The Devil Becomes Thee😈👿

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When Niklaus returned to the Mikaelson New Orleans compound he heard Zyanya scream as though she was on fire he rushes up to his room and finds her standing on the balcony with her head and back bent back and her arms outstretched at her side as she screamed in the most excruciatingly painful way he has ever heard her scream which broke his heart into many little pieces he wraps his arms around her and held her "why did he do that?!"  she whispers softly before falling unconscious with her arms in a prayer position along his chest and even though her words made him angry for he knew who she spoke of he buried that anger for now so he could use it later then he picked her up and carried her bridal style to the bed then shouted for the one person he knew was watching over his son "Ilyas!"  hearing the worried anger in Niklaus' tone Ilyas didn't hesitate as he picks up his younger brother and carries him to where he heard Niklaus' voice come from "could you lay Rihaan next to his mother I believe she's going to need his comfort I have some things I need to take care of!"  Niklaus says once he sees Ilyas standing in his bedroom doorway Ilyas nods then lays Rihaan next to his mother and Rihaan automatically cuddles up to his mother and falls asleep which makes Niklaus smile then he walks out of the room and goes to find something he could take his frustrations and anger out on so he didn't take it out on those that matter the most to him his family most of all his wife and children.... the next day Zyanya, Rihaan, Ilyas and Henrik go to help the witches, werewolves and vampires set up their floats for Mardi Gras with Niklaus supervising even though Ilyas and Henrik could hear Niklaus argue with Vincent they knew better than to draw attention to it for Rihaan's sake for no one wanted him to see his fathers dark side even though he was bound to eventually just not today since today was the start of a celebration and Rihaan looked like he was having a lot of fun and no one wanted to ruin that little boys happiness as he flirted with all the ladies with a very Niklaus Mikaelson charm way not the dark "evil" charm but the charm he uses on Caroline, Camille and occasionally Zyanya.... after what what she just went through in Niklaus decided that he wasn't going to use Zyanya to find Hayley and instead compelled the entire police force to do what he wouldn't allow her to even attempt besides it was her job to watch over their son with a little help from his younger brother and her eldest son "Niklaus!"  Niklaus and Marcellus hear Zyanya call out as they watch a piece of paper float down from the ceiling they rush down the stairs and see her open the envelope and read the paper inside which had an address on it "I don't think she's there she feels further away than that!"  Zyanya says in a low soft voice "you let me worry about this love!"  Niklaus replies softly as he cups her head in his hand and kisses her temple as he takes the paper from her "now.... where's our son?!"  he asks "still working on the floats with Ilyas and Henrik.... he really liked the one with the waves.... I think he wants to be a pirate!"  she replies he chuckles then asks "and what are you doing here?!"  she replies "you're practically working these poor humans to the bone! and just like any other creature they need food, drink and rest and I'm making sure they get all three!"  he kisses her temple once more and says "that's my girl!"  she replies softly "just be careful ok?!"  he smiles and says "I'm always careful love!"  she replies teasingly "I was talking to Marcellus!"  Marcel chuckles and Niklaus grins.... 

Zyanya walks down into the dungeon and sees Klaus with one werewolf one witch and.... well.... Josh who seems to always get himself in these type of messes.... "what's going on down here?!"  then she hears Josh say "oh, wow, a hostage situation how creative"  and she chuckles softly then she hears Niklaus reply "you might call it that I call it gentle encouragement..... and I thought I told you I would handle this!"  Zyanya looks at him and replies "you said you would handle the humans you never said anything about the others!"  Niklaus smiles and wraps his arm around her shoulder then says to the others "now, lovely Colette, be a dear, and enclose your new roommate in a barrier spell I would so hate for anyone to steal you away"  the witch named Colette replies "I won't do magic for you"  Zyanya says "trust me darlin you should be grateful that's all he wants you to do for now after all EVERYONE'S heard stories about the "terrifying" Klaus Mikaelson!.... though the stories as of late have been slightly exaggerated!"  Niklaus chuckles as she continues as Colette narrows her eye at her "and if you don't do it Ilyas will and you'll never be set free unless Niklaus warrants it and unlike you he doesn't have to be in the room to make one!"  Colette's eyes widen then she reluctantly does as Niklaus orders Niklaus kisses Zyanya lips then says "run along now love and let me have my fun!"  Zyanya rolls her eyes at him with a smile then skips away playfully making him chuckle even Josh chuckled softly shaking his head with a half smile on his face.... a few minutes later while Zyanya, Ilyas and Henrik played with Rihaan in his room Zyanya listened to the conversation between Marcellus and Niklaus that was happening in the dungeon she didn't really want to but she was worried about what exactly she wasn't really sure "let him out"  Marcellus orders then after a short pause he adds "now"  Niklaus replies "I'm afraid Josh is far more useful in here"  Marcellus asks "is that what I'm supposed to tell my guys? huh? they already think I'm toeing your line"  Niklaus says  "your "guys" Marcel the words scrawled on the wall of that house apply to you just as much as they do me freak crossbreed perhaps that's why the vampires are deaf to your demands, or are you still pretending to be one of them?"  Marcellus asks "those words also apply to your daughter, or did you forget about that?"  Niklaus says "all of this.... is for my daughter they took Hayley by force they tied her down like an animal, because she's different, because they were scared of her see, that's their language fear now they'll listen"  Marcellus says to Josh "Josh, I will get you out of here all right? I promise"  Niklaus replies "how sentimental do your job and deliver my next message"  Zyanya excuses herself promising her son that she would return then she stands up and walks towards the courtyard where she knew Marcellus was going to be in just a few seconds "keep your boyfriend under control!"  Marcellus orders "the proper word here is "husband" Marcellus! and even though you don't see it there is always a method to Niklaus' madness! he like Elijah once did does the things no one wants to do he becomes the enemy everyone fears because that is all he knows how to be but what he does he does for his family! that is all he cares about! and not just because no one has ever cared for him before!.... as I told Colette she should be grateful all he did was have HER create a barrier spell because he could have done so much worse to them by now!.... unlike Hayley they're here! they're safe! they're alive! their bodies parts aren't spewed all across New Orleans!.... shall I go on?!.... watch "your people" see how they react if they counter attack you'll know who to truly watch out for.... now if you'll excuse me I've been away from my son for long enough and I promised him that I would return! I only came out here because I knew how you'd react and I didn't want him to see you in that dark light for just like his father he is not an enemy anyone would want!"  Zyanya replies then she turns around and walks away at first a corner smile slides up Marcellus' lips as he lets out a short chuckle then his eyes widen when he realizes that she wasn't speaking of Ilyas and that's how he found out that Niklaus also has a son.....

That night after Rihaan was put to bed Zyanya walks into the courtyard where Marcel sits waiting for Niklaus and she begins to feel a sharp pain in her back near her shoulder Marcel hears her suck back a breath and turns to look at her Niklaus who was just walking in at that moment on the other hand rushes over to her using his vampire speed and looks at her with a concerned expression on his face as she starts to slide her shirt backwards as though checking for a wound he gently rips a piece of her shirt and they see a circular scar on the back of her shoulder "what is this?! what happened?!"  he asks with a concerned angry growl "I don't know!"  she replies in a soft low whispered voice his eyes widen after all if she didn't know where the scar came from that meant someone else either in his family or someone in New Orleans that was close to his family was hurt and it pissed him off that she always felt everyone elses pain for he couldn't do anything to save her from it for she never felt the pain of someone he himself hurt for they would be known as an enemy to him and his family and they don't count in her life they're just as insignificant to her as they are to him but this Niklaus "woke up" when he heard Marcel say as though he wasn't concerned for Zyanya's well being which everyone knew he was  "I sent your hotline squad back to the precinct, where they belong they won't remember a thing"  Niklaus turns to face the man he once called "son" and replies "they were useful, unlike the rest of you"  Marcel says "they were your playthings and I think you have enough of those in your dungeon your good-bye letters didn't do any good and now, instead of searching, the vampires and the werewolves are back in their corners, paranoid"  Niklaus replies "it was your motivational speaking that failed, not my letters"  Marcel says "hey, look, I don't know what happened between you and Elijah and if he were here, he would know exactly what to say, but he's not I am and I'm saying you misplayed this let the prisoners go"  Niklaus replies "you think I should be weak, just give in to my enemy"  Marcel says "if keeping Hayley alive makes you weak, yes"  Niklaus replies angrily "don't presume to lecture me for centuries, I have bent the will of countless fools to do my bidding because they feared me I know how to protect this family"  Marcel says "this is my family for the last seven years, I have been a phone call away whenever Hope needed me I am trying to talk you out of making the biggest mistake of your life to protect you from yourself so you don't have to tell Hope that you're the reason that her mother is dead"  Niklaus turns when he hears Zyanya whisper softly "Niklaus!"  just then they hear a clattering noise near the front door Marcel walks over to where the noise was made and picks up a box that was left by the door then brings it over to where Niklaus and Zyanya still stand then sets it down on the table and picks up the white envelope that was laying on top of the box which had a note that read "per your request" "what's in the box?"  Niklaus asks and Zyanya opens it up and they find a piece of skin that had the Crescent moon on it Niklaus exhales then says "they mutilated her"  Zyanya looks at Niklaus and says softly "Niklaus no!"  he looks at her sadly then storms away "Klaus, wait they're goading you"  Marcel says "and they will pay"  Niklaus replies as he continues to walk away Marcel uses his vampire speed to rush over to Niklaus then he grips his wrist as says as Niklaus turns to look at him "if you kill those hostages, then what do you think...."  Niklaus pushes Marcel away then continues to storm towards the dungeon something about how Zyanya was just letting him continue on his way told Niklaus that she had already done something so that he could still look like the enemy without actually being the enemy like when she created copies of the Harvest witches when Elijah supposedly killed them and he was right a few hours before Marcel came to the compound that night Zyanya had Ilyas borrow a bit of the witches magic to put Josh to sleep and Henrik compel the witch and werewolf Niklaus kept in the dungeon to forget what had happened to them, their life in New Orleans so they wouldn't come back and ruin everything and create them a new life somewhere else then once they were gone Zyanya created copies of them and Ilyas woke up Josh then Zyanya, Henrik and Ilyas left the dungeon before Josh could see them

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