Part 6

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it was 6o'clock so you packed your stuff in your bag and left the office. You checked the bench again and 'Howard' still wasn't there. You couldn't help but feel worried for the man. Anything could have happened to him, and as far as you were aware you were the only one who even knew he existed.

So on your way to the station you kept a look out for him. You approached the train station with no sign of him, and you were disappointed. You just happened to see a figure stumbled out from behind the ally besides the pub, and you recognised the messy beard and dirty brown hair. You ran to bis side and heled him stand.

" oh my god Howard what happened? Are you okay?"

" yeah, " he groaned as he moved as a rib was broken and he rest were serverly bruised. " just a few drunk blokes from te pub. " he laughed and grunted.

" you ar not staying onnthe streets for another night, your going to come home with me. You'll be safe there. "

" I couldn't possibly do that, not to you. I wouldn't want to be a burdon."

" don't be silly, i've been worrying about you all day when you weren't at the bench. I bought you breakfast." you handed him a sandwich and he smiled at the gesture, and blushed.

" thank you (y/n). I've never known anyone as kind as you. "

"you're welcome Howard, come on."


you helped him into your small house and sat him down on your sofa. You gave him an ice pack and he slept on your sofa all night.

Waking up on the weekend to find the homeless man in your kitchen attempting to make you breakfast didn't ceace to amaze you.

"morning Howard." you said as you walked into the kitchen. It was a mess, and in the middle of it was a guilty looking howard.

"sorry for the mess, I just anting to thank you for your hospitality." he smiled weakly, and looked at you. " thanks for the effort Howard, but lets clean this up and ill made us pancakes."

"okay." after the kitchen was clean and you had a lot of help from 'Howard' cooking breakfast, you allowed him to use your shower. He came out smelling great, and you helped him brush his hair, seeing as it wa a mess.

You sat down with him on the sofa watching the news while eating the pancakes you had made together. There was a story about the avengers and how they were coping without Captain America and Iron man.

" I think they're better off wthout him."


"ironman" he said. " he was just a waste of space and everything he done was wrong."

you looked at him disagreeing with what he was saying. " Captain America was right to kill him, the world is a safer place without Tony Stark."

"I disagree." you said looking at the photo of Tony on the news "He was just a man who was fight for what he believed in, just as Captain America was doing. He didn't deserve to die because of it. Yes, he was probably a bit stuck u and infuriating at times, but he was doing what was right, while Captain America was fighting for himself- do you think he wold have felt differently if Bucky wasn't involved? Stark was always targeted when something went wrong, he was blamed for a lot of things that want his fault. Like his old nuclear weapons industry, people remember the number of people killed by them, but not the fact that as soon as he knew how catastrophic the effects of them were he shut them down. That's a hero, Not Captain America who couldn't live without a war."

he looked at you with admiration in his eyes. "so you don't think he is a monster?" he asked.

"of course not." You said looking at him. " he was a hero."

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