.::Chapter Twenty-Eight||Trust Me::.

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This "chapter" was supposed to be part of the previous chapter; but 27 was just too long. So, here it is. Also, I'm gonna put in a warning, this scene is a bit explicit... sex. I typically wouldn't put a warning (since this story is already set to Mature) but one of my banners for this story got flagged as offense so, I guess there's gonna be a warning on all future sex scenes from now on.
Also, that banner up there really doesn't have much to do with the story, he's just really pretty there.

"Do you trust me?" Had been the question Julian asked. It was a simple question, she supposed—it was to be followed by a yes or no response. But did Janae trust Julian?

She had nodded her answer, but only because she couldn't find her voice. She was trapped under the weight of his body—he was nestled between her legs. She lied helplessly beneath him—skin to skin. The way he looked into her eyes had her feeling that he was penetrating her soul. The sound of her own voice would ruin the moment.

Tiffany warned her about this. She told Janae it was fine to be a whore, just as long as she was a smart whore. Janae wouldn't dare label herself a whore, but she definitely wasn't being smart right now.

Janae trusted Julian. She didn't trust that she would be the only one for him, or that he wouldn't lie; he'd already proven he was capable of that by omission. But Janae trusted that she loved him.

She wasn't sure exactly what Julian had meant when he'd asked her if she trusted him. A part of her thought he was bypassing the revelation of his past—the fact that his ex-girlfriend worked with him. It wasn't until he pressed against her entrance and began slowly slipping past her folds that she realized exactly what he'd meant.

Janae tensed, squeezing his biceps while trying to steady her hips. This was surreal; she couldn't believe this was happening—that she was letting this happen. Her eyes were wide in disbelief as she felt him sink into her body completely.

"Are you okay?" Julian spoke barely above a whisper, clearly alarmed by the wide-eyed gaze she was giving him.

She wasn't sure what to say. When he'd asked her if she trusted him, she didn't think this is what he had meant. She recalled freshman year in biology class—a vivid demonstration with a banana showcasing how to properly put on a condom. The naive eighteen year old never imagined sex without protection—the thought was semi-disgusting. She was sure it happened, but only when trying to conceive.

"What's wrong? Talk to me- do you want me to stop?" Julian spoke sincerely, but he wasn't removing himself from within her. Was he being sincere?

"You're not... wearing anything."

He smiled, breathing out a quiet laugh. "You said you trusted me."

"I do, but I'm not on the pill."

"I'm not gonna get you pregnant, I promise. You're the only girl, Jay... you're the only girl I wanna be with."

"But... how do you know I won't get pregnant- all it takes is one time, Jules- just one time."

Julian began retracting his hips from hers without disconnecting—looking down at her in disbelief. He knew she was innocent, but had no idea exactly how innocent. She was a bright girl, but when it came to intimacy, she was beyond ignorant.

"I'm gonna pull out baby, I promise." He kissed her cheek, slowly slipping deep within her again. She couldn't say it felt much different; she couldn't feel the band of the latex grinding against her labia yet, which was nice. The motion of his body entering and retracting seemed a little smoother; but overall, Janae couldn't tell much of a difference.

"You feel so good." Julian murmured breathlessly against her ear, causing the fine hairs on her body to raise against their shared heat. It was a strange sensation to get cold chills while sweating—much like a fever. Julian's hips stalled, moving his mouth to hers. Janae thought his affections were led by desire; little did she know, he was trying to keep from climaxing. Julian apologized, "You're just so wet."

So many thoughts were running through Janae's head; was she technically losing her virginity again? Why did it still sound so sticky? Janae decided to do something stupid—she was going to enjoy this—she was going to trust him.

Janae ran her fingers through Julian's hair, moving her lips with his instead of lying there like a mannequin. His hair matted against her touch from his sweat—his bangs no longer tickling her cheeks.

"I love you." Janae spoke against his lips that tasted of salt. She pushed his hair out of his eyes, gazing into his pale brown orbs that looked green in the lamp light shining from the nightstand. "Don't ever hurt me."

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