Part 4

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Early chapter for GetLost_Squidward



Tony couldn't get you off is mind, you were perfect in his eyes, but he knew if you thought he was Tony Stark, you wouldn't go near him. He had more of a chance with you as a homeless man- and even then....

He knew he would never get to actually talk to you, so he would sit on a bench oppersite of the toer to watch you go to work. You passed the same place everyday at the same time so he was there waiting. He didn't know that you always noticed him too.

One day you got there early, so you crossed the road, and approached the man.


"Sir, it seems that someone is approaching you." JARVIS notified tony. He jumped up expecting an attack, but he just scared you.

"oh my god, im sorry I didn't mean to scare you." he said quickly noticing your expreesion. it softened and you smiled at his worry.

"don't worry, I erm, just wanted to apologise for bumping into you the other day. I didn't get to say it then, as you ran off."

"sorry about that, "

"are you hungry, i'll buy you lunch to say sorry properly." you offered and he blushed, but it was hidden by his beard.

"oh, it's fine, don't worry."

"no." you said harshly . "I insist."

He smiled, and you admired his beautiful smile.

You took him to a shop and bought him his lunch like you promised, " you know, after this I might need to take you to dinner." he joked, but he was serious.

you smiled at his comment, and you walked down the street with him, until you parted to go to work.

He had gotten your name- (Y/N) (Y/L/N). He got Jarvis to look you up, so he knew about your past and your job. He didn't want to seem creepy, he was just desperate to impress you, and wanted to have something in common, which he found.

So, like before, he was always on the same bench, and you always saw him. Sometimes you would wave at each other as you passed on the opersite side of the road.

After work you would sometimes cross over and talk to hom fr a while.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but wat happened?" you asked one day after work.

"what do mean?"

"how did you start sleeping on the streets?"

"well I erm, I had an argument with one of my friends, and I couldn't go back to our shared house, so I stayed on the streets. " he gave you a small smile,

" you know I never got your name, "

he looked shocked. He could tell you hs real name, so he quickly improvised,

"it's.....Howard....Howard Potts. "

"well, it's been lovely talking to you Howard, but I've got to go now, I'll see you tomorrow?"

He nodded and smiled. Everytime he spoke to you, he fell ore and more in love.

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