Trouble In The Bayou

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"Will you two grow up!?! you sound like two children bickering over the same toy!"  Elijah and Klaus hear Zyanya say from behind them the next morning they turn and look at her with surprised expressions on their faces as she stands leaning up against the doorframe "I come to visit my children and the first thing I have to deal with is you two!.... not the best way to start my day but....!"  she adds they smile at her "perhaps it is best to let sleeping dogs lie!.... after all you two spend so much time trying to "save her" you seem to pretend to not know that she can save herself!"  she says then walks away Klaus chuckles and Elijah frowns.... a few hours later Tatiana, Ilyas and Zyanya go with Elijah when he goes to visit Hayley the werewolf pack stares at the three of them oddly curious as to who they were but didn't complain for they had brought food and other necessities that the werewolves normally couldn't get and were much needed they also helped them prepare for the day and kept the kids entertained.... "it smells odd Elijah!"  Elijah hears Zyanya's voice say from beside him as he watches Jackson deal with a man on a motorcycle "Tatiana, Ilyas contain it!"  Zyanya shouts as a corner smirk slides up the lips of man on the motorcycle who goes flying backwards into the air as Tatiana, Ilyas and Zyanya walk towards the motorcycle as it explodes creating a shield around the explosion so that it only harms the piece of metal the man once sat on "we found these under the trailers too!"  Zyanya says as she shows Elijah a few packs of C-4 "help Jackson check on them!"  Zyanya says to her children who nod and walk around checking on the werewolves and their children "how good is your throwing arm Eli?!"  Zyanya asks handing him the C-4 a smirk graces the corner of his lips as he takes some from her and they throw them up in the air just as they explode.... while Zyanya, Tatiana and Ilyas were with Elijah in the Bayou Klaus was reuniting Camille with her hex-free uncle "Zyanya!?!"  Camille asks softly with a smile when she sees her uncle Klaus nods then watches as Camille rushes over to her uncle and hugs him.... "someone planned this!.... used the fact that the werewolves have too many enemies here!.... it wasn't the witches or the vampires so it must have been someone within the pack!.... someone who thinks he's in the right above all else!.... watch them Elijah!.... whoever uses what almost happened here as a grab for power is dangerous to the pack as a whole and when there's danger in the pack your pup will be a part of it for now that she has a family she will not leave it.... not even for you!"  Zyanya tells Elijah then she and her children leave the Bayou and head home.... the next morning Zyanya gasps awake with a hand thrust in her chest "Niklaus!"  she gasps softly Niklaus' eyes widen and he stares at her with a frantic expression on his face as he pulls his hand out of her chest whispering "I'm sorry!"  her lips rush onto his giving him something else to think about as the tip of her fingers trace the feather and birds tattoo on his shoulder "why!?!"  he whispers as he looks into her eyes "I've missed you!.... and you seemed to be in need of a distraction.... my dreams aren't like yours but there is only one person you'd dream about that would make you want to rip my heart out!"  she replies softly he chuckles she slides her knuckles along his cheek softly and says "it's alright I'm here!"  he smirks and growls "yes you are!"  then his lips meet hers once more as his hands caress her body as though they were making love to it....

That afternoon Elijah calls Zyanya in hopes that she can help with Hayley who had a spell placed on her so that she became sick and died he became pissed when she didn't show up but what he didn't know was that she entered purgatory and tried to save Hayley from Mikael "back off Mikael! (pronounced by her as mick- el) Hayley hears Zyanya say Mikael turns when he hears the familiar voice of the woman he loves speak his name in her usual way a way he hated yet loved at the same time "of course you would come to save her!"  Mikael growls "I'm not here for her sake but for Elijah's!.... I don't care about her anymore than she cares about me but he loves her and for him I will kill you again if I have to!"  Zyanya replies Mikael growls and attacks her ignoring Hayley altogether.... "your wrong about Niklaus!.... he will make a better father than you ever were to him.... I should know he helped raise my children!.... loved them as though they were his own when in truth they didn't belong to anyone but me!.... they weren't supposed to but they chose me over the ancestral line that made me!.... they chose what little happiness I could give them over the life I had before them!.... a life with no emotions no way or reason to love only to hate and kill which is the part you love in me so dearly!.... I should know you BETRAYED me! USED me in my weakest hour to do a job you never could!.... did you ever think that you truly never wanted to do it!?.... my curse isn't just loving you it is KNOWING you!.... the man you are!.... the man you hide from the world!.... you were a good father too.... to everyone BUT Niklaus!.... he may not have been born of your blood but he was yours!.... you raised him!.... he looked up to you!.... wanted to please you!.... to BE you!.... and now he hopes that he will be NOTHING like you! and I can't say that I blame him.... I loved you to but after what you did to me!.... what you made me do!.... I can never forgive you! so that love I once felt for you has been locked up so tightly that it shall never be free! and you shall spend eternity watching your sons get what you shall never have ever again.... goodbye Mikael!.... always and forever!"  Zyanya says after Hayley disappears then she leaves Mikael all alone lost in his thoughts and the pain the words brought to his heart....

Even though she left him Zyanya could still feel Mikael everywhere in New Orleans she once again is living in her condo away from the Mikaelson family but she did visit her children from time to time and this time when she visited she passed the room that showed Elijah kissing Hayley after she (Hayley) informed him that she was betrothed Elijah sees her (Zyanya) as she passes by through the corner of his eye Hayley looks over as well to see who had caught his attention but by the time she looked Zyanya had already passed by the room.... Elijah walks into the kitchen as Zyanya, Tatiana and Ilyas were making supper "I don't want to hear it Elijah!"  Zyanya says before he could open his mouth "the fact that you believed that I would go against my word proves just how much faith and trust you have in me!.... you asked a WITCH to save your pup!.... I try to stay away from them.... if they find out who and what I am you won't just have them trying to find out a way to kill your niece but a way to turn me back make me fully what I am supposed to be and I won't allow that! not because I fear what they will do to me but because they will find out about my children and I will fight to the bitter end those who try to harm my children!.... I will not allow them to become me lost in a duty I never wanted to begin with, lost in a love that never gets fully returned!.... now if you will excuse us our supper won't cook itself!"  she adds then she ignores him altogether and even though his lips were smiling his eyes were sad as he walks out of the kitchen to check on Genevieve's progress.... even though she was unhappy with him Zyanya helped her children help the man they have called father from the day they were born fight the vampires that invaded their home "no borrowing magic fight normally"  she tells them they nod.... as they were fighting Zyanya felt like she was bleeding from the inside out "Tatiana get your father out of here!.... I need to go find Niklaus!"  Zyanya calls out Elijah watches as a copy of himself continues to fight it was only then that he knew something was wrong and went with Tatiana willingly.... Klaus walks towards Rousseau's and finds Zyanya standing in the doorway "drink Niklaus!"  she says softly as she moves her hair away from her neck his teeth make themselves at home in the area that now lays bare before him and he feels himself heal "come!.... let's watch the show!" she says after he lets go she takes his hand and leads him inside

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