Part 1

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The sun shone through the thin curtains in your room and you groaned as the alarm went off, echoing around the four thin walls surrounding you which you called your bedroom. It was a small room, but you didn't care. You had worked extremely hard for what you had, and you were proud to say that this was your home.

You didn't exacually have the best childhoods, your father was a drunk and your mother was sick, and died when you were 12. From then you basically lived on your own. Your father came and went, normally with a bottle in his hand- he drank more when your mother died. You were forced to look after both of them, and helped your father thought he bad nights, where he would sob and apologise for being a bad father. He sobs for the love of his life who had left him, and he knew he couldn't look after you on his own- he done his best, but you were forced to be independent.

As soon as you could, you got a job in a local corner shop. You started work when you were 18. Yu loved being around people, and you loved your job- being apart of the community. But when the shop was forced to shut down, you were devastated, but luckily for you your father knew someone who was looking for someone to work in a bank. You leapt at the opportunity and ever since then you had been working in he city, working behind a desk earning a good salary.

Your father was very proud of you, and you knew your mother would have been too if she was still alive. You loved your job, and the people who you worked with. You had made quite a few friends, and you couldn't have been happier.

Unfortunatly, during the battle of new York, your father was killed. You were pulled into a deep depression. Your last person in your family was killed leaving you with no one in the world. Your friends tried their best to help you, but they couldn't. Yu pushed everyone away, and for a long time you blamed the 'Avengers' for the death of your father, and everyday on your way to work, you would pass posters with their faces on. Bitterness would burn inside you every time you saw them, or people being interviewed- saying how wonderful they were for saving new York.

They didn't save your father. So who would Avenge him? You blamed them all, and you hated them with a passion.

And then their 'civil war' happened. You watched the new every night. Finally, they would know how it felt when they lose everything. Just as you had. But as the events played out, you began to see a different side to them- a grieving man fighting his best friend because they both had different views how their team would continue doing their job. Both had good points, but was one right? Or where they both fighting the wrong war?

Your hate for them from your grieve slowly faded, and then t was announced one evening.

You had returned from work, with a head ache and aching feet. You got ready for bed and sat in front of the tv with your dinner, and you couldn't believe what you had seen as a headline.

' Tony Stark killed in the civil war, by Captain America - a war criminal?'

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