.::Chapter Forty-Three||Stupid::.

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Thank you guys so much for your wonderful comments. I'm not kidding, it's literally the only reason I've not abandoned this thing. This weird thing happens to me when I read them, I get so overwhelmed that I don't know what to say. I used to reply to everyone all the time but, I just feel so undeserving of everyone's praise—I'm a fraud lol
I've read back some of my replies to my readers previous and I'm like "why the fuck did I say that—I sound ridiculous." My replies just don't/can't match how gracious I am to you guys. bluesavages, undonnoodels, ssophiamn; and of course everyone that's just reading and "voting" (I don't even know what that means, I've been on here for years and don't understand why they just don't call it a "like" or "heart" button, but maybe I'm just brainwashed by other platforms lol) it truly means the world—you guys are an inspiration to me. You guys are so fucking hilariously honest—it's amazing.
THANK YOU ❤️❤️❤️

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" Tiffany stood on the other side of the door of Albert's apartment. She glanced past his shoulder to see Julian sitting on the edge of the couch. His legs bounced wildly, leaning forward taking a draw of his cigarette. A piece of him deflated when realizing that it wasn't Janae.
"Alone?" Tiffany added upon seeing that Julian was in listening range.

Albert stepped into the hall, closing the door behind him.
"What's goin' on?"

"I'm leaving in the morning at seven, I just... I wanted to make sure you're gonna keep an eye on Jay."

"But I thought I was taking you to the airport."

"I don't trust him. She's... emotional right now and I don't want her saying the wrong thing to him."

"She's gonna have to stop being so fucking stubborn and talk to him. She's acting like a child."

"Jules is practically on suicide watch right now, fuck off with that shit. That's the reason I don't want him going over there. If he goes over there and- God forbid she tells him that she hates him again-"

The apartment door came open, revealing a disheveled Julian. "I'm not gonna go over there. I'm not gonna kill myself either." He looked like he hadn't slept since the last time she'd seen him. His clothes appeared clean, his hygiene well; however, he looked like shit. He looked run down and run over, pasty—almost sticky. Tiffany couldn't bring herself to ask, but he looked like he was going through some type of withdrawal.
"I'm not gonna bother her, alright- I'm... I'm gonna leave her alone."

"That's nice Jules, really... but can I please talk to Al alone?"

Julian replied by going back into his apartment. Tiffany waited for him to reveal himself again, but he never did.

"So what's up?"

"How is he? Like... really?" Tiffany found herself stepping closer, whispering the question.

"Stupid. He's convinced himself that Jay's gonna keep it if he quits drinking and cleans himself up. He had a good cry about his life being over, but woke up doin' a one-eighty today. He's just... he's lost. He doesn't wanna quit music, but he doesn't wanna quit pleasing Jay... now he's all upset about her gettin' rid of it- he doesn't know what to think or what to do. He's.. you know, he's stupid."

Julian had been more concerned with his own life's ambitions going down the toilet when first hearing the news. But after a good showcased tantrum that scared everyone into leaving the party, he wandered off to his bedroom where Albert had spent the next four hours talking him down.
His life was over now, everything he'd worked so hard for and was gradually achieving had been flushed away by those words, "she's pregnant."

Janae had been holding him back—she was the distraction slowing him down and keeping him from the goal he had set for himself years before.
Or was she the only person keeping him from falling off the deep end—jumping off the fire escape ledge that he was sure wouldn't kill him, but break him more than his own faults?

When Albert confided in Julian that he didn't think Janae was going to keep it, it set off another round of having to talk him down—Tiffany had been witness to some of it.

"Jules wants her to keep it?" Tiffany asked, totally beyond belief.

"He's stupid right now. It doesn't matter what he wants—you of all people know that."

"Well, um... she's gonna keep it." Tiffany bit her lip to try hiding her growing smile; her eyes narrowed skeptically waiting for Albert's wrath.


"Yeah, we talked about it and, she wants to keep it."

"How the fuck is she gonna do it? She can't even afford rent. Her dad sure as shit ain't gonna help her if she's carrying a kid, especially Julian's kid. The girl is too sick to work, she's too fucking stubborn to even talk to Jules about this. Wh- why the fuck is everyone so delusional about this?"

"I'm gonna help her. I can't say Jules is gonna stick around, but... he can help too."

"This is fucking insane. You guys are fucking insane- a baby? You guys wanna raise a baby?"

Albert didn't want to seem cold hearted about the matter, but he saw Janae for what she could be. Upon Janae revealing that the test was hers instead of Tiffany's, he felt sick. Not because he wished it had been Tiffany, but because he knew Tiffany could handle whichever decision she made. Janae, however, could not.

Janae was innocent—a victim of his best friend's carelessness. One could argue that she had been just as careless, but her naivety begged to differ.
Julian had been her first—of everything. Julian had experience; Janae had none. No matter which choice Janae made, it would always feel wrong. Abortion was the best choice for Janae's future—that much Albert was certain.

"I just need you to promise me that you're gonna look after her while I'm gone. Make sure she sees a doctor, make sure she's got a ride to and from wherever she goes. I don't want her walking, she can't barely raise her head off the pillow right now."

Albert rolled his eyes, starting back into the apartment. "Yeah, whatever."

"I mean it, Al."

"Okay, mom. It shoulda been you- I shoulda knocked you up." Albert snapped jokingly.

Tiffany smiled shaking her head disapprovingly; however, the sentiment felt nice—it meant someone believed in her ability to be a mother—a good mother.

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