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In a daze, Janae knocked on the apartment door. Her trancelike stare tunneled, revealing Albert on the other side. She'd been so lost in her own mind she hadn't noticed it open.

"Hey Jay, what's up?" Albert smiled with his eyes, motioning for someone to turn down the music. The guitar riff came to an abrupt halt, making her realize that it hadn't been the radio—they were just that good. Had she not been so out of touch, she would've commented on it.

           "Where's Jules? I need to see him."

"He's not here. Won't be back till Saturday."

"Where is he?" Janae's voice trembled—she was on the verge of tears.

          "Are you okay?" Albert reached for Janae's shoulders; the touch of comfort causing her to nearly crumble to the floor.

"I need to know where he is- I have to see him." The tears spilled; she covered her face to hide the evident distress, or perhaps her own humility.

"Hey, hey—it's alright." Albert wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest. He smelled nice; clean and freshly showered. "I told Jules this was a stupid idea. I fucking told him."

"Where is he?"

"I can't tell you it's... it's a surprise." Albert pulled away to examine Janae's reaction. She was still in utter despair. "Hey, Tiffany's gonna be back soon. When she gets back-"

        Janae shook her head, "There's no time. Tiffany got offered a two year contract, she's moving to Miami. She'll be moved out by February, I don't know what to do."

"What do you mean? Wh- what's going on? You're talkin' like you're in some kind of trouble."

"You have no fucking idea. I probably won't be here Saturday." Janae's eyes swelled with tears, her face distorting in emotional torment. "Tell Jules that I love him, can you tell him that for me? Please... tell him that I love him and I'm sorry."

"Not until you tell me what's going on."

        Janae shook her head, biting her bottom lip while backing away from Albert's apartment.

Albert stepped out into the hall, closing the door behind him.

"It doesn't matter. Nothing matters anymore."

        "Jay, listen to me. You cannot leave Jules like this. Are you hearing yourself right now? He fucking loves you, why else do you think he even wants to have this kid with you. And you're just gonna take off on him? He's already scared to death, he doesn't need this shit right now."

"That's why I gotta go. I- I have to go. I wish he was here, I wish I could tell him, but... I can't, Al. Just tell him I love him, okay? Tell him I love him."

"It's his kid too, Jay."

        Janae shook her head, "It's... it's gone. Which is probably a good thing anyway." Janae wiped her face, collecting her composure. "The last thing I want is to bring someone else into this. It's best you don't know, because then you'll wanna try to save me, but... I gotta save myself this time. I can't keep running anymore- I can't keep doing this, I'm tired."

"Running from what?"

"It doesn't matter. The less you know the better." Janae sniffled back tears, wiping her face again. Her cheeks felt raw, her eyes stinging and red. "I'll try to stick around until Saturday. I'm gonna try to be here when he gets back. But I can't make any promises." Janae didn't wait for Albert to respond; she was already leaving the floor, trailing down the apartment stairs.

Barely Legal (Julian Casablancas) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora