Part 11

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Steve was up earlier than normal. He couldn't sleep, he didn't want ot relive that moment, the moment that destroyed everything he had ever stood for.

Nat was sitting in front of the tv, but seemed to be staring at the wall.

" I'm making breakfast, you want some, " he spoke, moving her from her trance, " but if your busy ... that's a pretty interesting wall."

"oh shut up Rogers, " she spat, " I thought you and Barns were still staring into each others eyes."

Steve was taken aback by her aggressiveness. He backed away, and saw Clint, Sam and Scott siting in silence by the kitchen table.

"this is wrong," Clint spoke. " this is so, so wrong." Steve looked at him, obviously confused. "what is," he asked.

"this!" he shouted, " tony housed us here to be together, but thanks to the accords, he is dead. DEAD!  and we will never get to apologise for the mess we made." he whispered the last part, just as nat walked in.

Now Nat was an assassin, and she had never shown an emotion, until Clint's outburst. Her eyes watered, and she put a hand over her head as she sunk down onto a stool.

"I still cant believe it." she whispered. " he was my friend, I should have been there to stop it. " she lifted her head, tears falling down her face. Her icy cold glare met steve, and all the men in the room froze in fear. Nat had always been careful, she had never let the team see her dark side, but she didn't think se could contain it anymore.

"I let you and Barns go. And Tony went there as a friend. How could you do it?" The lack of physical violence was some what worse. She could be bothered to waste her energy on him, he waste even worth that anymore.

"nat ... " he started, but she stood abruptly, Clint following suit. "no, don't talk to me. You're right Clint his isn't right. We let him down, we shouldn't still be relying on his wealth to keep a roof over our heads. I'm leaving. Don't to to find me."

Clint couldn't meet their eyes, but he held nats shoulder and walked out with her, and by the afternoon both had left the tower. Leaving only Steve, Scott, Sam, Bucky and  Wanda, On their flor, while Rhodes, Vision and peter were upstairs on their own floor.

Despite their complaints, Ross granted the rogues access to the tower. Rhodes had threatened to kill them on entry, but ross had been devious. They didn't know they were there until it was too late.

Ross had disabled JARVIS from the tower,  but unknown to him, Tony had installed a back up, just in case something like this happened, so soon enough- JARVIS was back online.

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