Chapter 33: The US

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3rd POV

Somewhere in the USA...

Y/n was sound asleep. He had been drugged to keep him asleep and weak. And it would cause him to become hungry quicker as a side effect of being dehydrated from the drug. He was in a cell as four guards stood outside of the cell with rifles and shotguns. That when a orange skinned man with blonde hair had walked up to the guards, speaking in a voice that he usually does which makes him sound dumb, "Is he still asleep." The guard nodded

"Yes Mr. President. The devil he is still asleep."

The president rolled his eyes,"Wake him up for me." The guards nodded before opening the cell and entering. They reached for something attached to their vests before pulling out a handle, they then brought it down on Y/n as it fully extended, electricity emitted from the bataan, quickly causing Y/n to wake up as they beat him. Though they were quickly knocked unconscious as Y/n jumped up and swiftly connected his foot with there neck, slamming them against the wall.

The President watched as it happened before even more guards rushed over and aimed their guns at him. The President raised a hand, "Do anything, and you'll be seeing the next great thing." They obeyed but kept their guns trained on the criminal as Y/n glared at the orange bastard, "I'm going to beat your ass once I get out of here, Orangie."

Trump only chuckled, "I'm afraid you are behind bars Mr. L/n." Y/n looked at the bars, "Not long before you get attached to an anchor and taken to the deepest parts of the ocean." Trump rolled his eyes, "My ideas are greater than you could ever possibly understand." He had a smug look on his stupid face, one that made Y/n want to use the cuffs bounding him to choke him out.

"Now, I want you to keep in mind the situation you are in currently Y/n, one wrong move, and you'll be the next greatest step to making America great again. We will be the most powerful country in the world once more." The so called evil man couldn't help but chuckle, resulting in an annoyed Trump. Before long, that chuckle turned into laughs of joy.

"Your dumbass couldn't lead a country, the only thing you care for is the money. Besides, most of the country hates you. The world loves me." He would shrug, and look at one of the guards, pointing at the Admiral as if to mock him, "And why is it that the world loves you?"

"Because I see everyone as human, nothing more and nothing less. That and I'm bringing everyone a new day and age. I'm bringing our world into a time where this god forsaken country won't be feared by all. No one will have anything to fear once I'm done." Donald would let out a mocking snicker, "The world doesn't fear us, we protect them!".

He walked right into the next statement of the Blood Eye leaders words, "Then where the hell were you when I emerged? Did you attempt to truly stop me and protect those who actually feared the night of America?" He'd stay silent, seemingly thinking of an answer before replying.

"You weren't a great threat." A slam on the bars seemed to startle the president, an irritated Admiral glaring the orange bastard down

"Bullshit, are you unaware of my nations technology and the fact I have taken one of the poorest countries in the world and made them one of the most advanced? I'm the greatest threat one could imagine."

Trump would just shrug, seeming to not give the slightest shits. Only to turn around and walk away.

Somewhere in Japan...

Yuugi could be seen entering what looks to be a cave system, looking around he'd call out. Behind him were several ships, Hakuryū, Ägir, Marco Polo, Champagne, and Kitakaze. "We're back, why not show yourselves?"

The moment he said those words, a small petite frame would emerge from the darkness of the cave, glowing yellow eyes gazing up at the human. "What is it that you might want? You've been keeping us here for far too long."

The male would smile, clasping his hands together as he gave a slight nod.

"Y/n has been taken, and I felt this would be the best time for you to be of use. If you are to comply with whatever I say, I will see to it that you and all the others can be set free." The eyes narrowed, seemingly annoyed at this bargain. "It depends, you should be speaking with Arbiter, not me.".

He'd lean back, shrugging before standing properly and clasping his hands before him once more. "Well then, why don't we wake her up? I take it she's still recovering?" The petite woman would nod.

"Alright" he'd snap, the ships behind him falling to the ground like puppets without their strings. "Let's get to business, take them back out to the ships and I'll take care of their memory."

A dark skinned woman with scars all across her body and yellow eyes would emerge from the darkness, gripping Ägir and Kitakaze by the arms before starting to drag them out of the cave.

In England...

An Airfield could be seen high with activity. A dozen Blood Eye jets would be seen sitting off on the side of the runway as several larger plane like jets had vehicles loading into the back of them. Each plane was able to carry a total of four tanks and five heavily armored vehicles.

Warspite, Queen Elizabeth, Vaquelin, August Von Parseval and Z23 would be seen monitoring the operation. The Destroyer would mark off on her clip board. "That's the vehicles loaded. They'll be sent to the Harbor in Hawaii. They'll be softening up their based in the island while our jets do... what they need to."

The newest Carrier would nod, "Very well. I'll be sure to make my way to Pearl Harbor. If need be, I'll launch my own attacks if the cannons do not complete their mission. I'll take Warspite with me for extra protection." Nimi would give a hum of acknowledgement. The three sister Battleships simply nodded, not knowing how to respond to what was before them.

As the large planes finally started to take off, a dozen heavily armored semi's carefully made their way up to the jets. The back doors would quickly open as a elevator ramp extended from the back. Iowa would be seen climbing onto the ramp before entering the back, grabbing the hands on a very heavy cart before slowly and carefully pulpit it out into the ramp.

On the side was a symbol displayed, it was like a hologram being shot from the object. It glowed green and seemed to have a green mist around the symbol. On the side it said Fukushima.


To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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