The Difference Between Myth And Truth

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"Time to go Niklaus!"  Zyanya whispers she kisses his lips and he disappears being placed inside his copy so that it no longer was a copy and once he was gone she cried until she couldn't cry anymore.... Niklaus reappeared in his own body as Genevieve started to take off his restraints and he used the pain he felt from the fact he had to leave Zyanya when she needed him the most and what he saw in his own sisters memories as fuel to play along with Genevieve's twisted game.... before he left to find his sister Elijah went to check on Zyanya and found her laying in Klaus' coffin by herself asleep he softly moved her hair out of her face and kissed the top of her head before walking out of the room and heading out of the house to the Fleur-de-Lis Sanatorium.... "Elijah don't!.... let me take care of this!"  Elijah hears Zyanya say from behind him as he grips his brothers wrist one that holds the same dagger that once caused Zyanya and his brother undeniable pain and he stops then watches Zyanya walk over kneel before Klaus and whisper "I'm sorry!"  he sees a small smile grace his brother's lips and Zyanya kisses them Klaus' body freezes then falls "you all really need to stop giving the witches what they want!.... I said I wouldn't allow them to hurt you!.... I never thought I would need to protect him from you!"  Zyanya says as she picks Klaus' body up and carries it out of the building.... when Zyanya gets back to the Mikaelson family home she lays Niklaus on his bed, wakes him up and places her bare wrist just below his lips he smiles sits up and bites the bare part of her breast that peeks out of her V-neck shirt making her gasp softly a sound he so loved to hear so soft and erotic "you have company and I need rest!.... I'm still not "up to par" as I believe the saying goes.... just.... try to be kind!.... to your visitor at least and I will hopefully see you when I wake up"  Zyanya tells him he chuckles and she kisses his lips then lays down he covers her up with his blanket and starts to walk out of the room he stops when he hears her ask "can you open the window please?!.... I'd like a little fresh air"  he smiles turns around walks to the window and opens it "thank you!"  she whispers he walks over to her kisses her forehead then walks out of the room to let her rest.... Klaus was surprised to see Cami waiting for him in the courtyard and Cami herself got a little history lesson then tried to teach Klaus a lesson when he went in search of his sister.... that night Zyanya wakes up knowing that Elijah and Klaus were in danger.... mainly to one another so she took Tatiana, Ilyas and Henrik to the Lafayette Cemetery (aka City of the Dead).... Klaus and Elijah were surprised to see Zyanya, Ilyas, Henrik and Tatiana sitting on top of a large tomb "we're a family Niklaus!.... we live together! we die together! we feel one anothers pain, happiness, anger, joy, grief!.... do I need to go on?!.... the list is by far too long and will take an eternity!.... which we also have but that's beside the point!"  Zyanya says as though it was obvious as to why they were there Klaus chuckles softly "I won't let you hurt one another!.... stop thinking of what you did against one another and start thinking of what you did for each other!.... a thousand years is a long time to be lonely Niklaus and the fact that your sister saw the "error of her ways" must mean SOMETHING to you!.... stop killing and start forgiving!.... try to see things from anothers point of view for a change and stop being so god damn selfish!"  she adds as she hops off the tomb and stands before him "I can break this spell but I think it would be prudent that I wait until you're NOT ready to kill your siblings!"  she continues he laughs she rises her hand and slides it up his cheek he closes his eyes to her loving touch as she whispers softly "don't become Mikael.... please Niklaus!.... don't make the sacrifices I made be in vain!"  he opens his eyes and they lock with hers and he looks at her sadly as she lowers her hand back to her side and starts to tumble backwards Tatiana and Ilyas jump down off the tomb and catch her "she came here knowing that she has not completely healed.... she came here for you!"  Ilyas tells Niklaus who looks at him with even sadder eyes "it isn't the pain.... the dagger wasn't in long enough to make an everlasting effect.... your family has lived here from the 1700's to 1919.... it was the first place they ever truly felt like a family, found a place they felt like they belonged in.... there's a deeper history here than the ones the ancestors created for ALL creatures!.... vampires, werewolves, humans and witches.... there was peace!.... it's this feuding!.... the fact that this family doesn't feel like a family anymore!.... all because of one mistake!.... one person who just wanted to be happy!.... it took awhile for the spell to seep into the land.... they thought that it didn't work.... if you ask me Niklaus.... what Marcellus did was far worse than what Rebekah did!.... think about it!.... there HAS to be a reason he didn't go in search for you or Rebekah!.... he's been the "king" of New Orleans ever since you were forced out of this city using what you created and making it his own!"  Zyanya says then she adds "we will leave you to your trial.... I will allow you to play judge and jury but there shall be no execution!"  Klaus chuckles she walks over kisses his cheek then walks past him Tatiana, Ilyas and Henrik follow her.... for even though they were family they knew that this was something the three of them had to do for themselves....

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