II|Without Saying Goodbye?|

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Jennie's POV*

Right after Lisa left through the window a knock on my door was heard.

"Who is it?" I tried to surpass my tears and the pain.

"Hey honey I'm home already. May I come in?"
My dad said.

"Ah dad I'm naked. I was about to shower. I'll just see you downstairs." I said wiping my tears trying to sound normal.

"Oh I'm sorry dear. Ok then make it quick. " I heard him left.

Downstairs...I didn't dare look into my father's eyes after the favour I asked for. He had stop eating as soon as I dropped the question.

He took in deep breath, " Is that really what you want Kim Jennie?"

"Y-yes appa. I want to continue my studies there again, that is if your ok with it." I glanced at him.

"Are you sure sweetheart? Your only 18 you know? Can you manage yourself?" His voice full with concern.

"I'm sure Appa. Oppa will be there anyways right? Please Appa. Let me go." I pleaded.

He sighed but smiled, " ok my daughter if that's what you want."

I stood up and hugged him, but with a sad smile plastered on my face. "Appa tonight. I wanna leave tonight please."

He just nodded probably not caring why I wanted to rush my return to New Zealand. Maybe he'll think I'm excited to go back.

It's already 7:30pm. I've just finished packing when mom knocked the door.

"Hey dear are you done?" I looked to the boxes I packed with things I wanna move there, then my luggage.

I nodded and stood up. Came in our bodyguards who helped me bring my stuff to the van.

"Hey kiddo. I called your brother already. He said he'll pick you up at the airport." Dad peeked through the door.

"Oh Appa is he sure? I mean by the time I reach there it's probably 8 in the morning." I asked.

"You know how much your brother loves you kid. He'll be more than happy to fetch you himself when you arrived. Why wouldn't he right? It's been 3 years since you two saw each other in person. I'm sure he misses so as much as you miss him."

I smiled and followed them out the door.

We reached the airport and again dad's bodyguards helped to fill our private plane with my items. I hugged my parents one last time.

"We'll come back to the both of you once we're done here in Korea ok? I promise that we'll move the whole company there somehow, then we can live there forever." Dad kissed my forehead.

I nodded at him.

"Oh and mom, dad one more thing..."

"What is it kiddo?"

"D-don't..."I took a deep, " Don't tell anyone where I've gone... even Lisa."

They were shook at first but understood.

I nodded and smiled sadly as I entered the plane. I looked back one last time and gave my parents a flying kiss, then the door behind me closed.

Lisa's POV*

I'm on my way to work now. I won't be surprise if I get fired today. Or if I ended up in jail. I haven't heard from Jennie too. I'm starting to worry. Look I know. I know what I did was wrong. Fucked up. But I made a mistake. And I at least need her to forgive. Even if in the end I won't end up with her. I sigh as I walked through the company door, straight up to Mr Kim's office. I knocked on his door and I replied for me to go in.

"Oh good morning Lisa. What can I do for you today?" He asked smiling slightly as he looked up to me.


Did Jennie not tell him?

"Ah I'm here to hand in the files you've asked for sir." I held up the files.

"Yes thank you Lisa. You may excuse yourself now."

I bowed and left the office. I was lost.

Did Jennie keep it a secret? Is she still here in Korea. Did she leave already? Am I going to jail or not? What's happening?

Just as I was lost in my thoughts Mrs Kim appeared in front of me.

"Oh Mrs Kim." I quickly bowed.

"Hey Lisa sweetheart. What are you doing here. Were you about to enter darling?"

As I heard Jennie's mom spoke to me like that I became even more guilty than before.

"Ah no Mrs Kim. I was just about to leave."

She sighed, " hais Lisa how many times must I tell you? You can call me aunty anytime and Jennie's dad just call him uncle he doesn't mind at all. Ok?" She questioned me.

I quickly smile and nodded.

"Alright run along now. I'll see you around." She was about to leave but I stopped her.

"Oh wait. Um aunty if I may ask...um is Jennie home? I thought of visiting her today." I faked a smile.

She looked surprised and then looked down slightly, averting her eyes with mine.

"I'm sorry dear. Jennie she's not in Korea anymore. She left overseas to continue her studies last night." She said sadly.

My face drop. She really meant it? No! No this can't be! I haven't said sorry yet!

"Where has she gone to aunty?" I asked worried.

Mrs Kim directed her sight back to me.

"As much as I wanted to tell you sweetheart, she specifically told us not to tell her whereabouts to anyone. Even you my dear." Her tone lowered.

I smile bitterly and bowed a little, "t-thank you Mrs Kim. F-for informing me... I'll go now. See you a-and uncle Kim around." I left after a speech full of stuttering.

I heard a sigh from behind me followed by a click.

But wait... will she keep the baby if she gets pregnant? Or will she get an abortion just because every time she stares at the kid, it will remind her of what I did to her that night?

Did she really leave me? Did she keep her word like I did? Did she meant every word she said that night? Did she really leave without saying goodbye?

What am I gonna do now? Should I give up?

NO! I'm not gonna give up until I find you Kim Jennie. Until you forgive me.

With that I left the office as I was excused from work the whole day.
Let's just say I really don't have any idea anymore how long or short each chapter is gonna be. Ahaha. I love you all😘

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