🪄🔮Black Magic Woman🧙🏼‍♀️

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"Elijah!"  Elijah hears Zyanya gasp from behind him he turns and sees her holding her throat and catches her just as she starts to stumble and fall "what happened?!"  he asks with a soft concerned tone she shakes her head and says softly "Josephine!!"  his eyes widen as she whispers "I don't understand....!"  and he hugs her gently to him it was at that moment she saw the burning corpse on the ground "Mikael?!"  she asks with whispered tones using her "nickname" for him Elijah nods "he must be getting sick of that though he's probably used to it too!"  she says he chuckles "they're more alike then they realize!"  she whispers softly "yes they are!"  he whispers back "she lived a long and fruitful life I'm sure she welcomed death with open arms"  Zyanya says softly Elijah looks down at her "sorry trying to think positive... it isn't really working!"  she says he chuckles "I'm tired Lijah"  she whispers he gently picks her up and carries her bridal style to Niklaus' room and lays her down in his brothers bed where she falls asleep automatically it was then he saw the little scar across her throat that had just started to disappear and he knew that the witch was dead which was sad he actually held her in high regard.... Zyanya wakes up to find Niklaus laying next to her on his side watching her with a small smile on his face "what is it?!"  he asks softly she shakes her head then replies "I can't ask that of you!.... I know you want to stay and do whatever you can to keep your daughter safe but I have to leave!.... if only for a little while.... with Dahlia here New Orleans is darker than usual and adding her darkness to the darkness she placed in Freya who I still believe may change even if it's just a little bit once Dahlia is completely gone.... I could make a copy of you that stays but it wouldn't be the same as protecting her yourself even though you would know what happened you.... no!.... I could not ask that of you!.... I will take my children instead!.... it is what we're used to anyway and even they could use a break!...."  she stops once his lips rush to meet hers and don't let them go for the longest brief moment ever "it's ok.... go!.... I will miss you but.... if this is what you need then go!"  he tells her she smiles a sad smile and he kisses her lips once more as though he was trying to take her sadness away with a kiss.... it didn't work but at least he tried....

While away Zyanya felt pain in her heart twice the first time it was as though it was being ripped out of her chest and the second was another she was quite used to she felt as though she had been stabbed in the heart by a dagger.... she knew which being felt which bit of pain and who had caused it there is just one tiny difference.... the second one was just a copy of Klaus.... as Zyanya walked into Saint James Infirmary with one hand grasping the center of her chest and the other helping her keep her balance as she tries to continuously catch her breath she hears Elijah say "both of you, please we're playing into Dahlia's hands"  and Niklaus reply "not doing as I say plays into her hands while you two have been kow-towing to Freya and devising ways to flee with your tail between your legs, I've been forging a new path I know what Freya was planning, and I know how to kill Dahlia"  Niklaus stares at his shocked yet worried looking brother who seemed to be looking past him and he turns to see Zyanya doing her best to try and stay on her own two feet but instead falls into a surprised looking Hayley's arms "sorry!"  Zyanya whispers softly as Hayley does her best to try and help her up "what are you doing here?!.... I thought I sent you....! don't tell me that you are also turning against me!?"  Niklaus says harshly  "I said I had to leave!.... I never said how far!.... do you know how hard it was for me to get here even while borrowing a vampire's speed?!.... I've been around a few long enough to be able to accumulate a "back up source" so to speak but I thought you all would like to know that Aiden.... is no longer with us!"  Zyanya replies while having a hard time speaking as well as trying to catch her breath Hayley, Klaus and Elijah stare at her in shock "I know why I felt this one.... when I shared my blood with Josh it created a bond and since Aiden was his....!"  Zyanya says breathlessly Niklaus walks over and takes her out of Hayley's arms then holds her gently to his chest as he whispers softly "I'm sorry!"  Zyanya lets out a short soft chuckle and says "it's a good thing I'm used to the temper of a Mikaelson huh?!"  both Elijah and Niklaus chuckle then Zyanya falls unconscious in Niklaus' arms.... Elijah talked Niklaus into allowing Zyanya.... once she was "better".... to create a copy of him so that he could leave with her before they had company "she's going to need you! and since his body has yet to be brought here we can all guess what story is about to be played out and there is no one who knows you better than her so we both know that even this copy will be believable!"  Elijah tells his brother who lets out a short chuckle then as soon as Zyanya woke up she created a copy of Niklaus and the real Niklaus left with her to join her children and his youngest brother on their "vacation" though to his surprise they didn't go far "you're vacationing in the Bayou?!"  Niklaus asks with a soft surprised tone Zyanya smiles and replies "I didn't want to go very far just in case you needed us for anything!"  he pulls her to him and kisses her lips "so do you think you can survive a few days without being overly pampered and living in riches?!"  she teases with a smile he laughs then replies "as long as I'm with you I can survive anything!".... Zyanya jokes after she felt the copy of Niklaus get daggered by Elijah "well that tickled!"  Niklaus chuckles then kisses her lips Zyanya gasps for air then teases "not your smartest idea but at least it was a good one!.... I mean.... it was.... nice!"  he laughs then kisses her again and this time she moans which makes him make the kiss deeper and last a little longer but not too much longer because he could tell that she wasn't fully "healed" from the two heart wrenches she had just felt all just a few hours apart from one another....

As Niklaus slept he "dreamed" of Dahlia but what worried Zyanya was when he woke up with a start "time to go home love!"  Zyanya says softly he smiles then kisses her lips before he takes the place of his copy the thing that made him the most sad was that she wasn't there with him instead Zyanya, her children and Henrik go to say goodbye to Aiden with Josh "if you ask me Adian would have been in much worse condition than this if Niklaus had killed him!"  Zyanya whispers softly in a voice only her children and Henrik heard Tatiana chuckles softly Henrik pats Josh on the shoulder then watches his friend as he says goodbye to the man he loves(d) "I never thought much about the whole immortality part of being a vampire suddenly, forever feels like a really long time"  Josh says before he walks away from his boyfriend's "sleeping" body Hayley gives him a hug as Jackson walks over to Adian's body covers his face with the white blanket that covered his body then pushed the raft his body was on into the lake with Josh's help then sets it on fire.... as Niklaus listened to the voicemail message left on Elijah's phone by Hayley he felt soft familiar fingers intertwine with his as though they belonged he looks over in surprise at Zyanya who smiles at him then kisses his lips softly "Elijah, I'm calling to say good-bye Hope and I, we can't be part of your family anymore all Hope's life, her family has tried to destroy her that can't be my little girl's story family is supposed to love you even if she is free of Dahlia's firstborn curse, Hope would still be Klaus' daughter she'd inherit 1,000 years of enemies, all his anger and rage I don't want hope to be a Mikaelson all the pain that comes with that name, she doesn't deserve that Elijah, good-bye"  Hayley's soft voice is heard saying "she's right, Elijah" Rebekah tells her sorrowful looking brother who's body sighs as he closes his voicemail Niklaus let's go of Zyanya's hand then rushes out of the house Zyanya watches him leave with a sadness in her eyes.... it broke Niklaus' heart to leave Zyanya but he felt he needed to do this he knew the witch could keep Hayley from leaving with his daughter and that was the MAIN thing that was on his mind keeping the left side of his heart as close as he wanted to keep the right so he went to Dahlia and "played along" with her scheming what hurt even more was how many people he killed so he could "get his fill" and began to "feel like his old self again" which is something he never wanted to be but knew or at least thought it was necessary.... Tatiana and Ilyas began to worry when the woman who always loved to dance in the rain stood on the balcony watching it pour over her letting it soak into her skin like it would become one with her at some point even though she would never get sick by it they still worried.... "woah!.... hey!! I know I deserve a dagger to the chest but can I at least answer the call of nature first?!"  Zyanya asks Elijah who had opened a door and placed his father's knife up against her heart only to find her standing there with her arms up at her sides in a defensive position he chuckles with a smile as he lowers the dagger and allows her to pass him and even though he saw her smile he knew she was feeling a deeper form of emotional pain than he was for she felt not only hers but everyone else's including his brothers and that gave him one more thing to put on his "things to worry about" list

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