🌑The Darkness Is Our Home🏠

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"Should we go?!"  Niklaus asks in a low soft voice "no we should be okay for awhile besides if we leave now he might wake up!"  Zyanya replies Niklaus chuckles as he looks at his sleeping son laying in his mothers arms "it might have something to do with you two being the original hosts.... if this becomes worse then we'll start to worry!"  she adds just then Niklaus' phone vibrates he lets go of Zyanya's hand, squeezes her thigh then gets up to answer the call saying "don't overreact"  Zyanya chuckles softly then whispers with a smile "Rebekah"  once Elijah finishes the song he was playing he asks "do I have any requests?!"  Zyanya stands up places a bill in his tip cup and says "though we would love to stay we should really get him to bed.... thank you for your kindness!"  Elijah smiles at her then watches her walk over to Niklaus who looks at her sadly as he hangs up places his phone in his pocket then takes her hand and they walk out of the bar.... with Niklaus being the only one with a piece of The Hollow within him Zyanya worried that her (Inadu aka The Hollow) darkness might add to his own and make him worse than he's ever been known to be but she was glad when she was proven wrong he just seemed lost, alone, confused and conflicted she knew he needed to "let things out" in his own way he even keeps his killing sprees to a minimum though there are rumors that he has committed more than he has and as usual he allows them to continue as a matter of fact he has only gone after those who have spoken ill of his wife and son mainly his wife and how they would LOVE to do all sorts of stuff with her that even she would never allow she was also glad that he never brought it home in front of their son who he loves just as much as he loves Hope and he proves it to him everyday even though he loves both parents alike Rihaan is definitely a daddies boy.... after a "sweet" visit from Caroline and a answered call from his daughter Niklaus rushes home and was ready to "order" Zyanya to pack her bags they were leaving and much to his surprise she was already packed ready and waiting for him sitting on one of her suitcases with their son in her arms and a smile on her face he rushes over to her slides his hand up her cheek and kisses her lips Niklaus was forever grateful that Zyanya didn't ask questions not that she needed to for she knew him better than anyone that she was always there to comfort him when he needed it, that she knew when he wanted to be alone and when he needed someone by his side and he needed her now more than ever missing his brother who no longer remembers him and his daughter who wants just as much to be with him as he does her he was also grateful that she didn't force him to be in his sons life even though he wanted to be and always was throughout just about every moment of every day in a way that made it seem that he should put his son before his daughter just because his son was the one that was there 24/7/365.... not that she would do that to begin with....

Elijah's life was a little different Vincent's spell and Marcel's compulsion worked a little too well for Elijah had forgotten everything including his name Tatiana had found him getting off a bus in a small rural town called Sunnyvale he was staring at a man who was heading towards his truck while talking on his mobile phone and she rushed over to him (Elijah) stood before him placed her hand on his shoulder and says softly as she looks into his eyes "dad don't!"  at first Elijah looked confused then a small part of his memory came back to him she knew that giving him too much would ruin everything he wanted to do so she stayed with the just the memories of him with her and her brother the ones without the vampire/witch/werewolf/hybrid world mixed in and his name once Elijah remembered her he hugged her tightly "it's ok!"  she whispers and he bites into her neck then drinks his fill "let me take care of him then we can go somewhere"  she tells him he nods then watches her walk over to the man and pay for the damages he (Elijah) caused to the vending machine then she walks back over to him and leads him back to her car they end up in New York City where Elijah meets another vampire named Antoinette they stay a few weeks until Marcel finds them and warns them away "I'm sorry Marcel it was my fault!.... he just seemed so happy!.... we'll go just.... give him time to say goodbye!"  Tatiana says softly as she watches Marcel argue point with Elijah Marcel looks over at her with a small sad smile "what was he talking about?!.... what are you talking about?!"  Elijah asks Tatiana cautiously walks over to him and says with a small smile "I'll explain what I can on our way but right now we have to go....!"  she pauses then says softly "I always wanted to go to France!.... I've never been and I hear it's magnifique this time of year"  he smiles then says "France it is!".... on the plane ride to France Tatiana told him a little of what he had done, why he had done it and who the dark skinned man was she remembered what he was like when his mother made him relive his life through the red door and she didn't want to see him become that again so she did whatever she could to make sure that part of him never came out.... at least while he was in her presence she had no idea what he did with Antoinette.... much to her and Elijah's surprise Antoinette seemed to have followed them to France for they saw her playing the piano at a bar and as Elijah walked towards her Tatiana walked away from him so that he could have some time alone with her as she always let them do for she believed that he needed to learn how to be a vampire from a vampire.... which was the main reason she allowed them to become acquainted to begin with then they became close and she let them be because she liked seeing him happy.... seven years since that day Elijah had proposed to Antoinette in that very same bar and when she came back from getting champagne without the champagne Tatiana looked into her eyes and knew something was Niklaus Mikaelson type of wrong and whispers softly with a worried tone "uh-oh!"  she didn't do anything about it for she spent the past seven years hiding her hidden talents from the newest love of her fathers life and she didn't want to bring them out unless Niklaus had a plan to make her kill herself which she hoped he didn't but what happened next surprised her the most for as Antoinette plays the piano with Elijah she says "when I came here, I tried to force myself to forget you.... to stay present, to give up all hope that you'd ever show up and then you did and these years.... they've been the happiest of my life, too"  Elijah asks with a surprised tone "but what is it?"  Antoinette replies "it seems that your past has caught up with you"  Elijah stops playing and looks at her mouth agape "keep playing"  Antoinette says then she whispers as she looks at him "keep playing"  then she continues in a low voice "there was a man waiting for me in the kitchen he tried to compel me to walk away from you forever he said that he's come to take you home"  Elijah says "Antoinette.... get everyone out of here immediately"  Antoinette stops playing and looks at him he leans forward and kisses her lips then whispers "please"  Antoinette stands up then says to the audience "on ferme vous devez tous partir"  and everyone but Tatiana gets up out of their chairs and leaves Elijah looks at Antoinette who looks at him then follows the crowd out of the bar then Elijah starts playing once again on the piano and Tatiana walks over and joins him "I'm not leaving you!"  Tatiana whispers Elijah smiles as a flash of a memory of a strangely familiar looking woman say the exact same thing though it might not have been to him flows through his head....

Once the final cord is played Niklaus walks into the bar and says to the man staring at him with a furious look on his face "your name is Elijah Mikaelson you may not remember yourself or your family, but we need your help our family is in crisis I've come to take you back to New Orleans"  Elijah once again starts to play the piano without looking away from the man who claims to know him as the man says "say something, brother"  Elijah stops playing as he leans forward and whispers "I'm not your brother"  Niklaus says "you are and your family needs you home"  Elijah replies "this is my home"  Niklaus says "this is not a request you will return with me, willingly or otherwise"  Elijah closes the fallboard then stands up and pats Tatiana on the shoulder as he walks around the piano towards the somewhat familiar man and replies "it'll have to be otherwise"  the storm that now rages outside shuts down the electricity making it dark within the bar the only light that shines now are the candles that were lit all along the room as Niklaus says "we made a vow always and forever"  Elijah replies "you're talking about somebody else's life"  Niklaus shouts "no, this is still your life! you have responsibilities! you cannot just abandon them for a fairy tale, playing piano in the French countryside!"  Elijah asks "I'm just gonna stand by and watch as you destroy everything that I've built here?"  Niklaus replies "do you honestly think you have a choice?"  Tatiana stands up and shouts "that's enough! both of you!"  both Elijah and Niklaus look over at her in shock as the storm now rages on inside the bar they had never heard her shout before "can you exactly blame him for not wanting to go with you?! after all you did just threaten the woman he loves!.... yes it's so sad how they both found someone else while away from one another isn't it?!.... how easily they got over their love for one another!.... what would mom say to you threatening your own brother you selfish prick?!.... yes I know things are becoming more difficult but what my mom doesn't understand is that it's Hope's fault!.... she FORCED your hand and MADE you go back to New Orleans to save a woman she held captive just to get you to come back! the longer you two stay together the worse it will get and since she started it only she can fix it!.... the question is.... will she want too?!"  Tatiana says Niklaus looks at her in surprise as she continues "you went right back into becoming the man you were before the man who put his own happiness above any other I'm pretty sure that is not the lesson you wish to teach my step brother and sister! I won't help you by bringing back the rest of his memories! you have Freya who keeps pushing Keelin away every time you and the rest of the Mikaelson's are put in moral peril! you have Hope who as I pointed out before is the cause of this mess! you see Inadu quite possibly believes that Hope missed her and wants to bring her back so that little part of her that still lives within the two of you is making sure that she is able to return! you see mom didn't have Uncle Kol and all the other witches and warlocks she knew teach her how to understand magic after all it was her job to destroy it not to understand it! but sometimes you have to understand it to destroy it! I will forever be grateful for how she protected me and my brother from her way of life and how she tried her best to give us one of our own in place of hers how she protected us from the ancestors so that they couldn't use us as they once did her but you should let him chose what he wants to do for who knows if you give him that choice he just might surprise you! but if you force it you will make an enemy you never wanted to make the choice is yours uncle Nik!"  Niklaus lets out a short soft chuckle then he says "you have one day.... my daughters life depends on it"  then he leaves

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