😠😡🌍Angry At The World😤🤬🌎

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Zyanya walked away as Marcel and Niklaus continued to fight and when Niklaus got into the dungeon he felt Zyanya and Ilyas' magic so he knew which ones he could kill and which ones he couldn't he also knew that she had taken care of these three imbeciles all day making sure they were fed and had water to drink and brought a bucket down for potty time "you're a witch cover yourself!.... you're lucky I'm even down here darlin cause I'm even less charitable than Niklaus!.... this my dear was my sons idea not mine and I'm not sending a four year old down with a bucket just so you can shit!"  he heard her tell Colette who argued that she wouldn't go to the bathroom in front of the werewolf and vampire he also heard Josh chuckle at her words unfortunately for him Vincent didn't know what Zyanya and Ilyas' borrowed magic felt like so Niklaus ended up getting the short end of the stick.... Niklaus woke up lying in a coffin chained and he did not like the look on his wife's face as she stood at his side staring down at him he knew she was remembering a time when Mikael was in the same predicament the only difference is Niklaus was still awake Niklaus wanted to reach up and caress her face but he couldn't he saw her smile at him as she says "I only saw him like this once and I'm pretty sure you don't want to see what happened when I did see him like this! I had a lot of things to get rid of so I forgot my lack of love for him for a few hours and took myself to a time when I did love him I was by myself I had no one else to help get rid of what I had in a way I needed to get rid of it and I wasn't going to go on a killing spree....!"  she stops and he wanted to comfort her even more now "why did I have to feed that ego?!"  she whispers he chuckles she smiles then bends down and kisses his lips then she leaves the dungeon which told him that Marcellus was on his way back into it.... Henrik and Rihaan "hide" in the crowd of werewolves as they burn their dead Ilyas "hides" in a crowd of witches as they bury their dead at first Ilyas and Henrik were worried that they might be hated but Zyanya had reassured them "that's why I had you leave when I left.... you three aren't known as "Mikaelson's" for you have never done what the rest of the family has done to this and many cities like it none of the werewolves know you Henrik but I'm sure they will welcome you just the same and the only witch that will recognize you Ilyas is Vincent and he still considers you a friend remember I MARRIED his now once again hated enemy and he STILL talks to me like we're bosom buddies!"  Ilyas chuckles with a smile "you both shall be safe.... I promise!"  she tells them they nod Zyanya on the other hand follows Niklaus and Marcel to the church Niklaus smiles when he hears Zyanya say from the doorway of the church as he and Marcel stand on the stage facing the vampires "I have a question!"  the group of vampires turn to face her then make a path so she can walk towards Marcel and Niklaus who's eyes meet hers and she says with a slight playful breathless tease in her tone "I forgot my question!.... Josh help me out here!"  Josh's mouth gapes open "oh you know we love putting you on the spot dear boy get used to it!"  Zyanya says as she pats her friends shoulder Josh chuckles once she reaches Niklaus' side and stands by him Niklaus sees a flash of a vision of Rihaan with Henrik and the wolves and Ilyas with the witches and he smiles for he was just about to ask her where their son was and she just told him without saying a word she stayed by his side as they along with Marcel watched each vampire hand in their daylight rings then she joins her eldest son who was still with the witches as Niklaus has a chat with Vincent but she walks back over to him after he leaves Vincent's side....

 Josh help me out here!"  Josh's mouth gapes open "oh you know we love putting you on the spot dear boy get used to it!"  Zyanya says as she pats her friends shoulder Josh chuckles once she reaches Niklaus' side and stands by him Niklaus sees a fl...

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