Trying To Get You Back

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When Zyanya finished singing with Marshall she finds Klaus standing below her with his hand up ready and waiting for her to reach down and grip it so that he could help her down she takes it and he helps her down then goes to kiss her but she turns her head away and he looks at her with hurt surprise "you stink of witch and I want nothing to do with it!"  she growls "thank you for your assistance but I think I've had enough partying for one evening!"  she adds then she walks away he watches her his heart sinking with each step she takes.... Ilyas kept Davina company ignoring everyone else at the party especially Monique who tried her damnedest to take his attention away from her and failed.... as a matter of fact he kissed Davina in front of her which pissed the witch off immensely he was about to apologize when he saw Davina smile which made him smile after the dance and the kiss he escorts her out of the family home setting her free from his company and he got another kiss as thanks/payment for his "services".... "it's beautiful!.... but it's missing something....!"  Klaus hears a familiar soft voice say from behind him as he studies his painting of the city he turns and sees Zyanya watching him from the doorway and he stares at her in surprise as she walks over to his brushes and paint then asks as she picks one of the brushes up "may I?!"  he slowly nods and stands behind her as she starts to paint a full moon in the sky his hands lay upon her hip and his chin on her shoulder as he watches her paint he wanted so badly to kiss her but didn't want to make an enemy of her so he sufficed with what she allowed him to do and was happy for the first time in months....

!"  Klaus hears a familiar soft voice say from behind him as he studies his painting of the city he turns and sees Zyanya watching him from the doorway and he stares at her in surprise as she walks over to his brushes and paint then asks as she pi...

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As Zyanya finishes painting the moon Elijah walks in with the signed Treaty she leaves Klaus' soft embrace kisses Elijah's cheek then walks out of the room Klaus looks at them sadly but knows that was just her way of saying hello to his brother without saying a word and letting them get down to business without becoming a part of it what hurt the most was the smile on Elijah's face "that was meant for you you know?!"  Elijah tells Klaus after he signs the Treaty "the kiss!.... one thing I have found is that she sees us!.... watches us as she sleeps and heals herself.... she knows everything we do! and always forgives us no matter how much pain we cause her!.... the longer you spend time with the witch the further she will push herself from you giving you your freedom to follow your heart.... she loves us and will always love us to the bitter end!"  he adds then walks out of the room Treaty in hand.... "I don't trust her Elijah!.... Genevieve has something planned.... she's using him as he would use everyone else except me or my kids! I know he'd never use us he's proven that countless times had plenty of times to do so over the years and he never has!.... I think she's after your mother's grimoire.... that would make the most sense!.... it would add to the power the witches already have!.... be careful with this alliance!.... people dislike change and this is the biggest change yet!.... you are "forcing" enemies to play nice and be friends so....!"  Zyanya says softly a few seconds after Elijah leaves his brothers side Elijah chuckles "I'm going back to my condo.... at least until his "I'm so lonesome I could cry" plaything leaves!.... don't worry I don't leave the door open there like I do here and I MIGHT let you all in.... MIGHT!"  she adds with a slight tease in her tone he chuckles "goodnight Elijah"  she says "goodnight Zyanya"  Elijah replies then he watches her leave for good....

The next day Father Kieran got a surprise visitor Zyanya walks into Davina's old attic room and without a word she walks over to where he chained himself up her eyes lock with his and he feels the hex lift as it leaves him and goes into her "I hate to do this to you Mr O'Connell but I must ask you to leave New Orleans and never return!.... no one but Camille must know that you have been cured and the best way to do that is to not have you here!"  Zyanya says once she was finished the chains unhook themselves from his ankles and he stands up in shock as a copy of himself takes his place "here's some cash to buy yourself what you need but you must leave now!.... no going home to pack just get on a boat or a plane and go!"  she adds he nods and rushes out of the church.... that night Zyanya gets a visitor on the balcony of her condo "come in"  she invites Klaus smiles and walks inside and as he once did with Cami he spilled out his darkest secrets, worries, sadness and pain "what did you do?!"  he asks once he was finished "I learned something new.... I learned that I can copy humans.... and since I didn't know this one very well I hope I copied his personality as well as I always have yours!"  she replies with a smile he laughs "you still smell of her so I can't!.... yes I understand it was different when you had your fun with Hayley but that was one night!.... it was a whole month with Genevieve and I know that it was just the two of you using each other but it still feels wrong!"  she tells him then after a pause she says "I dreamt of you!.... it was rather.... normal!..... we went on dates.... we danced in the streets of New Orleans.... a jazzy type of dance not a sexual one!"  he chuckles as she continues "it was nice but I know it'll never happen!.... I never even did anything "normal" with Elijah.... either you two wanted to hide the fact you even cared or didn't want people to know you even associated yourself with me or it was your sad attempt to "protect me from your enemies" but it....!"  he takes her hand in his and looks at her sadly "you're welcome to stay just don't expect much to happen!"  she says he smiles.... one of those dreams involved both brothers and their return to Mystic Falls.... "there's something we need to do" Klaus hears Zyanya say as she stands in the Mikaelson home courtyard "you're going to want to come too Elijah!" she adds and both men look at her oddly "well.... Matt has been put in harms way.... again!.... so Caroline is going to want you to play hero.... again!.... and.... Katerina is dying!.... she was given the cure and.... I thought you'd like to say goodbye!.... our lives will go on forever!"  both men look at her in surprise then she turns to Klaus and says softly "you either live in the here and now or you live for the future but you no longer have to live in the past!.... you love her!.... that may change or it may stay the same but.... I'd like for you to find out how she truly feels about you.... though she is more of a "in the moment" kind of girl!.... I really don't know her well enough to assume if she could learn to forgive and love you like you love her but....! you should see where she stands in all this!.... if even she believes there is a glimmer of a chance in the near to distant future.... you deserve that much!.... and hopefully she's willing to give it!"  Klaus smiles then grips her neck and pulls her to him then kisses her lips "how do you know this?!"  Elijah asks "I dreamt that Elena has her "humanity" back.... though in reality she is still a vampire.... and since Katerina despises me more than I do her I took it as a clue.... also Stefan called me this morning!"  Zyanya replies Elijah chuckles softly "so go!.... Henrik can keep things somewhat in one piece around here.... Tatiana and Ilyas can watch over your pup and I.... will miss you!.... BOTH of you!"  Zyanya says softly the men smile at her then they each kiss her temple then walk out of the courtyard

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