🦸🏻‍♀️To Save Her Soul👻

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"You're not coming to save me are you?!"  Niklaus asks "I figured you wouldn't want me to "ruin your fun" besides it would have been to easy for me to destroy them and it would have gone by too quickly after all they must suffer for what they did to our family!"  Zyanya replies he feels her hand slide down his shirt as Aurora asks "darling, how would you like to watch me burn? that way you have the thrill of watching me rise from the ashes like a phoenix, reborn"  Niklaus replies trying very hard not to moan at the feel of Zyanya's soft, warm, loving touch caressing his chest "a lovely image but I think you might ruin Lucien's carpet wouldn't you rather torture me a bit more before you end yourself?"  Aurora asks "are you stalling me? perhaps plotting some strategy for escape? but even if you got free, what then? kill me? enact the serum, make me into Lucien's equal?"  she lets out a short chuckle then continues "not the wisest strategy for your survival"  Niklaus asks "is this what you want? you do realize that becoming like him will only add to your already substantial misery Lucien cannot save you from yourself, nor could Tristan, nor could I, for that matter you've spent centuries trying to cure your madness, and yet you're still no closer"  Aurora replies angrily as she storms over to him stake in hand pointed at him "you hold your wicked tongue or I shall pluck it from your wicked skull"  Niklaus says "yes! more threats so go on then tear me apart a bit at a time I may die by day's end, but you will live forever, unloved, pathetic your life a perpetual slog of soul-crushing despair and you unable to end it"  Aurora replies "talking, talking, all this talking well, if I'm to suffer through it, so should you"  before the stake could go through his throat Zyanya swings her body so that she now faces him completely and while on her knees her lips meet his Niklaus' eyes widen as he watches Aurora stab his copy in the throat with the stake in her hands and twists it and though he finds himself still chained he pays more attention to Zyanya who was in the process of removing his shirt as she kisses him the way her fingers caresses his chest then slide down to his pants loosening them enough so that she could massage with his now hardened shaft but of course he had to "return" to his body once Aurora pulled the stake out of his throat but at least he had the memory of Zyanya's loving caress to think about instead of the pain he was in he also saw that she was now gone and he took that to mean that his cavalry would soon arrive....

When Aurora heard the bell of the elevator she made the mistake of going to see who was coming and ended up with a stake in her throat "I think I rather like it there!"  Zyanya says softly as Aurora drops to the ground "and you REALLY need to learn your alcohol flavors!"  she adds as she snaps Aurora's neck with the stake still in it "wait!.... you didn't want her dead did you?!... I could change tactics if you did!"  Zyanya says as she looks over at Niklaus who chuckles then feels the shackles that bound him fall using his vampire speed he rushes over to her slides his hand up her cheek and kisses her lips "not here love!.... one I'm not fond of the audience and two.... well I'm not fond of the audience!"  Zyanya says as she looks over at the mirror Klaus laughs and kisses her again then he picks up Aurora's body and carries her out of the penthouse as Zyanya walks over and picks up the binds then follows him out.... that night Kol's world gets turned upside down as he wakes up after allowing Davina to dagger him in hopes she would find the cure to his curse and he ends up finally doing what the ancestors wanted and kills the woman he loves by drinking every last drop of her blood Freya is given the serum she and Vincent were forced to help Lucien make that Aurora thought she drank and both Elijah and Niklaus were told stories of how Lucien and Tristen tried to truly become them by pretending that they were still under the influence of compulsion and bed Zyanya thinking they could outsmart her into believing that they were who they were pretending to be even though she knew they weren't even when they were under the compulsion and never even gave them a shot either times "I probably should have killed them then and there but your father seemed to enjoy hunting them! and I figured that if he still continued the chase he would continue to stop chasing you.... now that I think on it that might be why he wasn't so heartbroken about his betrayal he probably believed that I owed him for following the wrong scent for so long because me being who I am I told him that he was following the wrong path but he still continued on!"  Zyanya tells them Elijah looked at her in surprise but Niklaus looked pissed.... the next morning Zyanya walked into the courtyard and heard Freya tell Vincent "you created that serum; therefore, according to my mother, you can turn Lucien back and then Klaus can rip his head off"  and Vincent reply "Freya, it wasn't my power that cast that spell the Ancestors used me as a conduit for some ugly magic that only the spirits have access to I'm sorry, but nobody alive can tap into that"  and as his mobile phone rings they hear Zyanya say "I can!"  and they both look at her as she leans up against the doorframe with a smile on her face "I was created by every witch ancestor in every continent so if you need a conduit then use me!"  Freya replies "Klaus would hate me!"  Zyanya teases with a smirk "afraid of your brother now are you?! after all that time trying to make him your enemy and standing up to him I suppose you should be!"  Freya rolls her eyes at her "look I just thought I would offer after all I have spent far too long hiding from them and I thought that now would be as good a time as any to face them especially since I now have a proper cause to do so but you're casting the spell so all in all it will be your choice!.... use me as a backup if you must but remember I dated TWO out of the four of your brothers AND your father for a time so Niklaus wouldn't be the only one who would "hate you" though they both know that over anyone else I can handle the ancestors for even THEY fear me and what I could possibly do to them! now for I am officially the first person to ever truly go against them and their "role" for me!"  Zyanya says Freya looks at her in surprise as she turns around and walks away....

"Don't get jealous now Kol!"  Zyanya teases as she passes him and heads straight for Davina's spirit that was standing in the circle "jealous of what?!"  Kol asks as he turns then smiles knowing full well that she planned on taking Davina's place and he walks away knowing that his girl would be safe under Zyanya's protection.... if Davina allowed her to protect her anyway.... "what are you doing here?!"  Davina asks "that all depends on you little mouse!.... you see I am uncertain if I can copy spirits but I do know that I can take your place!.... there's a reason I couldn't cure Kol of his curse and it has nothing to do with the ancestors!.... when he told my children and I not to interfere the day he died as Kaleb "because he didn't want the ancestors to find us" that broke our "bond" with him and made it so that we couldn't save him from anything that had to do with the ancestors.... including the curse and I believe he knew that since he's not as angry as you are for not saving his bacon as the saying goes!.... so you can either trust the being with no soul who's willing to take the pain for you and suffer whatever consequence I have to suffer once I reach the ancestral well! or you can suffer whatever Freya will do to you for she will do ANYTHING!.... but use me apparently since I already offered from the start!.... to save the family she has only just got back!"  Zyanya replies "as I told her I was created by the ancestors so I already have their power within me so she wouldn't need someone who was half in half out since a part of me has always been in there THAT is how I know I can save you while you are inside! I can protect you from the lifeblood stone.... La Gemme Vital as Kol called it.... but I can only save you if you allow me too for I am not as close to you as I am Kol, Tati, Lyas, Lijah and Niklaus.... sure we know each other but our bond is made from crumbling bricks not solid indestructible metal!"  she adds "just to warn you this protection may be temporary for I have never done anything like this before but as I said the choice is yours!"  she says Davina nods "just so you know.... I do NOT want to know if I'm a better kisser than Kol and while you are within me you best not do anything with him!.... if you catch my meaning"  Zyanya playfully warns Davina smiles then she feels Zyanya's lips press up against hers her eyes widen as she starts to feel warm like she was once again alive then she sees herself through someone elses eyes "you also won't be able to do any form of magic in my body and no one but Tati, Lyas, Kol, Henrik, Niklaus and maybe Elijah.... though knowing Lijah he will figure it out right away just like my children would and maybe Henrik since I raised him.... are to be told who you really are do you understand?!"  she hears Zyanya's voice say by the use of her lips and she nods "though if you do end up back in there there is a possibility that you can tear the well apart from the inside out and change the way your ancestors work"  Zyanya adds then she stays quiet as Marcel walks into the room Davina feels herself being pulled back into her spirit once there she hears Zyanya say into the wind "I do believe this conversation is meant to be just between you and him but don't worry once it's done we will switch again"  and she smiles for she knows that above all else Zyanya is a woman of her word.... and just as Zyanya promised once Elijah attacks Marcel and Freya starts spewing out a spell as she walks into the room arms spread wide at her side Davina once again ended up in her (Zyanya) body.... while in the ancestral well Freya was surprised to see Davina smirk at her while the Davina in the circle begged for her life she couldn't understand nor could she see the difference in the two but it was the first thing Elijah noticed.... for one Davina's eyes were a different color and so were Zyanya's and two instead of Zyanya trying to stop Freya she just stood there and that was unlike her and even though he saw the differences he didn't say a word for the reason has yet to penetrate his mind that is until once Freya left the room Elijah heard Zyanya say in a much different and yet familiar soft voice "Elijah!"  he turns to face her and sees a small smile grace her lips and he replies in a soft surprised tone "Davina?!"  Zyanya/Davina nods then says "she said that no one but you, Tati, Lyas, Henrik, Klaus and Kol are to know for she doesn't know how long this will last"  Elijah nods then wraps his arm around her shoulder and they both leave the room.... Zyanya gave the ancestor's a little chase but what stuck with Kara Nguyen was the fact that when she "finally won" and was able to cast the spell Davina had said to her with a smile on her face "it's kind of hard to kill what was never alive to begin with isn't it?!"  it didn't even register that Davina's eyes and voice were different or that there was a red tint to the girls hair.... but the ancestral well is always as dark as they are so I suppose she couldn't see it.... one other thing confused the poor woman full of hate Davina had never begged for her life she only smiled as though it was all a game to her

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