.::Chapter Twenty||Change of Plans::.

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        Janae returned home Sunday evening; she was happy there wasn't a barrage of empty beer cans or dishes piling the sink

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        Janae returned home Sunday evening; she was happy there wasn't a barrage of empty beer cans or dishes piling the sink. Tiffany had managed the household rather well in her absence, which could only mean one thing—she hadn't thrown a party. With Julian and Albert living next door, the parties tended to be hosted in their apartment instead.

Just when Janae thought she could get used to the idea of their apartment being quiet, Tiffany went and did it again—she'd thrown another party.

        "Are you fucking serious?" Janae muttered in disbelief. Her eyes widened—her mouth fell agape as the apartment door swung open, revealing a sight she wasn't ready to see.

Roughly twenty people crowded the apartment; some strangers, others familiar face. Most weekends, Janae could stand the parties, but not now—not this weekend. There was no denying the stress of it all; she'd been driving herself crazy thinking of what was to come. It was as if her entire life was leading up to this moment—the loss of her innocence. She'd finally found someone worthy enough to take it; no longer would her inexperience be a burden to bare.

"There you are! I invited a few people over—hope that's okay." Tiffany's arm draped over Janae's shoulders. She could feel her friend's intoxication level by the heaviness of her arm—she was drunk. 

"I was gone for only two hours!"

        Tiffany's brows furrowed, her drunken state still evident in her glossy eyes. "I didn't think you'd mind. You're mad—you're so mad." Tiffany smirked mockingly, taking Janae's face in her hands like a child. "Lighten up, it's a party."

"I had plans. This one weekend—I had plans. And then you fuck it up having a party-"

"But I didn't have one last weekend." Tiffany protested.

"You should've, I wasn't here."

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so mad? What were planning to do, walk around naked?" Tiffany teased.

"Jules is supposed to come over. It's supposed to be our night—we planned this."

        Tiffany's eyes widened, the realization beginning to sink in. "Are you guys gonna do it?... finally!"

"We were." Janae snapped. "There's too many people here now-"

"You could do it at his place."

"There's always too many people at his place, you know that." Janae exhaled, rolling her eyes.

        Tiffany grabbed Janae's arm, pulling her toward the kitchen. She fought against her drunken tug, maneuvering around the familiar strangers.

"Stop—let go of me!" Janae jerked her arm out of Tiffany's grasp, rubbing the place her hand had been; It was already reddening.

        "Here, drink this. Drink four of these as fast as you can and you won't care anymore." Tiffany picked up one of the many shot glasses lining the kitchen island, shoving it toward Janae's face. The pungent smell of vodka causing her to snarl. "Go on, drink it." Tiffany encouraged.

Janae stared at the transparent liquid, assessing Tiffany's logic. She wasn't wrong—drinking one of those things would certainly put at damper on the situation; drinking two would make the strangers tolerable; drinking three would make Janae's head feel light; drinking four would make her recklessly careless.

        Perhaps she was onto something.


Before you cuss me out on how short this chapter is—trust me, I know 😂
This is actually one quarter of the whole chapter. It was so long that I decided to break it up a bit.
I just wanna thank those of you who are still reading this, it really means a lot ❤️

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