, HE is about to start! He's the real enemy here. He was probably planning to kill you before we got here." Virdimir laughed as he smirked towards them, "Oh, he isn't an enemy." The U.S Soldiers eyes widened as the girls cannons began to charge back up, "There now my allies. They offered power and great tech of I joined them. And being the man I am, I accepted. I want to take the second place of the most powerful nation there is!" The Admiral smirked before pulling a pistol and aiming it the captain.

"Take this as a message to Trump, will you?" The Admiral pulled the trigger as a loud bang rang out in the room as the captain fell to the ground with a hole straight through his skull. Jake yelled, "Go! Go! Get back to the Ospray!" The soldiers began to run as the shipgirls began to run after them as Y/n an Virdimir continued their conversation. The american soldiers are now running through a nation that is now against them.

With the American soldiers...

Jake and the other soldiers ran as bullets wizzed past their heads. They had barely made it outside as they seen the vehichles were still sitting outside. They opened the doors and quickly got in. As they pulled off, Blood Eye, Russian, and German vehichles were chasing after them. Citizens were nowhere to be seen. This gave them the chance to use the road as they needed. Terel began to panic, "Motherfuckers were talking about this shit! I sat here and listened to em on the way here! I was hoping this shit wasn't gonna happen.

Jeremy was on the LMG that was on top shooting at the following hostiles. Johnson had his radio up to his ear as he listened before starting to get worried,"The Osprays are under attack as well. They are trying to hold them off as best as they can, floor this damn thing!" Jake did just that.

With the Admiral...

Y/n's POV

I looked at the dead body of the soldier I killed. That must be a good enough message for them. I turned to Virdmir as Prinz still clings to my arm. She's been clinging to it ever since we left Germany. Virdimir held out his hand, "I will accept your offer. As long as you keep up your side of the deal." I smirked, "Of course I will. I never lie. Especially to a strong ally." I took his hand and we shook on it. As I walked out I told the ships to enter and deliver the supplies as Vidimir began to make calls to his ships that were heading towards anyone going anywhere other than Germany and Blood Eye.

As I walked out, I seen some of my shipgirls standing there, waiting for me. They all had smiles on their faces as a dropship descended and we got on, "After those Marines." The pilit nodded and the doors closed before we took off after the Marines. Which, it didn't take long. We were so far up in the sky I could see their evac. There were soldiers firing at the Osprays only to be mowed down by a machine gun in the back of them. I seen Roon was on top of one the Marines hijacked vehichles. She aimed her cannon down before firing it. The car was torn in half. The driver was dead.

Vehichles stopped to apprehend the left behind Marines. I'm happy with a few American soldiers being my experiments. I picked up the radio and told the pursuers to stand down. Which they did. I'm not gonna stop the ones shooting at the Osprays. The dropship came to a stop as I watched the Marines board thier olane and take off. I only smirked. Prinz was clinging to my arm...again. She just giggled. The dropship landed in the street as the soldiers brought me the six soldiers who got left behind. I chuckled, "Seems like they broke the code." A man with blonde hair and a patch that said his name on it spit as blood dripped from his head, "Burn in hell you piece of shit.".

I only laughed, "I am hell kid." He growled like a dog. I looked atthe soldiers, "Lock them up. I will be taking them on my ship for experimentations." They nodded before putting them in the vehichles and leaving towards the port. I checked my holo-tablet to see my special gift to London was almost there. One of my greatest experiments I have ever made! It was being delivered by air so it shouldn't be long.

But before I leave, I want to go see my father and mother in Rostov-on-Don. I waited on Bismarck, Roon, and Spee to return before we left for my parents house. When they did, we left for their home. They have bound to hear what happened. My Father the most.

Timeskip brought to you by Roon being human towards Y/n's mother!

We had landed at an airport and were currently pulling up to my parents house. The police stood outside standing guard. I walked up to the door as it opened, and out stepped my father he smiled, "You actually did it knucklehead. I knew you could accomplish things if you stay determined." I smiled and gave him a hug.

To be continued...

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