Valentine's Surprise ~ Laito Sakamaki IV [[LEMON]]

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WARNING!!!!! If you do not enjoy Sexual Content, I suggest you do not read further!!! This has DESCRIPTIVE SEXUAL CONTENT. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!! 

Laito Sakamaki x Reader [[LEMON]] Valentine's Day Special

You didn't know what Laito had planned for the very intimate holiday. Today was a holiday full of love, and  lovemaking. Here in japan, the female usually makes the chocolates, then on white day the males return the favor.  This year though, Laito had instructed you not to make chocolates, as he was going to plan something already.  You sighed, running a hand through your (Hair Length; Color) hair and pouted. It was currently dusk, and you sat in bed, sleeping clothes falling off your shoulder and showing a bit of your panties.  To be honest, you had a pretty good guess on where this was going to go to. It was Laito we're talking about here.

Laito grinned, taking a box and swirling it in his hand. No, it was far too long to be a proposal ring, and with a vampire, especially this one, it would be hard to see if he would actually settle down. He had bought you a green and (Favorite Color) necklace that he was sure too look amazing on you. Walking up the polished stairs, Laito looked at your brown-with-a-red-hue door. He knocked, earning himself a quiet "Come on," from the still sleepy you. 

You rubbed your eyes, yawning as you did. Your (Eye Color) eyes locked with his green ones and your cheeks turn a red color. Laito licked his lips, not expecting you to look so vulnerable around him. He really just wanted to pin you down, and take you over, and over again. You never ceased to make Laito want more.  

"Happy Valentine's Day Laito~" You said with a soft smile, brushing your hair to the side. Laito nodded to you, and took his shoes off all while staring at you. "What?" You asked. "Laito what are you doing?" 

Laito to answered by sitting next to you on your bed, and gently kissing your cheek. He smiled, and held a necklace out for you. "Here," He chimed happily. You looked at the necklace with a shocked expression, seeing how pretty it was. "But not now." He put the necklace back in it's box.

You stared at him confused. "Huh?"

"Well, because you didn't make me anything, what will I get in return?" Laito asked in a sly tone, arching an eyebrow at you. You blushed and looked away, immediately thinking of things... Less than innocent. The vampire chuckled lightly, crawling over you, caging you with his hands beside your face. Your cheeks were just about 50 shades of red now, as you stared at the entrancing green hues Laito has. You rubbed your eye once again, trying to completely get all the sleepiness away.  

"Nfu~ That's so cute~ I can still make you blush like a madman!" Laito pointed out, using one hand to carcass your crimson cheek. He grinned happily at your silly reactions, and with your ignorance mixed with his desire, Laito was able to sneak a hand into your sweats. He traced circles around your thigh, causing you to shiver. 

You huffed quietly as Laito nibbled on the skin near your ear, tracing his lips down to your neck. "Laito..." You mumbled softly, refraining your voice. He let out a soft hum, questioning you. "U-Um...., Nevermind," 

Laito shrugged off your insecurities and let his fangs glide across your skin. Besides, it's not like you two haven't done this before, so he didn't think of it as anything. The perverted vampire licked the soft skin on your neck before biting down slowly, making sure to make his actions as pleasurable as he can. Laito sucked on your sweet blood that reminded him of (favorite flavor) macaroons. Laito moaned as he continued to hungrily drink from you.

"A...Ah... Laito..." You closed your eyes, feeling a bit tired. "Not so much..."

Laito opened his emerald eyes, staring at your blushing cheeks. He sighed and took one last gulp of the blood he craved so much. "Hng~ Human's aren't fair~" Laito complained, already moving on to your collarbone.

A moan bubbled in your throat as you're nails digging into his neck, making shallow crescent moons. He placed various hickeys across your clothed body.

Laito's cold hand slowly dragged up into your shirt, his smirk widening as you twitched under him, obviously getting anxious and impatient. "Damn it Laito," you cursed, moving your hand to your own shirt, taking off your (Favorite Color) tank top, showing Laito a new pair of lingerie, as he destroyed the last one. He licked his lips in a seductive manner, as if he was about to have a meal.

You reached over Laito, grabbing his trusty fedora and throwing it across the room, as your other hand scaled up to the collar of his button-up shirt. Laito paused as he watched you fiddle with the small buttons on his chest.

Your eye twitched in annoyance as Laito snickered, narrowing his green hues at you. You slapped his chest gently, scoffing. "Shut up..."

"Nfu~ I didn't say anything Bitch-Chan~" Laito replied, using his nickname for you, even after constant retorts, he still calls you that. Once he saw your annoyed expression, Laito threw off his own shirt exposing his toned chest that you had to run your hand over, feeling every crease in every muscle that he had.

He shivered in delight, but temptation couldn't give away. Laito pinned your hands above your head, licking his lips once again. He switched his hand out, letting his left hand be free. Laito's hand crawled over to your bra clasp, and snapped it in half, resorting to flighty violent methods. You hissed sharply as the strap slapped against your back, creating a dull red streak. Laito, on the other hand, enjoyed your face curled up in pain.

"Bitch-Chan~" He cooed, licking often the valley of your breast. Laito sunk his fangs right above the pulsing bud. A scream bubbled in your throat, gripping his bare skin tightly. He licked the dripping blood, moaning in delight.

"Jesus fucking..." You gripped your teeth, and glared at him. "Stop teasing me already!"

Laito shifted you, tearing the remaining clothing off of your skin. in the fury of clothing ripped off, your lips were captured once again as Laito continued to tease you, tubing your womanhood and sticking a slim finger in it. You gasped, pulling away to take a breath.

"Beg," His voice commanded in a seductive tone.




With a wide smirk, the vampire thrust into your tight womanhood. At a monstrous speed, he made love to you, causing multiple orgasms from the both of you throughout the night.


You groaned, rubbing your neck and rolling your head as you sat inbetween Laito's legs. "Jeez..." You looked outside to see it almost morning, informing you that Laito kept up the sexual entertainment for hours in end. "Laito did you have top be so rough?"

The said vampire rested his chin on your bruised shoulder and chuckled. "Nfu~ You weren't saying that when I-"

"Yeah I get it." You cut him off, heat rising to your ears.

Laito reached back, and grabbed thenecklace he once shown you before. He placed the cold metal around you and smirked. "Happy Valentines, Bitch-Chan~"

Lol hella lame no shame
This is so late omg
So great
Anyways, I'm not gonna be doing a lemon for a LONG time
Like in any story m8
Thank you uvu

(loooooool past me you're so funny

you have like 6 lemons to write

so get to it)

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