“Somewhere in Camden…Niall chose it” Louis shut his door and Harry quickly just changed his shirt and sprayed a fresh batch of cologne. He looked in the mirror fixed his hair and walked into the living room. Louis soon followed, “Cab is downstairs. Ready?”

“Of course.” He grabbed his light trench and walked out in toe with Louis.

They hopped into the car with the rest of the boys and headed down to Camden Lochs. When the cab pulled in front of a small corner bar he was pleasantly surprised how dead the area was. Usually Camden was bombarded with people but it must have been due to the fact it was a weekday it was unusually dead.

As they sat down in a booth all the way in the back they discussed the vacation they were on and how they were all ready to get back in the studio and on tour. Harry stood and said, “Who wants what?”

“Peroni” Louis smiled.

“Same” Zayn seconded

“Guiness” Niall cheered which caused Harry roll his eyes.

“ I am good mate” Liam smiled.

Harry walked to the bar and ordered his drinks. That’s when he heard a similar voice place an order, “pint of cider and black please” Her voice had already made an impression…or maybe because it was an American accent that he was able to quickly recognize it.

“Of all the bars you could choose from” he said looking over at her. He watched her eyes almost buldge out of their sockets, “You chose this one.”

“I should probably say that to you. This doesn’t seem like your scene. Are you sure you are not following me?” She raised and eye brown and had fully turned towards him. The bartender came over with both set of drinks and as Dy went to go and pay he quickly stopped her.

“This one is on me.” He handed the man 30 quid and tried to grab all the drinks with no success.

She started to laugh but then grabbed two of the drinks, “That was not going to end well.” She followed him back to his group and she placed the one drink down, “Maybe next time you can get one of your mates to help out.”

He laughed as he began to speak, “Did you just use the term mates? How long have you been here that you have been branded with out lingo?”

She covered her mouth out of embarrassment, “Sorry. Some words simply just stick with you. I am constantly saying no worries, and cheers as well. One more year and it will all be over so it will leave my system.”

Everyone at the table laughed as she began to walk away but Harry quickly stopped her. “Hold on” he spoke. She spun around and walked back towards him, “Can I see your phone a second?”

She reached in her back pocket and handed it to him, “why?”

“Well since I don’t excpect to hear from you I will simply have to reach out to you.”he dialed his number and hit send. His phone began to ring in his pocket. “All done”

He handed it back to her and she looked awestruck.

“Harry are you even going to introduce us to your friend?” Louis finally butted in but before anyone could say anything, “Wait a second…is this Dylan? The Dylan you were talking about back at the flat?”

She was now staring daggers at Louis and then turned to look at Harry who wanted to slap Louis at that moment.

“She does rock a beanie very well will give you that.”

She spit out a bit of her cider and said, “I’m sorry?”

“Nothing. Nothing. Ignore him. His mouth and brain sometimes don’t connect and he doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.” Harry looked over at Louis who was now pouting trying to play the innocent game.

“Well since you seemed to have described my outfits in detail is he going to be picking out my next outfit?” She stormed away.

“Dy wait!” he chased after her as well as slapped the back of Louis’ head. She flung open the pubs door and he again screamed, “Dy seriously hold up!”

“I do not have to any such thing” she threw her hand up to hail a cab but the whole street was void of life.

“I am sorry, but I don’t understand why his comment offends you this much? It wasn’t meant to be upsetting. It was a compliment” he shoved his hands in his pocket. Hell it is cold out.

“It’s the fact you talk about me behind my back. I would planned on never seeing you again so I would never even know. And in college girls had the decency of saying I had shit fashion sense behind my back and kept it there.” She again waved her hand in the air. He caught her face in the light and saw a single tear roll down her rosy red cheek.

“What?” was all that managed to come out of his mouth. Nothing was making sense to him at this point and he was just trying to get this girl in his bed. But he really seemed to have offended her. “You very much misunderstood that what he said was a compliment.” She said nothing and simply turned away from him. At this he scoffed, “ Dy honestly? You tell me I am young? You are the one acting like a pre teen girl” he felt his voice getting progressively louder.

“You just don’t get it do you?” she finally said looking at him with pain in her eyes. He said nothing and simply stared at her. That was when a cab pulled in front of them and she climbed in, “Have a great life Harry.”

The cab pulled away and he watched as it turned a corner and she was gone.

Plain and Simple (Harry Styles Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora