💔Broken Hearts Never Mended🩹🪡

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Zyanya gasps and stumbles backwards into a wall as she feels something stab her along the chest something rusty and metal "good thing I had my tetanus shot!"  she mutters sarcastically as she starts to feel like she could breathe again and she once again sits upon the same window sill she sat when she played the violin and stares out the window "sorry Eli.... but I need some fresh air!"  she whispers to herself as she stands back up and walks out of his loft.... worried about their safety Eli had asked his family to stay within his loft he didn't realize that the only person who knew who/what they truly were was Marcellus and Rebekah so as soon as he left the loft Zyanya gave her children the freedom they deserved not to mention the fact that they have jobs now and let them leave so that they could go to work and do whatever they wished without their overbearingly protective father breathing down their necks.... after dealing with all he had to deal with.... mainly meeting his long lost and thought dead sister.... Elijah went back to his loft and the only person he saw that was missing was Zyanya he searched everywhere for her and didn't find her until after he had a visit from Gia and he found her in the most unexpected place the rooftop of his loft "the one place you never thought to look!"  Elijah hears Zyanya tease as he stares at her as she sits on the edge of his roof with her knees hugged up against her chest staring out at the view that surrounds them he chuckles softly then walks over and sits beside her as he says "you're right!.... I didn't!"  she smiles and replies "I just needed some fresh air.... I would never break a promise.... besides in truth I have no where else to go!"  he looks at her sadly "there's a darkness here Lijah!.... and I have no idea where it's coming from!"  she whispers he wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulls her to him hugging her to the side of his chest "I must say I think I've messed things up for you plenty of times!"  she teases he bursts out laughing which makes her smile as he replies "yes.... yes you have!"  he feels her fall asleep in his arms and kisses her forehead then whispers into it "goodnight Zya".... Elijah sat looking out at the stars not wanting to move in fear of waking Zyanya who slept with her head up against his shoulder and as he just stared to get lost in the gorgeous view before him he hears her gasp and feels her jolt awake "somethings wrong!"  she whispers breathlessly and he looks at her with concern "Rivka.... isn't Rivka!"  she whispers and his eyes widen he starts to stand up but stops when he feels her grip his wrist he looks down at her and sees her shake her head "there's nothing we can do!.... not now anyway.... her task has already finished.... she will "sleep" now.... tomorrow's a new day!.... your sister will need you!.... this city will need you!.... but they need you as a friend not an enemy Elijah!"  she tells him and he sits back down and hugs her to him "I'm sorry!"  she whispers softly and he feels her fall back to sleep this time he carries her inside and lays her in her own bed.... "I find one thing odd.... Rebekah and I aren't connected so why did I feel that!?!"  Elijah hears Zyanya ask the next day as they walk through the market he wakes from his spell and replies softly "I don't know!.... I do wonder though....!"  she says "you remember how your sister treated me all these years.... she only just started to.... tolerate me after the homemade Homecoming dance we all had in Mystic Falls.... I'm connected to you and Niklaus because of the love we feel for one another.... how deep it flows within us.... the truth and reality of it!.... Rebekah on the other hand was very "Klaus like" when it came to me for I was "never good enough" for the two of you!"  he chuckles "maybe it wasn't her but the magic!.... New Orleans always did have a different sort of.... air.... to it.... it's almost as deeply connected to magic as one would say Salem is!"  she adds they stop walking when they see a crowd of witches surrounding Marcus and Rebekah/Eva Zyanya looks at the witches then at Elijah and kisses his cheek then walks away Elijah smiles softly as he watches her walk away then walks over to the crowd saying "that won't be necessary"....

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