On Trial For Being To Gosh Darn Smexy😍😏😉😘

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"For Freya's plan to work you can't die what are the bloody odds of that?"  Rebekah asks "wasn't it you who once said I could talk my way out of hell?"  Niklaus asks then he smiles and gives his sister a hug and the the brother and sister and the brothers "hidden" lover walk over to the cheering crowd of angry misfits Klaus looks around him once he and Zyanya reach the center of the crowd he squeezes her hand gently then they hear Marcel say "silence!"  the crowd stops cheering and shouting then Marcel says as he stands up from his seat on his "throne" "the great Klaus Mikaelson has decided to grace us with his presence"  Klaus replies "I have nothing to hide, Marcel you wish to put me on trial for my many grievous sins well, go on have at it"  the crowd cheers as a few of them drag over a wooden box and force Klaus to stand on it Marcel says as the cheering dies down "Klaus Mikaelson sire to a thousand years' worth of angry faces how does it feel to be this hated?"  Zyanya teases softly "quite lovely!"  Klaus tries not to smile as Marcel who didn't hear her speak nor see her standing next to Klaus holding his hand says "go on look at them I said, look at them! they're all yours, after all do you remember him? 1694 his wife accused Rebekah of witchcraft so you turned him and then compelled him to drain his wife dry or this man he was a simple farmer in 1745, he made the mistake of owning land that you wanted you could've easily taken it instead, you turned him and then made him burn his entire village to the ground or this woman 1891 her mother had pneumonia coughed all through the night you got annoyed so you turned them both, and made her watch as you burned her mother alive"  Klaus replies "yes, yes, yes my sins were terrible indeed but they taught the world to fear me, and that fear protected my family"  Marcus says "don't preach to me about family! I was your family once or so you said and where did that get me?"  Klaus replies "I could've left you nameless and alone, but I didn't I took you and I made you all that you are"  Marcus says "I guess you made everyone here made us all in your image angry, paranoid, merciless why? why even bother siring us? were you afraid to be alone? was that it? did you want to make something so vile and disgusting, like you? in the end, the reason doesn't matter you made us, you abandoned us, and anyone who dared stand up for themselves, you took away everything that we loved! because that is what you do! and for that, you must pay"  the crowd shouts and cheers until Rebekah stands inbetween her brother and Marcel and says "enough! you will not condemn my brother before I have had a chance to speak on his behalf"  Marcel replies "you want to speak? all right go ahead"  then he walks back over to his chair and sits down "you accuse my brother of unjust retaliation of killing your loved ones but how is he any different from any of you? the strong fight to determine who is strongest, and my brother is strong! yes, he fights for power, as do all of you but his first instinct is to defend his blood, as you act to avenge yours you say he is guilty, but I ask you, would anyone here do any less?"  Rebekah asks "that's your argument? all's fair in defense of the family? hmm thing is, Rebekah, I seem to recall he punished you, his sister, for no other reason than fear that you might love someone more than him we have been together for a millennium"  Marcel says "we have been together for a millennium we were bound to have a few tiffs"  Rebekah replies "was it a "tiff" when he daggered you for loving me? was that justice? or when he exiled you from the Quarter? from your family? from me?"  Marcel asks as he once again stands up from his "throne" and walks over to her "Marcel, stop"  Rebekah begs "you hate him you hate him as much as anybody here, maybe even more, given how long he has made you suffer"  Marcel says....

"Get mad!"  Rebekah hears Zyanya whisper into her ear "you want me to get mad?!.... are you insane!?"  Rebekah asks in a low voice through her teeth  "if this prophecy is to be fulfilled I'd rather it be by someone we know someone who may come to see the error of his ways someday not someone hellbent on revenge because of a wounded ego!.... Marcellus is doing this because Davina is no longer one of the living not because of past wrongs.... he's lost and heartbroken but he can mend for it is impossible for him to completely break!.... the serum has changed him but right now he's just grandstanding living in the moment of feeling like a true king!"  Zyanya replies Rebekah looks at her brother who gives her a small corner smile and a nod that only she and Zyanya had noticed and she says "you know what, Marcel? you're right"  Klaus says as though he can't believe the one who stood up for him is now going against him "Rebekah...."  Rebekah says as though she was ignoring him "you see, I haven't been entirely honest perhaps it's time to tell the brutal truth about my dear brother Klaus Mikaelson"  she turns to face her brother as the crowd starts cheering once again as Marcel heads back to his seat the cheering stops once she raises her arms then says "yes, he is my brother, and I have loved him through the ages but no one has felt the blunt end of his ire more than I he claims that his actions are in defense of his family, but he lies!"  Klaus says through his teeth as though angry "Rebekah"  Marcel says "let her speak!"  Rebekah adds "yes, Nik I would like to speak although, when I speak out of turn, I often end up with a dagger in my chest you see, my brother, he cannot handle the brutal truth that he destroys everything he touches you murdered our mother and both of your fathers you dagger your siblings and leave us in coffins for decades! you break our hearts, you forbid us from finding love, all because you can't find any love of your own I am envious of all of you you have broken free from him but I have had no such relief chained to him not because of a sire link, but because of a foolish pact that we made to each other when we were nothing more than children what if he could suffer the way I have? the way that we all have!"  Marcel says "well.... I think we've heard enough have you come to a decision?"  crowd shouts "kill him! kill him! kill him! kill him!"  Zyanya jumps slightly when Niklaus shouts "enough!"  he squeezes her hand gently then once the crowd quiets down he says "I'm disappointed in you, Marcellus using my poor, impaired sister to propagate your vitriol it's hardly the mark of a true leader, wouldn't you say?"  Marcel replies "oh, please you want the last word, take it then we can finish this"  Klaus says as he lets go of Zyanya's hand then walks over to where Marcel sits "look at you outraged over the loss of Davina she who routinely betrayed my family and in the end, defied even you perhaps.... you should've warned her what befalls those who cross me maybe.... what happened to her was your fault"  Marcel start to sit up as Niklaus whispers holding up a finger at the man he once considered a son "no...."  he turns around and continues as he walks around the circle then back towards Marcel "no matter Davina's death did help defeat Lucien, so I suppose you could say the little witch did finally prove herself to be of some minute worth and as for you lot.... yes, I murdered your loved ones! I killed your harlot I rid the world of your slum and I freed you from your decrepit mother so, what of it? each and every one of you stands here today because I willed it to be so this mockery of a trial is allowed only because of me and your very immortality is a gift.... from me a debt that you can never repay one that far offsets all of my supposed crimes I.... owe.... you.... nothing so, go on! kill me! I welcome the peace of death as a reprieve from this tedium I will die suffering but a taste of the agony I have inflicted upon all of you the scales remain in my favor and in the end, you will all know that I won you will remember me, Klaus Mikaelson.... your maker"  Rebekah finally figures out what the "new" plan was and shouts "death is too good for him! you have the means to make him suffer let that be his fate!"  the crowd changes their minds about his death and instead shout "torture him! torture him!"  Marcel raises his hand and the crowd quiets down once more then he says as he stands up with Papa Tunde's blade in hand and walks over to the box Niklaus once stood on and shows the dagger to the crowd "justice.... for Klaus Mikaelson.... should be a fate worse than death this blade is imbued with dark magic it will cause unending agony all the pain that we have felt at the hands of this man will pale in comparison to what he will soon feel for as long as I decide to let him live"  the crowd cheers and some of the men in the crowd walk over to Niklaus and forcefully drag him over to where Marcel stood holding him (Klaus) up for him (Marcel) "for Davina, Diego, Thierry, Gia, and the boy I used to be the one you once called your son"  Marcel says with an angry growl then he raises the dagger and before it penetrated through his heart Niklaus heard Zyanya whisper softly "I'm not going anywhere.... I love you Niklaus Mikaelson!"  she takes ahold of his hand as he screams in pain she knew she couldn't dull this one for they needed to hear the full affect of their manmade curse....

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