・:*+. Stellars.:+

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-Gwain Saga AU, please check it out to have more understanding about this story-
-This is a backstory one-shot, the real story is:*+.Family.:+

It was 10 years ago ever since I met him. I hated him so much. The reason,  because he was better than me. I always looked up at him because he was that strong, I was always second, and I hated that. Number 1 in Magic ability, number 1 in magic power, number 1 in every single category that I claimed before he came. Who is he you ask? The one who changed my whole life? Well, you'll see.


"Okay everyone, settle down!" A loud voice throughout the class yelled. I quickly said bye to my best friend, Jungkook and sat down in my seat, all ready to start the school day.

"We have a new student joining us today, please let him feel comfortable." The teacher signaled the student to walk in, the boy had a happy face on him and bowed as he reached the front of the class.

"Hello! My name is Choi Yeonjun, I'm 15 years old!" Yeonjun looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, not worrying about him at all. I thought he was a regular student, but no. How I was so wrong.

-Couple minutes later-

"Alright! Let's see how much you grew over the past week!" Our teacher instructed for a couple of kids to walk up to the front and show how much they learned. I smirked to myself as I recognized everyone's abilities, knowing I would never be like them.

"Choi Soobin, come up." I stood up and walked towards the front, I quickly removed a hidden necklace that was hiding under my jacket and put it over. My classmates all looked in awe as they saw me wave my hand in the air, a soft glow of magic coming from my hands, little stars glittering in it, my necklace glowing a faint flow as well. I went towards the little flower that was placed on a table in front of me. I twirled my finger around it, and it grew. The students all gasped as I lit it on fire just as I made it grow, after the whole flower was in flames, I twirled my fingers again and water came out and distinguished the flames. My whole class all started to clap and I smiled adorably at them. I shuffled back to my seat and looked to my right, the new kid looking at me like as if he was not impressed. I scoffed and watched my other classmates get up and demonstrate their single talents. I looked down and admired the the crystal-like jewel hanging from my necklace, a white star placed in the middle of it. This symbolizes another ability, a form no one, even Queen Gwain could do, the ability, Stellar. I wasn't one of the primary wizards or anything, I was the rarest kind. Stellars could control all abilities no matter which one. We harness power from the stars instead of Teora. I looked up as Yeonjun's name finally was called, he stood up and sighed. He walked towards the front, but he didn't do anything. All of my classmates, including me, all started to tease him, calling him trait-less, a person without any ability. But, we were all wrong, so wrong. Yeonjun instantly closed his eyes and breathed in, as he opened his eyes, his eyes only glowed a faint white until he finally performed magic. He moved his hands around, a haze of magic following after his movements, then came water. The water following his hands, the new kid's water ability was amazing. Everyone started to clap their hands, until he dropped the water. The water almost touched the floor, until it turned into ice. My classmates and I all watched carefully at the skilled water/ice mage turned the ice into snow. Everyone lifted their hands to clap once more, but, the snow was transformed into falling leaves. Everyone gasped, including me, as he controlled the leaves wind and made the leaves into a tiny bush. Yeonjun looked up at me and smirked, I instantly figured it out. The newcomer lit the bush on fire as well, but turned it into rock before the flames could reach any of us. Yeonjun walked towards the rock and shrunk it, he kneeled down and picked up the rock and put it on my desk. I instantly looked up at him, and I saw it. The same crystal, hanging from a necklace around his neck, another Stellar. Everyone looked as he walked back to his seat, the whole class holding their breath in before Yeonjun sat down. I grabbed the rock and I instantly crushed it. I hated him, he was more powerful than me, the top student in my grade and possibly the whole school, everyone could see that I was weaker, even my teacher. That was when I met the second Stellar in possibly the whole Teora, Choi Yeonjun.

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