Behind The Red Door🩸🚪

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After escorting Elijah to the Mikaelson family home Zyanya and Tatiana head to their condo to finish what they started.... their mother daughter "date night".... the next day they help Elijah and Klaus prepare for dinner with their mother setting up and lighting every candle in the house while cleaning and making the home as presentable as possible Elijah walks into the dining room and sees Zyanya fix/play with Klaus' tie sensing his presence she kisses Klaus' cheek then walks out of the room passing by but not acknowledging him (Eli) as she leaves.... "hello Finn"   Zyanya says as she passes by Vincent/Finn as he heads towards the room she just left Finn/Vincent looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "yes Finn I know who you are! the disgusting stench of your betrayal reeks! so not only will I have to re-clean this place once you leave but I will also have to find a way to air it out so I no longer have to smell it everytime I come here to visit your brothers!.... even though I know you don't feel it you should be ashamed of yourself! after all what your mother is doing to your family is far worse than anything Niklaus has ever done to it!"  she tells him then she continues on her way ignoring him once again.... a few minutes later after Esther leaves the body of Cassie Finn/Vincent begins to feel pain run through his entire body before he could cause pain to his own brothers using the magic the body he now possesses has "I believe it would be wise for you to leave Finn!"  Zyanya says as she walks through the threshold of the room "the pain will cease once you do"  she adds and Finn/Vincent runs as fast as he could out of the Mikaelson household "Elijah get her out of here she's not going to have the information you want!"  Zyanya orders Elijah gently picks Cassie's unconscious body up and runs out of the house using his vampire speed Klaus looks at the woman he loves with an angry expression on his face "think about it Niklaus!.... she was a Harvest Witch and the last to wake.... I am quite certain she's probably the only one who didn't have a choice in the matter of possession and being possessed!.... be as mad as you like with me but that girl would not deserve the pain you would put her through!"  she says he smiles then frowns as she once again walks out of the room....

After dealing with their mother and Elijah meets with Gia Klaus and Elijah find Zyanya and Tatiana dancing the salsa in the courtyard of their home they smile then walk over and become their new partners Elijah becomes Tatiana's partner and Klaus becomes Zyanya's Haley walks down the stairs and watches them with a unhappy expression on her face as the other four smile and laugh as they have fun dancing together.... the next day Tatiana goes with Elijah as he goes to help Marcellus train his newbie vampires whereas Zyanya stayed at home while Niklaus went in search of Davina and chatted with Cami who he knew still kept in contact with the young witch.... that night Zyanya, Tatiana and Ilyas had dreams of Elijah's life before and after he had turned they finally learned more about Tatia as they dreamt about his memories Zyanya and Tatiana found that they could not wake as they dreamt such dreams and knew that it was Esther who had him.... as his mother spoke Elijah felt the presence of Tatiana and Ilyas at his side and knowing that they were there kept him strong all that was missing was Zyanya who at that particular time was standing inbetween Klaus and Mikael as Mikael had Klaus up against a metal post and tried to stab him with the immortal white oak stake  "now now boys behave yourselves!"  Zyanya coos playfully then she pushes Mikael away from Klaus without touching him as Mikael tries to stand up she pushes him right back down and says as she turns to face him with darkness in her eyes "now be a good little doggy and stay!"  she shows him the white oak stake that now lays in her hands and says "don't make me use this on you!"  Mikael looks at her in shock with a hurt expression on his face as she growls "leave!"  with just that one word the entire building shakes as the darkness in her voice echoes and the sun that was shining through the windows goes dark and Mikael runs out of the building "I think I'll be keeping this!"  Zyanya says as soon as Mikael leaves and the white oak stake burns until it becomes ash in the palm of her hand which she places in her pocket.... she didn't want anyone to try and recreate it.... Klaus smiles as he grips her arm swings her around and kisses her lips with a deep sensual passion "we have to go!.... your mother has Elijah!"  she tells him once he lets her lips go his eyes widen and he starts to leave but stops when he hears her chuckle softly "you spent all that time chasing after your father to save your therapist and you're just going to leave her here!?!"  she teases with a  playful smile "we'll take her home"  they hear Marcellus say and they turn to see Marcellus, Hayley, Davina and Kol/Kaleb walk into the room "someone heal the poor blonde already!"  Zyanya teases Camille and Marcellus chuckle.... thanks to his children being at his side Elijah knew what was real and what was a dream he made them swear not to help him "your mother would never forgive me if anything happened to you and I do not wish you any harm either!"  he tells them softly in their hearts and they hug him and his cold body becomes warm once more with the heat of their love for him....

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