Beauty and the Beast ~ Kanato Sakamaki

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Kanato Sakamaki x Bookworm!Reader

Your hand grabbed the ladder bar and pulled yourself up, as the other hand scanned a wide range of books. You climbed a bit, until finding the right one. You smiled and stuck your nose in the book, presumably named "Beauty and the Beast,". As you consumed the literary novel for the umpteenth time this month, your legs slid down the ladder, and directed you to the couch, a very fine place to read.

After countless of hours in the library, you noticed a shift in the atmosphere. Frightened by what it was, you closed your book gently and scanned the area. A soft sigh of relief escaped your lips, as you thought the only one in here was you. You opened the novel and began to read again.

Time seemed to speed up as your read, but for the young purple haired vampire Kanato, it seemed to move slow as ever. He thought over everyone, and what they were doing. Laito was playing the Piano, Ayato and Yui were somewhere, Shu was asleep, Reiji was experimenting, and Subaru would never want to play with him.

Kanato gently stroked Teddy, a small frown on his face. "Ne, Teddy.... Isn't (Y/N) here?" He asked the inanimate bear. After a moment of silence, the vampire grinned. "Of course!" He hugged the teddy bear tightly. "She'll play with me~ Right Teddy?" He giggled, with a hint of insanity in his voice.

You closed your eyes and let out a tired yawn. Pausing to look at the clock, your eyes adjusted to the ticking machine. "10:57..." You mumbled to yourself. You stood up and stretched, releasing a breath. Grabbing the book, you made sure to write down the page number somewhere, you put it in the exact place you found it. It was quite possible you did that because you were deeply afraid of Reiji's punishments.

You checked around again, just once more, to tidy everything up. As you headed out the grand wooden door, your (E/C) eyes landed upon Kanato, whom was smiling at you, as if he was there the entire time. You froze as he started to walk to you. Usually, the vampires kept their distance from you, besides this particular one. "H-Hello Kanato-Kun..." You bowed your head politely.

Kanato gave you a /sweet/ smile. "(Y/N), will you come with me?" He asked.

You blinked, then nodded slowly. You weren't sure where he would take you, or what would happen if you disobeyed him. "S-Sure...~"

Kanato turned on his heels, facing the same way you are. "Follow Teddy and I, alright (Y/N)~?"
Once outside, you and Kanato, along with Teddy, were seated next to each other on the dock next to the widely spread pond. Your shoes and socks were on the grass next to Kanato's, as both yours and his feet were dipped in the water. You smiled gently, and looked at the purple haired vampire. "Thank you for bringing me out here Kanato-Kun," You grinned.

Kanato blinked and stared at you for a moment, before smiling again. "Hehe~," There was silence between you two before Kanato got up. You looked at him confused, but as soon as you blinked, your were shoved into the ice cold water.

You squeaked and used your arms to stay afloat. "K-Kanato-Kun!" You cried out. He smirked and went into the water as well. His feet were actually able to touch the ground, unlike yours. He stepped closer to you, his hand reaching out to touch your flawless skin.

"You look so sweet~" He cooed, licking your cheek. "And you taste it as well," Kanato smirked over at you. "Women have to be pleased, or they'll get angry." He remembered, and gently kissed you, lingering there for a few minutes.


"Shut up (Y/N), it's fine." Kanato reassured you. His mouth moved to your neck, and his fangs dug gently into your skin. "All you have to say is..."

"I'm yours, forever and ever~"

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